Claude E. Holmes Collection—page 32 “Carrying Forward God's Work,” August 15, 1902 (Manuscript 8, 1902) [pages 95-96]. “Equity in the Matter of Wages,” September 5, 1902 (Manuscript 9, 1902) [pages 97-98]. “The Example of Christ,” July 2, 1903 (Manuscript 10, 1903) [pages 99-101]. “Compensation in Times of Adversity and Prosperity,” (Manuscript 11) [pages 102-103]. “Not With Outward Show,” (Manuscript 12) [pages 104-109]. “A Right Use of God’s Gifts,” June 24, 1903 (Manuscript 13, 1903) [pages 110-114]. “General Principles,” September 27, 1905 (Manuscript 14, 1905) [pages 115-116]. “No Good Thing Will He Withhold” (Manuscript 15) [page 117]. “The Sin of Licentiousness” [pages 118-147]. Our Time and Present Duty from W. A. Colcords Collection: “Mingling Error With Truth” [pages 149-151]. “Formality, Not Organization, an Evil" [pages 152-153]. “Organization,” December 19, 1892 [pages 154-164]. “Apostasies” [pages 165-168]. “The Evils of Health-Destroying Indulgences,” [pages 169-172]. “Upholding the Law of God” [pages 173-179]. “An Appeal in Behalf of Australia” [pages 180-192]. “The Use of Flesh Foods” [pages 193-198]. “Criticizing, Condemning and all Evil Speaking,” December 26, 1896 [pages 199-204]. “The Need of Living Faith,” March 22, 1898 [pages 205-206]. “Faithfulness in Little Things” [pages 207-208]. “Danger of Restricting the Work,” October 1, 1888 [pages 209-211]. “Workers in the Echo Office,” September 1896 [pages 212-222]. “The Purpose to be Accomplished through the Church” [pages 223-227]. “A Physician's Opportunities,” April 8, 1900 [pages 228-231]. “Where Shall Our School be Located?” February 1894 [pages 232-250]. “Exercise and Diet” [pages 260-267]. “Secret Societies” February 21, 1893 [pages 268-274]. “Canvassing for Christ's Object Lessons,” February 27, 1901 [pages 275-282]. “The School and It's Work,” July 24, 1899 [pages 283-288]