SAAS N assy «SS NN = NAS PI ’ an OF \ se ert} Saas Sra ASE A MIRREN WN VOLUME 21. :-: KEENE, TEXAS, (JOHNSON COUNTY), TUESDAY, MAY 23, 1922. =: NO. 20 'S.W Union Conf. 1 + LI Oklahoma City, Okla HE 411 Baum Blag. $ + 4 ® Elder M. Lukens C. E, Smith - President - Sec.-Treas. - PN. LD A FOREIGN MISSIONARY EXPER: 1ENCE IN SOUTH TEXAS ‘Having heard of an interest among sonie Mexican people at a place called La Reforma in the Rio Grande valley, the writer hastened to answer the call, These people are agriculturists who live ahout forty miles in from the railroad. Most of them own their own rhnches and are situated very favorably if they had more rain in those parts, bunt when we visited themi they had not had any rain yet this season and so‘ they were *disoc- cupied for they cpnnot do anything in the line of putting in the;r crops unt til they get their first rains. Ewvery- ‘thing wias very dry and the poor cattle were dying off on every hand for the lack of food, for even the cactus, their food, was drying up. Notwithstanding these perverse conditions, these neople were very optimistic and” told me that they thought it ‘was providential that 1 came when I d;d for they had nothing grecial to do except to listen to the miessage that I brought them. -'T found’ that these people had never seen one of our ministers, and had become interested in the truth in this way:— T+ hannened that about a vepr or 80 ago p. eolnorteur passed thronch that nart of +he state selling Gnis Practica (Practicdl Guide) and he left some ‘rhects inh one home which wera read and becoming interested, an or- der was sent to the tract society for nwrs ‘reading matter and by the time we arrived ;these dear. people had been keeping the Sabbath for over a year. Each evening we gathered in the country school house for a service and there were always between 75 and 85 present, and most of them would arrive a ‘half hour early and would be waiting for us when we arrived, so eager were they to catch every word of instruction that we had for them. One dear man said, “Why Brother, we are so thirsty to hear the whole truth,” A request was miade for baptism and ‘Word, Every one found that it meant a cross to bear but they cheerfully took up their cross and bore it for the Master. All were accustomed to.the free use of swine’s flesh and lard, but whan they were shown that these things are an abomination to the Lord they «aid, “We will use them no more.” We found that some of the young people as well as the old were given to the wearing of jewelry, but when we read to them what the Lord has told us about the outward adorn- A GROUP OF MEXICAN BELIEVERS so early in our stay with them, we organized a special class for giving specific instruction to the candidates. Every morning for the five days that we were with them we met and studied ~darefully as to what the Christian's duty is, and how they drank in the truth! We had no sleepy members in our meetings even though some of these studies were held for over two hours at a time. It would have done you iall good to see how these dear people accepted every ray of light as it was presented to them from. God's ing of our persons, these things all disappeared. The tithing system, ap- pealed to them and they immediately began returning to the Lord His own. After studying with them and seeing’ their willingness to accept the whole Bible as their guide book, the writer felt justified in grjinting their request for baptism, and Sabbath morning it was our happy lot to see 18 of these denr people follow their Lord in this sacred rite, and how happy they were! It was the swedest experience of "their lives and their faces bdamed