SOUTHWESTERN UNION RECORD BOOK DEPARTMENT "Secretary - - H. R. Gay [ eae J A SPECIAL BOOK OFFER LS rere ~ We have a few copies of the book, “Source Book for Bible Students.” This is a publication that every conference worker, church elder, leader, Sabbath school superintendent and Missionary Volunteer leader should have. It contains valuable quotations, re- lating to history, doctrines and prophecies of the scriptures, These quotations are invaluable to all who are engaged in conference, church and personal work. The regular retail price of this book in the cloth binding is $1.50, limp leather $2.50. While our stock lasts, we will sell them as follows: Cloth... ..$ .90 postpaid Limp leather.................. 1.25 postpaid Order of your. Tract Society. Do it now. H. R. GAY. THE BOOK WORK Five of our colporteurs’ institutes are now in the past. Eighty persons have taken the instruction at these meetings. The Bible studies at each meeting were an ‘uplift to the colporteurs. It wos clearly shown that now is the time to finish the work which Heaven has given us to do. The four winds are being held that God’s people may improve the golden opportunities, be- fore the night of persecution comes. How sad to think that so few are an- swering the call to hunt and fish for precious souls. The world’s hunting and fishing seems to entice some of the professed people of God. The time will come when many will bewail be- cause they failed to enter the harvest, during the “little time of peace.” Honest souls are ready for the light. ‘Who will help before the “night cometh in which no man can work?” The servant of God has told us that our publications will be a mighty fac- tor in finishing the work. Experiences are being received from every direc- tion, proving that this is true. If you. cannot go to the firing line, will you not pray for the colporteurs? Prayer will do much to help those at the front. H.R. GAY. Subscribe for the Record. PAGE THREE COLPORTEUR'S WEEKLY REPORT TEXICO CONFERENCE, Name Address Book Hrs. F. J. Mackey oD John Scantlin DR 411% A. L. King DR 32 Walter Woods OD 32 Bdward Stairs GC 231% R. Leslie Ward PP 31 Total 6 21014 For Week Ending February 25, 1922 Val. Ords. Helps Total Del.- 12 36.00 2.26 38.25 - 1.25 5 22:50 2.00 2450 1.00 3.00 3.00 24.00 6 16,50 10.00. 26:50 38.75 1 4.50 2.65 7.95 . 725 4.50 24 79.50 20.00 99.50 76.75 SOUTH TEXAS CONFERENCE For Week Ending February 25, 1922 C. M. Norman, San Antonio BR 19 i + 450 .25 4.76 119.00 E. Benson, Hutto oD 48 16 103.00 103.00 10.00 A. BE. Johnson, Kenedy OD 48 11 77.00 1,81 78.86 2.85 A. A. Prewitt, . Kenedy OD 47 30 93.50 1.10 94.60 1.10 Mrs. A. Prewitt, Kenedy Mag. 2 © 1.20 1.20 1.20 W. M. Heytz, Carrizo Springs PG 52 22 108.00 108.00 2.40 L. H. Fulbright DR 19 14 19.50 250 22.00 250° J Castillo, Carrizo Springs PG 48 40 187.50 1.75 199.25 1.00 M. Castillo, Carrizo Springs OD 57 56 150.75 30 151.05 30 Mrs, Lawrence San Antonio Mag. 9 4.00 4.00 4.00 Mrs. Johnson, Kenedy Mag. 9 1.20 1.20 1.20 J. Kibble, Houston " Mag. 173 6 . 22,00 3.00 25.00 8.00 Total 12 424 191 798.15 10.75 792.90 173.53 OKLAHOMA CONFERENCE, For Week Ending February 25, 1922 'M. M. Sikes PP 650 14 69.00 19.75 101.25 2.75 Angelo Elder DR 44 1 4.50 6.50 11.00 6.50 J. M., Millner BR 44 8 41.50 2.00 66.50 2.00 Aaron Culp OD 40 33 106.75 575 112.60 3.75 F. 0. Buxton DR 39 9 40.50 11.00 51.50 3.00 M. B. Lockwood DR 37 22.50 6.00 28.50 1.00 Z. L. Davis - DR 38 3 13.50 11.25 ~~ 80.50 4.75 Altus Almand BR 30 9 21.00 12.00 36.35 12.00 A. J. Killion - BR 27 6 30.00 4.75 56.00 1.75 J. BE. Craig BR 26 1.00 1.00 Bessie Jones OD 24 8 23.00 2.25 27.00 25 R. D. Whitney BR 23 7 34.50 1.25 35.76 1.00 E. W. Crawford CK 20 -2 7.00 4.00 11.00 J. P. Williams OD 16 6 17.00 75 23.7% 10.25 Ira F. Stahl DR 13 3.50 - 3.50 1.6g Mrs. S. G. Payne HCL 9 19 18.60 18.60 Mrs. V. T. Renshaw BR 8 5 33.00 4.00 42.50 R. D. Whitney op 7 1 3.00 3.00 9.00 Nora Fields BR 4 2.00 2.00 2.75 T. L. Bynum Misc. 16.00 15.00 Misc. Sales b4.75 54.75 54.75 Misc. Bibles 19.50 19.50 Total 19 497 124 559.50 112.75 751.45 117.00 NORTH TEXAS CONFERENCE W. McCanliss, Dallas oD 28 B. J. Kettle, Dallas . HM 26 " B, F. Baker, Fort Worth OD 25 Total 3 74. For Week Ending March 4, 1922 i8 51.50 75 57.50 2.75 10 26.00 6.75 32.75 3 8.25 2.50 20.75 31 = 85.75 411.00 2.75 10.00