PACIFIC UNION RECORDER 5 they are anxious to have a part in ore They are only waiting for some definite plan storing the destroved institution, to be devised. Already some ten or fifth teen thonsand dollars has been pledged For the work of rebuilding, These letters are a source of great comtort and encotragement to us, and in faath desire to Spire ad conrage nour hearts and on push the work more cncergetically than ever hetore, It 1s our earnest desire to learn the fessons that God wonld have us learn by this terrible calamity, hut it is no {hme hocome disecouraeed, to draw bhaek or The Lord lives and reigns, This as His work and we are hs servants, The work will triumph gloviously and we wish to trinmph with it. We believe that all heaven is interested in this meeting to dav, and we hope and prav that the ord will Tead nus to right conclusions, CH Jones, Cioneral Manager. The President then catled atten- fron to the fact that this meeting was called Tor the special purpose ol considerime the question of re- building the factory which had been destroved by fire on the night of July 200 1906. and the raising of funds with whieh to carry on the work. Remarks were made hy Goo ewan, Wo Bo White, AUT Robin son. Mrs, Gio White, and others, and the consensus of opimton was that the factory should be rebuilt here at Mountam View, A committee of twenty-six on Plans and Policy was then selected fo report at the next meeting, The committee on Plans and Pol- lev reported as Tollows: (1) That the Pacific Press factory be rebuilt pon the pPrenses of the com pany oat Mountain View, Cal, (2) That the maximum cost of sid factory shall not exceed F25000, (3) That we request the General Con ference 1o ask of our people £200,000 instead of X150.000, the additional kaH0, 000 to he appropriated to the Poetic Press Publishing Company to help in the restoration of its plant. (by That a complete statement of the situation and Pacific Publishing blaced in the needs of the Frross Company he hands of the General Conference and also published an the Noaps of The Tomes, inorder that the may he en liohtened, {0 That the Proeitic people finconeial policy of the 1 ress Publishing Company he a that and monthly state settlements made cash system, and ments be rendered as far as possible. (6) That we approve the action taken by the Board of Directors otf the Pacific Press Publishing Company to eliminate commercial work trom our work, (0) That we heartily approve of the recommendation made by the officers of the Publication Department of the Gen cral Conference reading as follows: That the Pacific ublishing Company appoint a committee to duet oo thorough campaign in behalt of the circulation of the Sigus of 1h Trinees, and that this committee place betore all our conferences a plan having as its object the crrevlation of the Nias every state equal to twice the mem: bership of the conference, Aer careful consideration and thorouneh discussion the forecome recommendations were adopted. [11x only Just to state that some thoueht that a Lareer sum should Leo set apart for the rebutlding of the Tactory, and that we should also request the General Conference Committee to ask our people for F250.000 instead of $150,000, the additional f100.000 to be appro- priated to the Pacific Press to help in the restoration of its plant, and im replacing its paper. ete. thus placing the in- Press Coll stock of books. Stution back about where 1 was hoetore the fire. The counsel eiven hy Sister White, and her words of encour acement were appreciated by oall, A spirit of unton and harmony prevatled, and while all Teel that we have a tremendous task before is. vet owe take hold of to with Fath and courace, heheving that God will ove the victory. The work of rebuilding the fae- tory on the old site will he pushed as rapidly as possible. and ats hoped that within two months 1 will be Tar cnoneh alone to be ceenpied. CH Jones, a The Field UTAH Conference Proceedings The following resolutions were passed by the Utah Conference at is st session, August 16 10 26, Whereas, Tn the providence of God ane throuoh the ministration of His Holy Spirit, our conference has enjoyed much of the God our last annual meeting, in the ESIRIE Blessing of STIRE conversion ofa number of souls, and the presérvation of the health of our peoples therefore, I. Resolved, That the delegates now express their gratitude for these mercies hy rising and singing the doxolooy, Whereas, The Company has met winh the plant by fire: and, Whereas, This loss will greatly retard le progress oft our werk, especially on unless we and meet fhe demand of the hour for sympathy and financial aid: therefore, 2. Resolved, That we herein express our svinpathy, and pledoe our hearty support financially to the extent of our ability for the re-establishment otf this one of cur leading denominational plants, Whereas, The Beoview and Herald 1s oar churveh organ, and hence should be in every household among us: therefore, So Resolved, That we will do our ut most to place the paper in the home of every Seventh-day Adventist family in this conference. Whereas, the Sigous of lhe our dencminational and, Whereas, It has heen a channel through which much good has heen accomplished in the past, and is one of the best means or extending the Third Angel's Message; theretore, Fo Resclved, ol seeurng assembled Pacific: Press Publishing loss of ifs tl ihe coast. arise Times 1s IISSTONArY paper: That we work to the ond 2 annual, individual subserip- trons for this paper ino our conference to the number of two or more to our membership, besides as large a0 number in clubs as possible, Whereas, The events of the times ine dicate that we are nearing the period pointed out by the prophetic Word, when meen will suffer persecution for the tratn's theretore, That we that we soften duty Upon us to cducate the people regarding the momen tous issue just at hood, and that we know better way to do this than by securing readers for the journal Liberty. We doo therefore, pledge ourselves to do