WDF-0005 Loma Linda University (College of Medical Evangelists) as a medical school

User Collection Publique
34 Items
Last Updated: 2023-04-27

Contents: Medical practice and educational program folder: 1. The story of Loma Linda University, School of Medicine (article, Southern Tidings, 1967) -- 1a. Our medical training center (article, Southern Tidings, 1967) -- 2. Blind Mexican sees again / Joyce McClintock (article, Adventist Review, 1983) -- 3. List of articles regarding Loma Linda medical school -- 4. Transfer sheet.
Problems of consolidating the medical school folder: 5. To the delegates of the thirty seventh session of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists at Takoma Park assembled -- 6. Medical School: a feature at Loma Linda (article, Redlands Daily Review, 1910) -- 7. Letter from Percy T. Magan to W. C. White, Dec 1916, about the problems of the medical school -- 8. Letter from Roger W. Barnes to fellow alumnus, Aug 1953, about C. M. E. School of Medicine being located at Loma Linda -- 9. Letter from Glen Calkins to the General Conference and others, Aug 1960, about problems confronting the medical school's location -- 10. Letter from Lloyd Rosenvold to Editor of C. M. E. Alumni Journal, Aug 1960, about moving the entire medical school onto one campus -- 11. Messages on location of families and institutions / G. A. Roberts (compilation, 1960) -- 12. Letter from Glen Calkins to Dear brethren in Autumn Council, Oct 1960, about the crisis at C. M. E. -- 13. Letter from E. L. Cardey to A. L. White, Oct 1960, about the matter of moving the medical school to Los Angeles -- 14. The problem of consolidating the School of Medicine of the College of Medical Evangelists. Part 1. Background of problem; Part 2. Discussion supporting consolidation; Part 3. Rebuttal; Part 4. Financial report of the consolidation committee -- 15. Letter from A. W. Truman to the President of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists and others, Mar 1962, about the Medical College at Loma Linda -- 16. The future of Loma Linda (pamphlet, 1962) (3 copies) -- 17. Letter from Arthur L. White to W. R. Beach, Apr 1962, about the medical school -- 18. Memorial to the officers of the General Conference committee from the board of the College of Medical Evangelists (Part 1) -- 19. Memorial to the officers of the General Conference committee from the board of the College of Medical Evangelists (Part 2) / Percy T. Magan -- 20. What your heritage demands / Kenneth G. Hance (address, Loma Linda, 1966) -- 21. LLU resident, med student work in Greek hospital (article, Insight, 1972).
Cooperative plans folder: 22. Notes from committee appointed by College of Medical Evangelists to committee on medical education of the General Conference of Seventh day Adventists, Jan 1927.
Publications folder: 23. Medical practice and the educational program at Loma Linda (Part 1), 1953 -- 24. Medical practice and the educational program at Loma Linda (Part 2), 1953
Ellen G. White advice for folder: 25. E. G. White statements regarding the medical school at Loma Linda -- 26. Extracts with explanatory notes on the training of medical students -- 27. Will Seventh-day Adventists train physicians? -- 28. Ellen White's message printed in the Loma Linda College of Medical Evangelists: third annual announcement (1908-1909) -- 29. The relation of Loma Linda College to worldly medical institutions (MS-72, 1909) -- 30. Advice to Loma Linda board regarding work in Los Angeles (MS-14, 1912) -- 31. Be ye not unequally yoked: a study of the instructions in the Spirit of Prophecy regarding the teachers in our medical school, and the doctors in our sanitariums / L. H. Lonergan (article, 1953) -- 32. Counsel on safeguarding Loma Linda against encroachment (publication, 1971) -- 33. The reward of service -- 34. Classes of workers to be trained at Loma Linda -- 35. Suggestive reconstruction of our schools' curriculum to more quickly prepare medical evangelists to join the working forces in the present open doors in many lands -- 36. Encouraging outlook at our medical college / G. A. Irwin -- 37. Letters concerning Loma Linda (1906-1910) -- 38. See also referral note.
Miscellaneous folder: 39. What is medical missionary work? (article, 1950).

This is a part of the Ellen G. White Estate Branch Office Document File. This file may contain a wide variety of materials such as manuscripts, correspondence, official or unofficial statements, newspaper or magazine clippings, research papers, small publications, bibliographic information, summary of research, or portions of published or unpublished Ellen White material. The file is not necessarily only about Ellen White; it may be on any topic related to Ellen White or the Seventh-day Adventist Church.

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