tion rejected the proposed National Reform preamble, and adopted. one beginning thus: “We, the people of Oklahoma, invoking the guidance of Almighty God, in order to,” etc. Even in this there is a denial of political equal- ity to those who do not believe in a supreme Being. THE $150,000 FUND NA THE UNSPEAKABLE GIFT “THanks be unto God for his unspeakable gift.” 1 Cor. 9:15. Giving is divine. It is the delight of our blessed heavenly Father. It 1s the joy of our elder brother, Jesus. It is the glory of the angels. God gave his Son. Christ gave his life. The one business of the angels is to minister, to give their service, to the other creatures in God's great universe. All that he has made in nature demonstrates that the principle of giving is the very essence of divinity. The sun gives its light. The earth brings forth and gives for the service of man her fruit. The flowers breathe out The clouds send forth the The birds give their free concerts joy- All nature gives. See that mountain stream. sparkling, living, “clear, giving life to that which grows upon its banks, freshness, health, and joy to the dumb creatures which God has made, and to man, their king. The mountain stream comes from above. It flows downward to man. very good gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights. See that pool, full of death, decay, and poi- Why ?— It receives; it does not How forth. There is no outlet. It does not give. That which ceases to give dies. Dear brother, dear sister, if you would live, if vou would be a blessing, if you would be like God. and a part of his plan, give freely; oive your best; give that which costs a sac- You are sowing costly, precious seed. What a harvest of joy will return to you! How much blessing we lose when we fail to give! “Te which soweth sparingly shall reap also sparingly; and he which soweth bounti- fully shall reap also bountifully.” J. S. WASHBURN. BJ J KEEPING PACE WITH THE MESSAGE their perfume. rain. ously, cheerfully. S011. rifice. However ignorant one may be concerning the fact, or however indifferent, does not affect the truth regarding the progress of God's work in the earth. With wonderful rapidity a knowledge of “this gospel of the kingdom” is going to the world. The close of the work and the coming of the end are events near at hand. There is great danger of resting satisfied with a theoretical knowledge of the truth, and failing to appreciate the responsibility which that knowledge brings. It is possible for one to know, and to be able clearly to prove, that we are living in the last days, and yet fail to keep in touch with God's work in the earth —- the proclamation of this gospel to the world. In every period of the world's history God has given truth which was inseparably con- THE WATCHMAN nected with the duty of his proclamation. “Ye are the light of the world,” “Ye arc the salt of the earth,” are familiar scriptural statements which relate to the proclamation phase of gospel truth. It was not cnough for Noah to know that God would bring a flood of water on the carth; his salvation depended not alone on his knowing the truth, but upon his giving to the world that knowledge. “Jonah knew the truth concerning the impend- ing destruction of Nineveh, and desired to throw off the responsibility connected with giving that knowledge to others; but God in mercy brought Jonah to that place where he was willing not only to accept the truth, but also to accept the duty of making the truth known to others. God has provided means whereby every one who knows the truth can have a part in mak- ing it known to others. As has been said, there 1s alwavs an essential truth which God gives to the world. And any people that is without a specific message is without the truth for the time. Among the most prominent means that have heen given for the spread of the truth is the publication and sale of books and papers con- taining clear and concise expositions of Bible truth for these last days. All do not have the ability or experience which would make them successful in selling large books, but this furnishes any one. Our papers, and particularly the special numbers, contain truth that is important and timely. These, all can have a part in distributing. Children are selling the special WATCHMAN by the thousand. Tt will never he stale or out of date. Until Jesus comes, the precious truth this paper contains will bring salvation and peace to all who read, believe, and accept it. God's people are moving on in the perform- ance of the work committed to them. ‘I'hose who are not engaged in that work have fallen behind. They have lost sight of the greatest work of this or of any other age — giving to the world in this generation the warning message of the close of probation and of a coming Saviour. no excuse for The question every soul should ask 1s, What is the work God's people have in hand at this time? Then. knowing that work, to have a part in it. Only in this manner can we keep pace with the work of God in the earth. There is an onward movement all along the line. The people of God are awaking to the importance of earnestness and diligence such as have not characterized the work of the past. In what lines of effort are God's people es- pecially interested at this time? We will men- tion three: First, a Christian education for all of our children and a training for God's work; second, pushing our hook and paper work, and especially the distribution of the special number of the Warcuman; third, the raising of a fund of one hundred and fifty thousand dollars to help on the work of God in the earth. Those who are having no part in these are losing sight of the message, no matter how complete their theoretical knowl- edge of the truth. The time to move with God’s people is when God’s people are mov- ing. Have vou contributed to the fund now be- 59 ing raised? Now is the time to do it. It is the special work now in hand. Are you en- gaged in placing the special WATCHMAN in the homes of the people? Thousands of your brethren and sisters are doing it; get to work. Are your children being fortified against the evils of our day by receiving a training in a Christian school? Do not delay so important a matter. Jesus is soon coming. To be ready for his coming will require all that we have and all that we are. Again we say: Learn what God's people are doing, then engage in that work with all vour heart. In this way, and only in this way, can we keep pace with the message. J. E. TENNEY. KN JIE BEN PROVISION FOR OUR SOUTHERN INSTITUTIONS ONE third of the $150,000 fund is to be de- voted to the needy institutions in the Southern Union Conference. tributed This amount will be dis- arious enterprises already started, and doing good work in behalf of the truth. Full information regarding these insti- tutions — what they are doing to advance the cause, their present needs, etc..— will be given to our people through the Review and the Warcnman, by our brethren in the South. ITence we shall make only brief reference to them here. among The Southern Publishing House This was established for the special work of developing and circulating our literature in the Southern field. It has passed through serious financial experiences, but the situation has materially improved of late. Through most vigorous efforts, the book work in the southern territory is developing very encour- agmgly. AA small portion of the $150.000 wiil be appropriated to this house. The Nashville Sanitariem For several years our brethren have been endeavoring to build up our medical work in Nashville. They have occupied rented huild- ings. This has been expensive, and exceed- gly unsatisfactory, A few months ago they improved an opportunity that presented itself to purchase a beautiful sanitarium property. They are now occupying the new premises. and are making needed changes and improve- ments. Twenty-five thousand dollars is to be devoted to this sanitarium. The Graysville Sanitarium This sanitarium is already being operated. 1t is close to Graysville Academy, so that there can be effective co-operation between the two institutions in training our young people for service in the cause. As this sanitarium needs further help. $1,500 of this fund will be given to it. Graysville Academy It has been several years since this school was started, and the greater number of our people know of it and the work it is doing to c¢ducate our vouth in the South for the service of God. It is enjoying a good patronage, and is doing successful work. Its need for en- larged facilities to accommodate those who