¥ The Christ child in the temple at Jerusalem. NNN 22L. ry ANN born mn Bethlehem as a tiny child He could not have been our Saviour, facing our temp- tations and entering into our experiences. He could not have been our example in all things. So He loved us, and was born in Bethlehem that we as sinners might be saved through Him. Then again the birth of Jesus makes possible His second coming, when He shall appear, not as a helpless babe, born in a manger, clasped in His mother’s arms, sub- ject to the counsel of His parents, at times during His earthly life hungry, tired in body, denied, betrayed, and forsaken by His closest followers, crucified at the hands of wicked men, then later laid to rest in a borrowed tomb. He did all that for us. To all them that look for Him the second time He shall come in glory, without sin unto salvation. (Hebrews 9:28.) His birth in Bethlehem and His earthly life of victory make this second advent not only a possi- bility but an established and glorious truth. This coming is the only event that can