“Students Forever” Ex-Governor [Haines of Maine, after leaving the govern~ or’s chair, returned to college to continue his education. Ide was already a graduate of the University of Maine; had been one of its trustees for years and was president of the alunmi association; then he again became a student. That is the way with all wise men—they are students forever. Broadly speaking, education simply means a knowledge y sp ply of men and things. We can learn “things” in the school- room and laboratory, but we can never know “men” except through association. The ordinary college course requires the student to spend nine or ten months each year in the schoolroom learning “things,” but makes no provision for for him to study human nature. That is why sO many young men and women leave college only half educated. Why not study “men” during your vacation ? You can do it and earn your scholarship at the same time. The col- porteur work opens the way. It enables you to earn while you learn. Your ultimate aim is to become a worker in God's cause. Three months in the colporteur work will be of greater help to you in reaching that goal than a whole year in school. There is no better way to round out your education as you go along. Governor Haines found the value of his class work doubled because he had rubbed elbows with the world. It paid him to study the year round. It will pay you. Try it this year. Review and Herald Publishing Assn. South Bend, Indiana