Contents PART | REPLY TOV. T HOUTEFE'S STATEMENT oF THE Tracienas an tay Sin rinren’s Roo aw Gives py His 10 A Covvirngy or Pwarve ar iy Orvaric AUIITORIUM, Frukt ary 10, 1433, Statement ot His Conclusion. I= the Harvest of Matthew 15 23-50 30 38 the Loud Cry of the Third Angels Mewoge- The 144.000 anid the Burning of tha Fares The 143.000 and the Shutting Ow of the Fave Footed Vineness Will the Church Be Pure ate! Pertedt Betere and Darnies the Loud Coy © The T4a ota and! the Soaaghtor of Fackel When Will che Se ling of the 138900 By Uarnnietad - Time Setting Our Apyxal too AT Honea PART 11 IS THE SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH ONE OF SEVEN FALLEN CHURCHES, ano ONE ar tir Hoses or nin Lroraskoiine Braet oF KiviratioN 15 leogurdihe Bea of Reselition 13 Receving af the Ih by Wage The Clan of the Shepherd s Reel Tho the siv sade of Eze kel 409 Reproaont the Pranap a Rebgonas Doctors of Sin bhtiecent rotestant Chrobe Revurdoniz bocleel « Banang the siv Seeds an the Form of a Cake for YA) Yaar. Besirnag on the YVeur 190 0p PART 111 OTHER WARNINGS I Aeept Only Genuene Prot 2 The Seading of Eeckic! 2 Cons Betore Close on Probation, Shcghier Aller Fo ndvdud Not the Charch Clow Their Oran Prabuation Before the End ov 41 32 40 ‘u SU