BIBLE STUDENT’S ASSISTANT: — OS — A COMPET'D OF SCRIPTURE REFERENCES. ••Fcjirch lljo Scriptures.” ST BAM PKE8S OV TUB RBTIEW AND B-KRAUD OfHCB, BATTLE CREEK, MICH. 1858. the THE CHRISTIAN'S LAWGIVER. The eternal Father is our Lawgiver, and his S<># Jesus Christ is our Advocate. ‘‘Sin is the transgression of thejaw.” ] John iii, 4. “ It* anv man •sin, we have advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the, fighteous.” Chap, ii, 1. THE SABBATH. The word, Sabbath, is found in the Scriptures (in its singular and plural forms) 166 times; 106 times in the Old Testament, and 60 times in the New Testament. In the Old Testament the word refers as many as 81 times to the weekly Sabbath, called the Sabbath of the Lord, and the remaining 25 times it is used in reference to festival days, and sabbaths of the land. In the New Testament the Sabbath of the Lord is mentioned 59 times, and those local sabbaths which expired by limitation, and ceased at the cross, are mentioned once. THE SABBATH OF THE LORD. Old Testament. Ex. xvi, 23, 25, 26, 29; xx, 8, 10, 11; xxxi, 13, 14, 15, [twice,] 16; [twice;] xxxv, 2, 3; Lev. xix, 3, 30; xxiii, 3, [twice,] 11, 15, [twice,] 16, 38; xxiv, 8; xxvi, 2; Num. xv, 32; xxviii, 9, 10; Deut. v, 12, 14, 15; 2 Kings xi, 5,7,9; [twice;] xvi, 18; 1 Chron. ix, 32; 2 Chron. xxiii, 4, 8; [twice;] Neh. ix, 14; x, 31; [twice;] xiii, 15, [twice,] 16, 17, 18, 19, [thrice,] 21, 22; Isa. lvi, 2, 4, 6; Iviii, 13; [twice] lxvi, 23; Jer. xvii, 21, 22, [twice,] 24, [twice,] 27; [twice;] Eze. xx, 12, 13, 16, 20, 21, 24; xxii, 8, 26; xxiii, 38; xliv, 24; xlvi, 1, 4, 12; Amos viii, 5.—Total 81. BIBLE STUDENT’S ASSISTANT. 15 New Testament. Matt, xii, 1, 2, 5, [twice,] 8, 10, 11,12; xxiv, 20; xxviii, 1; Mark i, 21; ii, 23, 24, 27, [twice,] 28; iii, 2, 4; vi, 2; xv, 42; xvi, 1, Luke iv, 16, 31; vi, 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 9; xiii, 10, 14, [twice,] 15,16; xiv, 1, 3, 5; xxiii, 54, 56; John v, 9, 10, 16, J8; vii, 22, 23; [twice;] ix, 14, 16; xix, 31; [twice;] Acts i, 12; xiii, 14, 27, 42, 44 ; xv, 21; xvi, 13; xvii, 2; xviii, 4.—Total 59. The New Testament was written by inspiration of God in the Christian age, and for the instruction of those who should live in this age. It is said to have been written thus: “Matthew’s gospel, six years after the resurrection of Christ. Mark’s gospel, ten years after the church commenced. Luke’s gospel, twenty-eight years after. John’s gospel, sixty-three years after. The Acts of the Apostles, thirty years after. The Epistle to the Romans, and two to the Corinthians and Galatians, twenty-four years after. Ephesians,Colossiansand Hebrews,twenty-nine years. To Timothy, Titus and the second Epistle of Peter, thirty years. The Revelation of John, sixty-one years. His three epistles, about sixty-five years after the resurrection.” The inspired name of the seventh day in the Christian dispensation, then, is “ the Sabbath,” whilo the next day following is called by inspiration of God simply “ the first day of the week.” The Sabbath was instituted at creation. GeD. ii, 1-3; Ex. xx ,11 ; Mark ii, 27; Heb. iv, 4. Pointed out and enforced before the law was given at Sinai. Ex. xvi, 4, 22, 23, 25-30. Sabbath law recognized in New Testament. Matt, xii, 12; Luke xxiii, 56. 16 BIBLE STUDENT’S ASSISTANT. Apostolic example for the Sabbath. Acts xvii, 2; xvi, 13; xviii, 3, 4, 11; xiii, 42, 44. Note.—The above texts, and also Acts xiii, 14, 15, 27; xv, 21, show that the apostles and evangelists acknowledged the name of the Sabbath as belonging to the seventh day, in this dispensation. CEREMONIAL SABBATHS. Old Testament Lev. xvi, 31; xxiii, 32; [twice;] xxv, 2, 4, [twice,] 6, 8; [twice;] xxvi, 34, [twice,] 35, 43; 2 Kings iv, 23; 1 Chron. xxiii, 31; 2 Chron. ii, 4; viii, 13; xxxi, 3; xxxvi, 21; Neh. x, 33; Isa. i, 13; Lam. ii, 6; Eze. xlv, 17 ; xlvi, 3; Hosea ii, 11.—Total 25. New Testament Col. ii, 16. The “days”mentioned in Rom. xiv, 5, 6, are annual feast-days. Compare with Lev. xxiii, 24-41. FIRST DAY OF THE WEEK. The first day of the week is mentioned only eight times in the New Testament, and not in a single instance is it referred to as a holy day, or Sabbath. Matt, xxviii, 1; Mark xvi, 2, 9 ; Lukexxiv, 1; John xx, 1,19; Acts xx, 7; 1 Cor. xvi, 2. In contrast with the above, we find the Sabbath of the Lord mentioned 59 times in the New Testament, besides Rev. i, 10, which speaks of the “Lord’s day,” which is proved by Ex. xx, 10 ; Isa. lviii, 13; Mark ii, 27, to be the seventh day. M3TAs the testimony of “The Fathers” is invariably referred to in support of the first day of the week, it would not be amiss to give the opinion of Martin Luther and Dr. Clarke on these writings. “When God’s word is by the fathers expounded, con- BIBLE STUDENT'S ASSISTANT. 17 Btrued, and glossed, then, in my judgment, it is even like unto one that straineth milk through a coal-sack; which must needs spoil the milk and mako it black; even so 'likewise God’s word of itself is sufficiently pure, clean, bright and clear, but through the doctrines, books and writi.’igs of the fathers, it is very surely darkened, falsified and spoiled.”—Martin Luther. “We should be cautious how we appeal to heathens, however eminent, in behalf of morality; because much may be collected from them on the other side. In like manner we should take heed how we quote the Fathers in proof of the doctrines of the gospel; because he who knows them best, knows that on many of those subjects, they blow hot and cold”—Autobiography of Adam Clarke, p. 134, Book III. TIME TO COMMENCE THE SABBATH. The Sabbath begins with the Evening. Proof. Lev. xxiii, 32; Neh. xiii, 19 ; Luke xxiii, 54; Eze. xlvi, 1, 2. Note.—The Sabbath is kept as a memorial of creation; hence it shojild begin with the evening, according to the original reckoning of time. Gen. i. The Evening begins with the setting of the sun. Proof. Lev. xxii, 6, 7\ Deut. xxiii, 11; Judges xiv, 12,18; Josh, viii, 29; x, 26, 27. Passover at Even or Sunset. Ex. xii, 18; Lev. xxiii, 5 ; Num. ix, 3; Matt, xxvi, 20; Deut. xvi, 6. Christ healed the sick at Even, or Sunset. Matt, viii, 16; Mark i, 32; Luke iv, 40. SOUL The word soul in the Old Testament^ is translated principally from the Hebrew word neh-phesh, which occurs 745 times, and is translated soul about 473 times. The following are the passages where it first occurs. B 18 BIBLE STUDENT’S ASSISTANT, NEH-PHESH. Soul.—Man became a living soul. Gen. ii, 7. xii, 5, 13. xvii, 14. xix, 20. xxvii, 4, 19, 25, 3l. xxxiv, 3, 8. xxxv, 18. xlii, 21. xlvi, 15,,18, 22, 25, 26. (twice.) xlix, 6. Ex. i, 5. (twice.) xii, 4,15, 19. xxx, 12, 15, 16. xxxi, 14. Lev. iv, 2. v, 1, 2,4, 15, 17. vi, 2. vii, 18, 20, (twice,) 21, (twice,) 25, 27, (twice.) xvi, 29, 31. xvii, 10,11, (twice,) 12, 15. xviii, 29. xix, 8, xx, 6, (twice,) 25. xxii, 3, 6 11. xxiii, 27, 20, 30, (twice,) 32. xxvi, 11,15, 30. Num. ix, 13. xi, 6. xv, 27, 28, 30, (twice,) 31. xvi, 38. xix, 13, 20, 22, &c. Life.—And God said, Let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that hath life; [margin, soul.] Gen. i, 20, 30. ix, 4, 5, (twice.) xix, 17,19. xxxii, 30. xliv, 30, (twice.) Ex. iv, 19, xxi, 23, (twice,) 30. Lev. xvii, 11, 14, (thrice.) Num, xxxv, 31. Deut. xii, 23, [twice.] xix, 21, [twice.] xxiv, 6. Josh, ii, 13,14. ix, 24. Judg.v, 18, &c., in all. 118 times. Person.—And the king of Sodom said unto Abraham, Give me the persons, [margin, souls,] and take the goods to thyself. Gen. xiv, 21. xxxv, 6. Lev. xxvii, 2. Num. v, 6. xix, 18. xxxi, 19, 35, 40, [twice,] 46. xxxv, H, 15. 30, [twice.] Deut. x, 12. x, 22; Josh, xx, 3, 9. 1 Sam. xxii, 22. 2 Sam. xiv, 14. Prov. xxviii, 17. Jer. xliii, 6. lii, 25, 29, [twic.e.] Eze. xvi, 5. xvii, 17. xxvii, 13. xxxiii, 6 ;—29 times. Mind.—If it should be your mind that I should bury my dead out of my sight. Gen. xxiii, 8. Deut. xviii, 6. 1 Sam. ii, 35. 2 Sam. xvii, 8. 2 Kings ix, 15. 1 Chron. xxviii, 9. Jer. xv, 1. xxii, BIBLE STUDENT’S ASSISTANT. 19 27. [margin.] Eze. xxiii, 9. Jer. xv, 1. xxii, 27. [margin.] Eze. xxiii, 17, 18, [twice,] 22, 28. xxiv, 25. xxxvi 5:—14 times. Heart.—Ye know the heart [soul, margin,] of at stranger, seeing ye were strangers in the land of Egypt. Ex. xxiii, 9. Lev. xxvi, 16. Deut. xxiv, 15. 1 Sam. ii, 33. 2 Sam. iii, 21. Ps. x, 3. Prov. xxiii, 7. xxviii,, 25. xxxi, 6. Lam. iii, 5l. Eze. xxv, 6, 15. xxvii, 3l. Hos. iv, 8.—15 times. Body, [or dead bodyi\—He shall come at no dead body, [lit., dead soul.] Num. vi, 6. Lev. xix, 28. xxi, 1, 11. xxii, 4. Num. v, 2. ix, 6, 7,10. xix, 13. Hag. ii, 13.—10 times. Will.—Deliver me not over to the will of my enemies. Ps. xxvii, 12. Deut. xxi, 14. Ps. xli, 2. Eze. xvi, 27.—4 times. Appetite.—And put a knife to thy throat if thou be a man given to appetite. Prov. xxiii, 2. Eccl. vi, 7.—twice. Lust.—And they tempted God in their heart by asking meat for their lust. Pb. lxxviii, 18. Ex. xv, 9.—twice. Thing.—All that move in the waters, and of any living thing, [lit., living soul,] which is in the waters. Lev. xi, 10. Eze. xlvii, 9.—twice. It is translated 43 different ways. Besides the above, it is rendered by the various pronouns, and breath, beast, fish, creature, ghost, pleasure, desire, &c. NefL-vhesh is never rendered spirit. Soul, in Job They pursue my soul, [margin, my principal one,] as the wind,” is from the Hebrew word, n’dee-vah, which does not occur elsewhere in the Bible. 20 BIBLE STUDENT’S ASSISTANT. SPIRIT. Spirit is translated from two Hebrew words, n'shah-mah and roo-agh. The following will give an idea of their use. n’shah-mah. This word occurs in the Old Testament 24 times, and is translated in five different ways, viz.: Breath.—And he breathed into his nostrils the breath of life. Gen. ii, 7. vii, 22. Deut. xx, 16, Josh x, 40. xi, 11, 14. 1 Kings xv, 29. xvii, 17. Job xxxii, 3. xxxiii, 4. xxxiv, 14. xxxvii, 10. Ps. cl, 6. Isa. ii, 22. xxx, 33. xlii, 5. Dan. x, 17. Blast.—The foundations of the world were discovered, at the rebuking of the Lord, at the blast of the breath of his nostrils. 2 Sam. xxii, 16. Job iv, 9. Ps. xviii, 15. Spirit.—To whom hast thou uttered words? and whose spirit came from thee ? Job xxvi, 4. Prov. xx, 27. Soul.—The spirit should fail before me, and the souls which I have made. Isa. lvii, 16. Inspiration.—There is a spirit in man, and the inspiration of the Almighty givetk them understanding. Job xxxii, 8. roo-agh, Occurs in the Old Testament 442 times, and is translated 16 different ways, as follows: Spirit.—And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. Gen. i, 2. vi, 3. xli, 8, 38. Ex. vi, 9. xxviii, 3. xxxi, 3. xxxv, 21, 3l. Num. v, 14, [twice,] 30. xi, 17, 25, [twice,] 26, 29. xiv, 24. xvi, 22. xxiv, 2. xxvii, 16, 18. Deut. ii, 30. xxxiv, 9. Josh, v, 1. Judg. iii, 10. vi, 34. ix, 23. xi, 29. BIBLE STUDENT’S ASSISTANT. 21 xiii, 25. xiv, 6, 19. xv, 14, 19. 1 Sam. i, 15. x, 6. 10. xi, 6. xvi, 13, 4s or condi'i«>n is tin* Law »*t G< d. ,l< r xxxi. 33;Jt hnvi, 38; Bom. ii, 12, 16; iii, 31; Gal. iii, 13, 14: Heb. vii«, 10. 4. Execution of judgment. or of the penalty rf the In"', belongs io this arrangement as well as to its tyj'e. Ps, ix, 17; Eccl. xii, 14; ha. xxiv, 6, 17-22; lxiii, 1-6; lxvi, -55,16. lix, 17, 18; Jer. xxv, 29-38: Pan. vii. 11; Joel iii, 12-16. Zeph. i, 14-18; Matt, xvi, 27; xxiv, 30: Luke xvii, ,29, 30; John v, 22, 27; Acts x. 42; xvii, 31; Root, vi, 23; xii, 19; 2 Thess. i 7-9; Heb. x. 27; I Pet. iv. it; 2 Pet. ii, 1-3; Jude 14.15; Kev. i, 7; vi, 14-17; xi, 18;xiv, 9-U; xvi; xix, 19-21; xx; 9,11-15. sfT By the above scriptures it will be srt»n that the u better promises** of the New Covenant are, the placing the law of Cod in the heart, instead of on stone, and tlui forgiveness of 6in, (by remission and surety of future obedience.) which the old did not contain, because its minisiers bail no blood to offer which could remove sin. The points of identity show that if it had not been broken, or being broken, if their sins could have been remitted under it, there would have been no need of another, as the object of the new would then have been fully accomplished by that. j^*Somo suppose that tl e covenant that passed away was the Ten Commandments. A contract, or mutual agreement, is made void by the failure of either party to fulfill its obligations: the children of Israel did not obey as they promised, and the covenant ceas’d of necessity. But a law is never invalidated or annulled by being transgressed. The transgressor, by transgression, changes bis position or relation to the government of which the law ip the basis, but the law is not changed or weakened by his action. PEHIOIHC'AES* The Advent Review and Sabbath Herald, Pi lished Weekly ul &2,UU a year iu Advance. The Youth’s Instructor, Published Monthly at cunts a year in Advance. — . • . -PtIUJCATlONS. Ilvinn Book of 332 pp 7b pieces of Music,—60 god Bible Tracts, in two volumes, 300 pp.—SI. Sabbath Tracts, numbers 1-4, 18^ pp.—15 cents. The Threo Angels of Rev. xiv, 148 pp.—12$ cents Law of God —Both Testatuonts —132 pp 12$ cents. Man’s Condition, and future reward or punishment 196 pp. 18 cents The Atonomcnt.—196 pp.—18 cents. Man not Immortal, —148 pp. 12$ cents. The Bible Class.—52 Sabbath-school Lessons—18o Review of Crozier on the Sabbat *i—6 cents. Sabbath and Advent Miscellany—132 pp.—10 cent Why Don’t you keep the Sabbath 1—5 cents The 2300 Days and Sanctuary —5 cents. Perpetuity of the Royal Law.—5 cents. The Celestial Rail Roa l.—6 cents. Last Work ol the true Church —7 cents. Bible Student's Assistant —6 cents. Kx|Mwitinu of Daniel ii. vii, viii and ix.—10 cents. The Twit-horned Botno.— Price 10 cents Nature and Tendency of Spiritualism 8 cents. Brief Exposition of Mutt xxiv 6 cents. Nature and Obligation of the Sabbath. 6 cents. Review of N Fillio on the Sabbath. 6 cents. Facts for the Times 12$ cents. l*ocniN. H >me here and Home in heaven —25 cents. Tir^p 'tnd 1’ropheeV—20 orn*s A Word for die Sabbath — 5 cents. All orders, to insure attention, in isr be acromimni with the cash, except they be from Agents *