OUTLINE STUDIES IN THE REVELATION I1 12. What threat is uttered against the apostate power? Verses 21-23. 13. How does the Lord encourage His own, but erring, church in days of apostasy? Verses 24, 25. See Isa. 42:3, 4 14. What promise is made to the faithful under op- pression? Verses 26, 27. Note 8. 15. What pledge of victory has the believer? Verse 28. Note 0. 16. With what call does the message close? Verse: 20. Notes. I. “Pergamos” means height or elevation. The so-called conversion of the Emperor Constantine took place in A. D. 323. The same power which had been used to persecute and rut to death millions of the Christians was now turned in their favor. Thus a flood of worldliness and pagan doctrines was brought into the church. 2, The description suggests the need of discipline by the hewing of the Word of God. , Rev. 1:16; Heb. 4:12. 3 “Where Satan’s seat is.” It was following the supposed coriversion of Constantine nt the flood-gates of error were opened, and every form of false doctrine was brought in, Constantine was nothing but a heathen to the day of his death. His so-called conversion was wholly an affair of politi- cal policy. Nearly every false doctrine in the Roman Church to-day, and very many still retained in Protestant churches, came direct from paganism, and were brought into the church at that time. Truly it was where Satan’s seat was 7 4. The apostate Balaam having failed by direct attack to bring a curse upon Israel, counseled Balak to seduce them into sin .and so indirectly accomplish the end. Num. 31:16. Here the church that had withstood the pagan persecutions was weakened by popularity, and the compromise with worldly principles, evil and falsehood springing up within. It is still the greatest danger of the church. 5. “Thyatira” means “sweet savor of labor,” or “sacrifice Rr dollar now 1s of more value fo the work than ten dollars will be at some fulure period.”