THE REMNANT OF ISRAEL 3 “I'or among my people are found wicked men: they lay Ww ait, as he that Setteth snares ; they set a trap, they catch men. “As a cage is full of birds, so are their houses full of deceit.” THE END THE NATIONAL OUTLOOK IN THE PROPHECIES, Modern Nations Under the Names of Ancient Nations. In a previous article we made a statement that the modern nations are treated hy the prophets under the names of ancient nations. These nations had attained to sovereignty with some degree of power upon a definite territory, in or around the vicinity of Palestine. They were at supremacy in different times before and after the national Israel was cettled in Canaan; and in some way they came into contact with the people of God, and so hecame subjects of the prophet’s attention, and formed a part of the Jewish history. And as these heathen nations lived along the side of the people of God—a fact which 1s yet true for today,—the Lord used their traits of character, religion, custom, their territorial relations to Isracl, and all events connected with their con- licts and wars against the latter as an object lessom for the present nations and events which will precede the close of this wirld's history. The controversy between God's people and the lieathens, namely the wicked, will he just of the same nature, in many instances, as it was in the davs of ancient Israel. For this reason, Israel becomes | s the eternal object of the prophecies, and Palestine the centre of location by ihe prophets. It is no wonder why the prophecies are considered mysteries, and never have heen thought of the fact that the majority of them is due now and applies to the modern nations and countries. The people read the Dible, and take it as the history of the Jewish nation, and as to the predictions concerning the ancient nations, they say: “Those prophecies are cither fulfilled, or do net deserve any comprehension. and are of non-importance.” Not so. God spoke, under the old circumstances commected with the ancient names, to the modern nations, referring to the present events and others that will follow in close succession, Iiven or haphazard glance at the prophecies will prove the above statement. Read, for instance, the following few texts, and vou will see instantly that they are latter day prophecies, the connected to the ancient nations and countries, Leph. 3 14-20 speaks of “the daughter of Zion” as to be gathered again, and to he made a praise. The verses 13 and 16 show that this will take place in the latter days. “The Kemnant of Israel shall not do iniquity nor speak lies: neitl er shall a deceitful tongue he found in their mouth: jor they shall feed and lie down, and none shall make them afraid.” “In that day it shall be said to Jerusalem. fear then not; and to Aion. Let not thine hands be slack.” The plirases “remnant of Isracl,” and “in that day” definitely locate the time of this prophecy to be in the line of those events that are ¢on- nected to the second coming of Christ, and we know that the pre- dictions of the foregoing texts are not fulfilled. And again the prophet Lephaniah writes: Cather yourselves together, vea, gather together, cdlesired; “Pefore the decree bring forth, hefore the day pass as the chaff, before the fierce anger of the Lard come upon you, before the day of ihe Lords anger come upon vou. “Seek ve the Lord, all ve meek of the nation not carth, which have wrought his judement; seek righteousness, seek mecekness: if may be ye shall he hid in the day of the Lord's anuer. “lor Gazor shall he forsaken, and Ashkelon a desolation: they shall drive out Ashod at the noon day. and Abram shall he rooted up. “Woe unto the inhabitants of the sca coast, the nation of the cheretl ites: the word of the Lord is against you: O Canaan, the land of the Philistines, 1 will even destroy thee, that there shall he no in- habitant.” Ch. 2, verses 1-3. The day of the Lord's anger or “the wrath of God” (Rev is the seven last plagues described fully in Rev. 16, which is vet a future event, and vet it is connected with the names of Gazon, Ash- kelon, Ashdod, Chercthites, Canaan, Philistines, Moab, Ammon, ete, all of which are the names of nations and countries of aniquity, Our space does not permit to enter into the detail to gather up num- ernus scriptures of similar kind, referring to such events yet to he ful- flled, and yet directed to the nations of the past. Trke un cach nrophecy, and read it thru; there will remain no doubt about the fact that the nations of today come under the names of ancient nations, and all prophecies hold fast this principle: hecause, first, the countries never change directions; second, tho the peoples, and their names and governments change constantly, vet they bear the same characteristics and qualities of the former pations. And the prophecies deal with the cotntries and the characteristics of their inhabitants : by doing so, the ceripture offers us a systematic and scientific method by which we ¢'n casily discriminate for any time hoth the exact territory and the people that dwell in it. THE TIIREE GREAT POLITICAL DIVISIONS. 11:10) After a careful study we see in the Bible that in the latter part of this world's history, the world-powers will he represented by three great political sections, even now on the stage of a fearful and daring power. These are as follows: i. North and Irar-East Russia at the head of surrounding na- tions; and Japan on the other hand at the head of Korea, China, India, ete, will form a demnable and devouring power challenging all the rest. 2. Western Europe: England at head of the European powers will contend for the situation. 3. The United States also has to defend herself alone. NORTH RUSSIA. In Ezek. 38th and 39th chapters there are the descriptions of two horrible battles, ever penned in the Scriptures by the prophets of old. In the 38th chapter the inal battle is fought by the North and Far- [Last combined power, (Ez. 32:30, 15: 30:1, 2), against the West (Europe and America) (Ez. 38 :10-13; 39 :4-7). The fate of both contending armies 1s utter destruction. But in the 30th chapter there is fought again a final battle, this time the attack is made upon the people of God by the comhined forces of every power and nation of this world; and a complete disaster and annihilation results on the part of the wicked and opposing enemy. This is the so-called Ar- magdeddon, or battle which is planned against the remnant of the Lord, That we haven't witnessed such battles as vet in this world’s history, is plain; in fact these two battles take place in latter days is shown hy the following verses “After many days thou shalt be visited, in the latter years thou shalt come into the land that is brought back from the word, and is gathered out of many people, against the mountains of Israel, which have been always waste, “In that day when my people of Israel dwelleth safely, shalt thou not know it? “And then shalt come from thy place out of the north parts, thou, and many people with thee, all of them riding upon horses, a great com- pany, and a mighty army.” Ezek. 38 :&, 14, 15. The last part of this chapter points out more definitely the time when this battle is fought, namely under the seven last plagues. “And 1 will plead against him (Gog, the Northern power) with pestilence and with blood; and | will rain upon him, and upon his bands, and upon the many people that are with him, an overflowing rain, and great hailstones, fire and brimstone.” Ezek. 38: 22. FAR EAST (JAPAN) Just a casual reading of the following few texts will give at least a faint idea as to the part of the Eastern powers in the closing cvents of this world’s history. “And the sixth angel poured out his vial upon the great river ILuphates; and the water thereof was dried up, that the way of the kings of the east might be prepared.” Rev. 16:12. The latter part of the above verse in American Standard version reads as follows: “The kings that came from the sunrising.” This verse, hevond any argument, brings out the question of the Eastern powers; and note well that it savs “the kings”, referring to the final union of the Far-Lastern countries; and this union is almost in realization under the supremacy of Japan, every newspaper reader can testify for himself. “In that day the lord with His sore and great and strong sword shall punish Leviathan. the piercing serpent, even leviathan that crooked serpent; and He shall ¢lay the dragon that is in the SEA. “In measure, when it (the leviathan) shooteth forth, thou will de- bate with him: he staveth his rough wind in the day of the east wind.” Is. 27 «1, R The sea power Japan, with its dragon, like island in the east, will be visited hy the wrath of God after she had accomplished the pleasure of God in the following verses: “Who raised up the righteous man from the east. called him to his foot, geve the nations before Tim, and made him rule over kings? He gave hem (the nations) as the dust to his (the man from the cast) sword, and as driven stubble to his bow.” Ts. 41 :2. “Declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that arc not vet done, saving: My counsel shall stand, and I will do all my pleasure: “Calling a ravenous bird from the east, the man that executeth my counsel from a fur country; yea, I have spoken it, I will also bring it to pass: | have purposed it, T will also do it.” Ts. 46 :10, 11. The above verses, and vet many others from the scriptures, prove uncuestionably the time, the place, and the magnitude of the activily and power of the Tlar-Eastern nations which are already at the verge to threaten the whole world. AN. M. (To be continued.) The above article gives the right key and the only kev that leads to a correct understanding of the prophetic field —Fditor, Many excuse themselves by saying that is not essential. Now, if they knew the Scriptures they would know that all non-cssentials were left out. Christ said every sacrifice was salted with salt. This was designed to teach that there was a saving necessity to ohey every lesson taught by the sacrifice. A noted Divine once said if he was going to sacrifice to the devil, he would take a hog and stuff him with tobacco. You could add to that a human carcas which had been well pickled with rum. The sour flavor would make a good combination,