1 ISSUE 89.19 UNION COLLEGE APRIL 22, 2015 SAFE & SOUND: EXAMINING LGBT+ 2 HUMANS OF UNION COLLEGE BY ABNER CAMPOS & JORDAN ZY EXAMINING LGBT+ “Ityone with the same love we’ve been shown.“ Safter-long look at phy issues afecting our campus. Read the other ar clocktower.ucollege.edu/safe-and-sound/introduction. 3 ABNER CAMPOS For Christians, theology is the lens by which they understand God. Their understanding of the- ology is directly related to their interaction with people, culture and how they view themselves. When joining the LGBT+ dia- logue (lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender, the “plus” including all other non-heterosexual identi- ties such as questioning, intersex and asexual), Christians cannot help but bring their theology with them. Actually, we do not only bring it with us to the dia- logue, but we cling to it tightly and use it as a sword and a shield, a gun and a bullet-proof vest, ear- plugs and microphone––we use it to prove and defend our point. Whether one person might be correct and another not, we need to realize that we cannot and most likely will not change the theology of our brothers and sisters who are a part of this dia- logue with us. This conversation requires intentionally remem- bering that people are people, and words can hurt now matter how accurate or biblical one’s theology may be. Communicat- ing is 10 percent truth and 90 percent how one communicates it. As a result of the sensitivity of this conversation, trying to use a different vocabulary is a good start to this discussion. Attached to the website article is a well de- signed and worded and practical explanation of how to be sensi- tive and aware with what help- ful, thoughtful language looks like. This was created by people connected to Union College, but its use is practical for anyone and everyone. To clarify, there are two sides that FEATURED ARTICLE: SAFE & SOUND Our church’s history with LGBT+ issues has been rocky at best A CALL: EXAMINING WHERE THEOLOGY AND HUMANITY CLASH 4 need to be identified. “Side A” says that God does not condemn homosexuality or has called a sort of audible for the marital standard, so same-sex relationships and marriage is acceptable in the eyes of God. “Side B” says that God does not condone homosexuality or any kind of lifestyle not in harmony with the biblical standard, but we are called to love the sinner and hate the sin. Side B has been the dominating belief in Adventist history. In many continents, such as Africa or South America, the complete rejection of the LGBT+ com- munity is dangerously strong. December 2010, a Ugandan newspaper wrote that the Adven- tist church is in support of the Ugandan Anti-Homosexuality Bill, which includes execution as penalty. If this doesn’t help you to understand the intensity that Side B has existed by, it should. Throughout history Side B has been relatively and objectively oppressive. It even came to the point where Parco decided to cre- ate a haven where homosexuals could transform into heterosexu- als—this happened from 1979- 1990 and it ended disastrously. While the Adventist Church has done a number of beautiful and kingdom-causing things, we cannot deny that the Church has failed at times; humans make up the substance of our Church, so brokenness makes up a lot of our church. There is no ideal academic or institutional solution for this. So, our Union College administra- tion may choose different alterna- tives for acceptance and inclu- sivity, but whatever they choose can’t be and won’t be perfect. But just because this is difficult does not mean everyone is called to shrug their shoulders in disbelief. May you be thoughtful with the way you use words, the way you interact, the way you exist. Visit Jordan Leddy’s Safe and Sound article to see how Union College is evolving to be more inclusive and safe. While there is no formula to how an institution should function, there are practical means by which you can all be. Instead of saying “homosexual,” try saying “lesbian” or “gay.” Identifying a FEATURED ARTICLE: SAFE & SOUND 5 person by their sexual orientation is incomplete; no one’s identity is watered down to their sexual orientation. And most of all, be a safe person who is all ears to hear the voices of those who have struggled to voice them. Maybe you can’t do something to per- fect an institution, but we can be someone who can influence progress. Anyone who believes that God calls LGBT+ individuals to celibacy must realize that when they defend their side, they will be holding on to their historical baggage and ignoring the pain that many have experienced from not being heard, an effective way of being silenced. When joining the LGBT+ conversation we need to join knowing that people are hurt, have been hurt or are in the healing process. Our theological specifics are secondary to people who need some love—not some, lots of love. Church and Advent- ism is a messy place place because theology matters, but let us not subtract love from the equation because it is always the solution. Abner is a sophomore studying Theology. The times are changing in this country, and our small campus in the predominantly conserva- tive Midwest can’t ignore it. The church is beginning to realize we have a growing number of believ- ers who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and any other non-heterosexual identities such as questioning, intersex and asexual (LGBT+). The truth is, this country is becoming more accepting of LGBT+ persons. Same-sex marriage is being FEATURED ARTICLE: SAFE & SOUND JORDAN ZY Organizations like Beacon are changing attitudes on our campus A RESPONSE: HOW UNION COLLEGE IS BECOMING A SAFER PLACE 6 legalized state by state, and sexual identity is becoming a protected minority group. While the Chris- tian church has had a long-stand- ing aversion to non-heterosexual relationships, it cannot ignore they exist as LGBT+ individuals are coming out within the church body. Adventist colleges and universities are not unaffected, and change is coming even to our little Lincoln campus. Union College’s official stance as stated in the student handbook reads: “Union College endorses Biblical principles of morality. We believe Scripture supports virginity until marriage and outlines appropriate, heterosex- ual relations within the marriage covenant. In keeping with the Seventh-day Adventist under- standing of those principles, we expect students to refrain from premarital and extramari- tal sexual relationships and any same-sex romantic relationships while enrolled at Union College. The college may intervene with students whose behavior is out of harmony with Biblical prin- ciples of morality. As a result of a student’s misconduct, he/she may be asked to seek counseling, education, or spend time away from campus with family/faculty/ staff.” This is the only allusion to same-sex relationships within the handbook. What is very import- ant to note is the fact that the student body is not forbidden to attend if they are LGBT+. It is through this small ray of hope that we can put things into per- spective. Union College is facing new ground and is relatively light-years beyond the ignorance of weeding LGBT+ members out of the church. But while Union College will admit LGBT+ stu- dents the same as a heterosexual student, we still have a long way to go. In the fall of 2014, a small group was formed to support students who identified as LGBT+ and may face the inner struggles of being themselves within a reli- gious culture. Students and alum- ni came together and created Beacon, a gay-straight alliance for the College View area. At first, Beacon was simply an email address offering a listening ear to those who would seek it FEATURED ARTICLE: SAFE & SOUND 7 in anonymity. By the beginning of this year, it had grown into a group with eight leaders and three small group meetings. The largest group meetings are the Ally meetings. An ally is any straight or heterosexual person who opposes discrimination of LGBT+ persons. Beacon’s ally leader creates an atmosphere of discussion promoting how Col- lege View can be a safer place for our LGBT+ friends. Another Beacon group deals with public outreach. There have already been a few public events that Beacon had a helping hand in making happen. Most recently there was the memorial for Leelah Alcorn, a 17-year-old transgender girl who committed suicide three months ago. The memorial focused on her desire to ban conversion therapy as well as to remember all other trans- gendered persons lost to suicide, homicide and homelessness every year. With the help of others, Beacon leaders helped create a Union College chapel service that hosted a panel to discuss the stories and experiences of LGBT+ individ- uals and allies within Adventism and the Christian world. Chris Blake interviewed two lesbian and gay alumnus along with two parents of gay children. The discussion didn’t try to convince anyone to change their personal beliefs but to show that gay and lesbian people live among us. Many friends and families in our communities have a personal connection to the often faceless conversation about homosex- uality within our churches. Chris Blake challenged listeners to refrain from thinking about people who are gay and lesbian as “them” and realize they are part of “us.” Beacons “Luxe” meetings are ex- clusively for LGBT+ identifying people in the College View area. It fosters a safe space of support and counsel among peers. “Being this way [LGBT+] really takes a toll on your spiritual life,” stated an anonymous Luxe member. “We live in a culture that tells us the Bible forbids homosexu- ality, and Bible thumpers every- where throw that in your face. If I weren’t already a Christian, I wouldn’t be one. When you can’t change your attractions even if FEATURED ARTICLE: SAFE & SOUND 8 you try and the most vocal Chris- tians preach words of hate against LGBT+ people, you only find a place of shame. But when you can sit in a room of people like yourself, knowing you are in a safe space, it’s reassuring to know hate isn’t all we have to look for- ward to. The Luxe meetings are about LGBT+ people lifting each other up when our peers, and even our families, have knocked us down. God is love; if he can love the least of these, he can love us too.” That is the direction we need to take at Union College. May- be you think that the LGBT+ conversation doesn’t affect you, that you don’t know anyone who struggles with this and never will. But you’re wrong. We live in a Christian culture that isn’t the all-accepting and all-loving culture Jesus preached, so our lesbian, gay, bisexual, and trans- gender peers in the student body are hiding. Maybe you consider yourself an ally, but how do you show that you are a safe person if you hide it? If you’ve seen “Safe Space” pink triangles by office doors, then you are seeing a positive change within our campus. These trian- gles signify places where a stu- dent can be open to talk about anything bothering them without fear of judgment or condemna- tion. Safe spaces aren’t even just for LGBT+ discussion; anyone can approach these safe people with any issue if they need some- one to listen. Our school administration real- izes that the student body isn’t going to be solely heterosexual, and that students who identify as gay or transgender are facing a large inner turmoil. There is a task force of faculty and staff specifically dedicated to discuss how to best deal with and help the students with same-sex attrac- tions. Why should they? Because LGBT+ youth and young adults are three times more likely to at- tempt suicide than straight peers. On top of that, each incidence of LGBT+ victimization such as physical or verbal harassment or abuse increases the likelihood of self-harming behavior 2.5 times on average. More facts and resources like this may be found on The Trevor Project’s website, a foundation for LGBT+ crisis FEATURED ARTICLE: SAFE & SOUND 9 FEATURED ARTICLE: SAFE & SOUND intervention and suicide preven- tion. Responsibility is in everyone’s hands. Responsibility is the school’s to safeguard the health and prosperity of their students. Responsibility is the student body’s to prevent homophobic action and discrimination of our peers. And responsibility is to the church members to be Christ like, to accept and love all of God’s children and leave the judgment up to Him. How can you be a safe person? Stand up and reveal yourself to your friends. Announce that you are tired of the church body rejecting a person based on “hate the sin” principles. Don’t be afraid to like, comment, or share things on your Facebook about it (there are plenty of resources for LGBT+ identifiers and their allies at the Human Rights Campaign website). Don’t let discrimination and hate speech slide; instead mention that you disagree with people who make ignorant and homophobic remarks. Speak out for what is right, and don’t let your community feel safer to say hate speech of any kind. You can do this whether or not you agree a same-sex relationship is accept- able in biblical standards. There are many who love their LGBT+ neighbors but expect them to embrace “Side B” (the belief that God calls them to a lifetime of celibacy). The point is, LGBT+ people are in your life, in your friend groups and maybe even in your family—whether you know it or like it. It’s time we accept ev- eryone with the same love we’ve been shown and stop pointing out how much we hate what we perceive as anyone’s particular sins. Let’s remove the logs from our eyes, let’s leave the judgments behind and embrace love as the greatest calling our Union Col- lege family has been given. If you or anyone you know wants needs someone to talk to about LGBT+ issues, Beacon leaders would like to help. Anyone can email them at findthebeacon@ gmail.com, and those who contact them will always remain anonymous. If you are going through a crisis or need informa- tion can also talk with someone at thetrevorproject.org by phone, text or live chat. Jordan is a senior studying psychology. 10 CULTURE KATIE MORRISON How to maintain a long dis- tance relationship over the summer STOKING THE FIRE DURING THE SUMMER The school year is finally coming to an end and we couldn’t be happier. Shorts, swimming and long days without classes are our future and it’s wonderful. Un- fortunately if you are in a rela- tionship or just met that special someone, the summer might look a little bleak. No cuddle time until August? No late night Taco Bell runs with your boo? How will you survive? I talked to a few fellow Unionites and they gave some tips on how to make it through the long sepa- ration of the summer months! Dan Carlson and Kristina Ham- mer have been dating for four years and four months. During that time, they spent an entire year apart while she was away at college in Michigan and he fin- ished high school in Minnesota. I asked them how they managed to tough it out. “It was crazy hard,” said Kristina, a senior biomedical science major. “Definitely the hardest thing we’ve ever gone through as a couple.” Although he wasn’t able to go visit her during that year, Dan made the trip multiple times to visit Kristina last summer when she stayed in Lincoln to work for Enrollment Services. “I was basically driving down like every weekend,” said Dan, a junior communications major. “I think she made the drive maybe one time.” Putting in the little time to shoot over a text or planning a little weekend trip can make all the difference in a long distance 11 CULTURE relationship. Another couple who have experi- enced a bit of separation during their relationship is Sean Lawson, a senior business administration student, and Yesi Andrade, a senior psychology major. They started dating in the fall of 2012, and Sean actually just popped the question over Christmas break. From the day Yesi received the first text from Sean (“How did you like that Avengers movie? Awesome right?!”), they have been texting every day since. During the summer, Yesi works as a CNA in Wichita, Kansas, while Sean spends his months in Minnesota. How do they deal? “We usually just break up over the summer and get back togeth- er when school starts,” Yesi joked. “No, actually we text all the time. You really need to communicate and be on the same page.” “If I know what she’s doing all day long, I feel a lot better,” Sean admitted. “We don’t seem so far apart.” The couple also named work as a great distraction. Sean worked at a few internships, and Yesi put in long hours in the nursing home, which helped the time go faster. It makes it harder if you’re being a lazy bum, doing nothing, just sitting around and missing your significant other. Get out and make some money, so your babe doesn’t leave you for someone with “ambition.” The final couple that knows the difficulty of long distance is Tyler Morrison and Morgan Huffman. Morgan has been in Zimbabwe working at an orphanage for the last eight months while Tyler worked at Sunnydale Academy last semester completing his student teaching. They started dating a year and a half ago and it’s put some pressure on the rela- tionship being apart for so long. They really love each other! The majority of their problems have been related to miscom- munication. “Texting can get confusing when that’s your only source of communication,” Tyler said. “You also have to make Get out and make some money, so your babe doesn’t lea f 12 CULTURE sure the other person is a prior- ity. We’ve made it a point to be intentional so neither of us feel neglected.” A strong foundation is key. Tyler mentioned that if they didn’t have that strong foundation and weren’t confident in what they have, all the miscommunications that can shake a long distance relationship could ruin them. “Before Morgan left, I got some advice from a friend of mine,” he said. “He told me, ‘Make sure you both know that what you have is awesome. Know that you aren’t looking for anything else. That way, if things get hard, you can fall back on that knowledge even when you don’t feel it.’ We had that conversation before she left and having that confidence can give your relationship some extra strength.” Katie is a junior studying business administration. 13 APRIL & MAY SUN MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT 19 Pry 8:00am N ACT 20 21 10:30am ASB Convocation 11:30am-1:00pm ASC 11:30am-1:30pm Div of Human Development Picnic L 22 Div of Human Development Picnic L Junior Porolio Revisions Due 2:30-4:00pm LEAD Committee 23 10:30-11:30am Genery 24 Div of Business/ Computer Science Senior Recognition Dinner 8:00pm Vesper Fts Concer Sunset 25 CVC: Power Pac 8:00pm Vesper Fts Concer Sunset 26 4:15pm Union Scholarter Pr 5:30pm Union Scholaral Pr Libry Hour 1:00-11:00pm 27 3:30-5:00pm A Libry Hour 8:30am-11:00pm 28 10:30am Chapel:SM/TF Dedication 7:00pm Student Recital Libry Hour 8:30am-11:00pm 29 Libry Hour 8:30am-11:00pm 30 Dead Das(Lasy in Class) 10:30-11:30am Division Meeting 10:30am HHP Awar Libry Hour 8:30am-11:00pm 1 Dead Das(Lasy in Class) Div. of Science/ Math Senior Meal Libry Hour 8:30am-1:00pm 8:00pm Vesper Sunset 2 8:00pm V2 ASB Year Sunset THUMBS UP | THUMBS DOWN Thumbs up to getting back to you later about this - Tim LeBard Thumbs up to Steven Universe - Grace Escobar Thumbs up to Saxx underwear - Kyle Berg Thumbs down to torn ACL’s - Meredith Nichols 14 The Clocktower encourages reader feedback and strives to maintain accuracy. If you have comments, email us at cltower@gmail.com. The Clocktower is published weekly during the school year by the Associated Student Body of Union College, 3800 S. 48th St., Lincoln, NE 68506. The opinions expressed are the opinions of the writers and are not to be construed as the opinion of the editors, Associated Student Body, Union College or the Seventh-day Adventist Church. For more content, follow us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/ ClocktowerASB or visit us at http://clocktower.ucollege.edu. Steven Foster Natalie Bruzon Vernée Norman Elena Cornwell Alexis Carnduff Zack Posthumus Brittany Houchins Natalie Bruzon Megan Bolton Melisa Inkelaar Michael Steingas Katie Morrison Stefani Leeper Roderick Stickle Debbie Pinto Emy Wood Jordan Zy Abner Campos Naomi Prasad Nigel Sumerlin Christian Dye Kyle Berg Kevin Niederman Editor-in-Chief Assistant Editor Copy Editor Copy Editor Copy Editor Layout Editor Online Content Editor Social Media Editor Photographer Photographer Sponsor Culture Reporter Culture Reporter Humans of Union College Lincoln Reporter On Campus Reporter Opinion Reporter Religion Reporter Senate Reporter Special Interest Reporter Technology Reporter Wellness Reporter World Reporter WE ARE #CLTWR Yeah, we’re going to need you to speak up. Like us, hate us or anywhere in between, we’d love to hear why. Have a story you’d like to pitch? We’d love to craft it. Did you just make a big breakfast? Tell us why your mother’s German waffle recipe is better than Paula Deen’s. Basically, write us. Voice your opinions by emailing cltower@gmail.com and add to the conversation by connecting with us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/ClocktowerASB and online at http://clocktower.ucollege.edu. WE C 15 HUMANS OF UNION COLLEGE - Zachary Luke, Biomedical Science: PreMedical Studies, Sophomore Humans of Union College is compiled by Roderick Stickle “Can you tell me about your best day ever?” “Last Spring Break, me and my friends went to California. And basically we just spend an entire day just sitting on the beach. And just happened to be like people coming by and serving us food. Like, we had to pay for it but like, this lady had mangoes so we didn’t have to get up. Then this dude brought like, soda pop, and we didn’t have to get up for that. So we literally just laid there all day long, and did nothing, and laid on the beach. And that was probably the happiest day ever.” Thank you ftive of Saf Read them all online at http://clocktower.ucollege.edu. Neleasing our fewell issue, so be on the look out! “How to Get Rid of a Vus” by Chrtian Dye “Spor by Stef “Places to Study in Lincoln” by Debbie Pinto “ds Pre For N Aes” by Emy Wood