May 27 “Go away,” he shouted ang- rif. You are not my son. You aie «member of the KGB, COME 10 SPY Ol ne!” Charlotte Ishkanian van and Anna worked hard on ther farm near a small village mm Moldova, Then the Communists came. They arrested van and sent him to Siberia because he was a rich” fandowner. They ordered Anna and the family of the farm. Anna and her five children took what few possessions they could, and went to five with her brother, Te was a difficult time tor them, tor none of her relatives had room for six more people. Meanwhile Ivan was put to work cutting trees in the Siberian forests. He was w hard worker and very strong. but without good toad he crew thin and gaunt. Unexpected Visitor Years passed. and Grigori one of Tvan's sons. was stationed with the mihtary in Siberia, Grigor located his Tather and went to the prison camp to meet hime. but he did not recognize the tdl thin man who wis pointed out to hin, “Father, itis your son, Grigor, Af last I have tound vou!” Ivan stared at the uniformed man standing hetore him. Finally he said. do not know vou Angry he shouted. “You are not my son. You are the KGB. come to spy on me! Grigor was stunned. He was only 5 when his Father was taken away. and now he was a strong voung man of 200 How could his tather know him? He sought to assure his father that he was indeed his son. “Father, Tan Grigor, | have three brothers and a sister” Then he named them. Father thought a minute. then asked. “Where did we Tive?” His son named the vil- Lage. "Anyone can know that.” Father sand. Then he asked questions the KGB would not Banished to Siberia Know: “What did Teall your mother? Where did Thang my coat? Where did T sit at the table” Grigor searched his memory for the answers, He had been so young when his Father was taken away, But Gricort answered and added information about the home and Family. Finally van was convinced that this was his son, With tears glistening in his eves, he hugged Grigor. The longings of T3 vears tumbled out of the older man’ heart. And cagerhy Grigort filled him with memories of a family he hardly Knew. One by one Grigori described Luntly mem- bers. Tatiana, the eldest was married and had (wo children. Toan tdohny wis also married. and had won. Georg applied to study at the university, but authortties denied him admis- ston because his father was im prison. For two weeks Grigor staved in the prison barracks with his father, They tdhed in whis- pers Tong into the night. When Grigor had wo return to his army post. he hugged his thers thin frame and walked toward the prison cates, He looked once more at his Tather standing near the barracks. waving uncer tanh. Would they see cach other again’? The Trip Home Five vears later, when Ivan was no longer strong. he wis released trom prison. He tound Crrrgor’s address, scrawled on a scrap off paper. and wrote. asking his son to meet hin at the train station, Would Grigori be there? He couldnt know, When the tram jerked mio Kishines, Tvin stepped to the door of the train car. Eagerly he searched the faces mothe crowd tor one he hoped he would recognize.