THE WATCHMAN ¢¢ Surely the Lord God ECIES will do nothing, but He revealeth his secret unto FULFILLED = fw ets.” Amos. 3:7. ROM a careful study of the history of this world, it is evident that its Creator knew the end from the beginning, for in many instances he has clearly fore- told events which later vears brought forth, and in the Word of God are many prophecies which speak of the final consummation. The publishers of the WaTcHMAN believe that God has a personal interest in his people and in all the works of his hands. It seems evident that the Lord desires all people to understand the principles of his government in order that they may have eternal life. It is very interesting, indeed, to note the many examples of a foreseeing Mind. The following books are a few selected from the choice line of literature on this subject which the publishers of the WATCHMAN are supplying. The brief descriptions given below cannot possibly tell the special merits and great value of these books. Thousands of interested readers throughout the country, however, are testifying of the benefits they have derived from a study of these publications. Any book mentioned will be sent, post-paid, on receipt of price stated. DANIEL AND THE REVELATION These two books of the Bible seem to have been written especially for the present generation. This volume presents a verse by verse study of both. This is a new edition which has just been revised, reillustrated, and printed in a superb manner. It presents the stirring themes of prophecy in language easily understood by all. In studying this book one finds that the Bible is its own interpreter. It Cloth binding. ............. ........... $2.50 Library binding. ................. ...... 3.50 Full Morocco binding ........................... 7 4.50 THE MARVEL OF NATIONS This splendid volume shows that the Scriptures speak of our own country, stating quite clearly what would be the nature of its government, its period of growth, what influence this natiod would have over the other nations of the earth, and what important events, yet future, will decide the eternal destiny of the people of this land. The story of the remarkable growth and development of the United States, together with its wonderful resources, is a most interesting narrative. It is particularly so when told in connection with the prophecies re- lating to these things. This book contains 324 large pages and may be secured in nice cloth binding for only $1.25. AT THE DOOR This is a beautiful art booklet containing forty-five engravings, with historical comments, showing in consecutive order the fulfillment of every prophecy in Matthew 24, Mark 13, and T,uke 21. It presents an outline history of the world from Christ's time to ours. Price 25c. Same book without fine art covers, 15c. THE COMING KING The notable events of recent years, studied with open Bible, show that the culminating event of this earth’s history is just in the future. The near coming of Christ, the King of kings, is the central thought presented. “This is a most inter- esting and instructive subject. ‘‘The Coming King’’ has been a blessing in thousands of homes and will be appreciated wherever carefully read. It has over 300 pages, illustrated by nearly 200 engravings. Plain covers, $1.00. Marbled edition, $1.50. Presentation edition, $2.00. Ask for Complete Catalogue of Publicat ions Order any of these books of your State Tract Society, or address the --SOUTHERN PUBLISHING ASSOCIATION-- Nashville, Tennessee Ft. Worth, Texas g 4 g Hickory, N. C. Other Publications On Health TrE valuable publications on health topics to which reference was made in this column last week are by no means the only literature furnished by the WarcHEMAN office on this important subject. The brief notices given below of other books, pamphlets, and tracts on health, does not complete the list of these good publications in stock. ‘There are also important books on the preparation of food so that it may be the most nourishing to the human stomach; these cook books will be spoken of in particular in a future issue of the WarcH MAN. “The Ministry of Healing.” This book not only shows the example of Christ in the work of relieving suffering humanity, but also teaches the correct principles of living so that the human body may become the temple of God’s Spirit. This is one of the most help- ful books ever written, and should have a place in the library of every home. It con- tains 544 pages, and is handsomely bound in cloth. It may be obtained for only $1.50. “Colds: Their Cause, Prevention, and Cure.” How common it is for people to say that they have “caught a cold.” Colds are usually considered as having little influence over the general health of the individual, but the fact of the rapidly increasing mortality in this country due to diseases of the respiratory organs ought to cause every one to be very careful in the treatment of this very common malady. The object of this book is to enable one not only to successfully treat colds, but to so live as not to be susceptible to them. This is a very interesting little book. It is neatly bound in white leatherette, stamped with brown ink. It may be obtained for only 23 cents. “Food: Its Mental and Moral Value” This little leaflet has suggestions which are right to the point. The fact that some so- called foods are a positive hindrance to the best development of the mental and moral fac- ulties has not been recognized as it should be. This leaflet is sold at the rate of 50 cents per hundred copies. “Art of Massage.” A complete and syste- matic treatise on this art. Every procedure is illustrated by half-tone engravings from orig- inal photographs. There are ten beautiful anatomical plates, 45 other plates, and 139 cuts. In cloth covers, $2.25; half leather, $3.00. “The Name.” This is one of the most beautiful and touching stories. It is told by a missionary to South Africa. It shows what a fiendish power the drink habit has over its subjects, and how this spell may be broken by faith in the Name of Jesus. Every one should read this leaflet. It is sold at the rate of fifty cents per hundred copies. “A Chat with My Tobacco-loving Brother.” This is another little leaflet which is supplied at the rate of 50 cents per hundred copies. It contains some of the most valuable informa- tion on this subject which is anywhere obtain- able. There is much food for thought in its eight pages. Address the publishers of the WaTcHMAN.