The North Carolina Messenger Pa Vor. FUFOLA, N.C NAL LS AT Nod . SEPTEMBER, 1904 LONG N NO. 7 ON THE CROSS. Betold D Liehold othe Lamb of Gol !boon on the cross, on (he Cross, For vou He shed Bis Jrecions Vlewwd, een the Crass, on the cross OQ, hear His aronieing ore Bh La sobmehthany iriver vrear and see vour Savionr die, on the cross, on the Cross, Behold is arms extended wide, an the Crissy, on the cross Hehold His becding hands and side, an the oross, on Lhe cross, HOT finshed, heaven He Then bows His the cross Turis His lanvuid eves; sacred hewt and dies, on Ut the cross, And now the mighty deed 1s done, on the cross, on the cross The battle fought, the victory won, on the cross, on the cross. The sun withdraws his rays of lHught; the heavens clothed in shades of night, While Jesus fights the stnner's fight, on on the cross, on the cross, are Where e’er I go [ll tell the story of the crass, of the cross ; In nothing else my soul shall glory save the cross, save the cross, Anil this my constant theme shall be, in time and through etermty, That Jesus tasted death for me on the cross, ou the cross, —Nelected. + ® HUNGER. Jesus savs, tf Blessed are they and thirst after they shall he later 1 vour which do hunger rightenusness : for filled.’ Christian experience vou will re- Sooner or alize that this hunger is not nat- ural ; that while vou ought to de- sire to do right, you want to do wrong, In such case there is danger that vou become hopelessly discouraged. Then it 1s that vou need to “reckon ve also vours selves to he dead indeed unto sin, " alive smo Gad Yon need to pray, that against doing. ture now the Saviour ories: to Swill sav, Sister not that God will Jet vou “do what vou want to do, but that He will aed make vou vour heart, do what He Tiny attempt to doo someting change yarn to wills vor to do iis in Vail Lo GUT very mature ories ont Just here human but God's wisdom Ves, stops ; gous on and SAvVs, that against God may have nature His so that vou will ont add WAVS changed, desire to do His hiddine.” Thus we'see that to * hunger and thirst after righteousness cle of divine grace. of the working in us © both to will and to do of His goad pleasure.” And evidence power of God then how blessed the assurance] that the longing of the soul shall, be satisfied. ** Hover o'er me, Holy Spirit, athe my trembling heart and brow ; Fill me with thy hallow’d presence, Come, OO come, amd fill me now." TH. ro. THE HILDEBRAN ACADEMY. As noted elsewhere in this pa- per, ning to take hold of the work just soon as the necessary means * Dut, the some will say, “when For the such, as are forthcoming. m vieantime,” is the school to open?” culightemmnent of wi Fomma I. any | JSP Rogers school October 3.0 This is but vou! that cries tion of our people everywhere. 1s In itself a mira- It 1s itself an boards having these matters charge, it was the School Board are plan- a very efhicient food factory. 110) small sacrifice on her part, as she had hoped that the conference would be ready to begin thar work at once. It is desired that a coodly number of students may be ready to enroll at the opening of this term. Sister Rogers will this burden, for she feels that the work We bespeak for her Co-Gperd- ingly takes up mexpected 1s the Lord's. the pravers and hearty Do vou not know of some voung weopic Who shold De encourigel le who should | aged to attend this school, and thus fit themselves for usefulness in the Lord's vinevard ? Use vour in- fluence, time, and means to induce such to avail themselves of the ad- vantages here offered. TI. H. J. ces SCHOOL AND SANITARIUM MOVEMENTS. Our readers will doubtless note with interest the onward progress of the work at Hildebran, where are located our State institutions. Atarecent mecting of the different mn decided to begin the sanitarium work by starting a smail health food factory. The Lord very signally placed within our reach the property which was formerly the home of the writer, and which can be converted into The writer received five hundred and fifty dollars for this same property some vears ago, and now it 1s of- CO fered to us for three hundred and has kind!v consented to open the ninety dollars on ensy terms. This will enable ns to go ahead