WDF-0002 Miscellaneous #1-18

User Collection Pubblico
18 Items
Last Updated: 2023-03-07

Contents physically arranged in four folders at the Center for Adventist Research: Folder 1 Miscellaneous #1-7, Folder 2 Miscellaneous #8-18, Folder 3 The well at Paradise Valley Sanitarium, and Folder 4 Ellen G. White regarding #22-32.

WDF 2 - Paradise Valley Sanitarium - This is a part of the Ellen G. White Estate Branch Office Document File. This file may contain a wide variety of materials such as manuscripts, correspondence, official or unofficial statements, newspaper or magazine clippings, research papers, small publications, bibliographic information, summary of research, or portions of published or unpublished Ellen White material. The file is not necessarily only about Ellen White; it may be on any topic related to Ellen White or the Seventh-day Adventist Church.

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  2023-02-23 Pubblico
  2023-02-23 Pubblico
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  2023-03-10 Pubblico
  2023-02-23 Pubblico
  2023-02-23 Pubblico
  2023-02-23 Pubblico
  2023-02-23 Pubblico
  2023-02-23 Pubblico
  2023-03-10 Pubblico