AN EXPOSURE — OF — FANATICISM and WICKEDNESS. It becomes the painful duty of God’s servants from time to time to expose fanaticism and wickedness when they seek to obtain a foot-hold among his people. This is necessary to save honest, but sometimes simple-minded believers, who from lack of knowledge of the real facts, may be in danger of deception. The Scriptures and the Testimonies of the Spirit of God both teach that in the perils of the last days, Satan, our great enemy, will make every effort possible to lead astray unwary souls. He will even manifest himself as an angel of light, and deceive, if possible, the very elect. He will work with “all deceivableness of unrighteousness." This language plainly indicates that all sorts of counterfeit manifestations will be introduced by the enemy, and God’s people will have to be thoroughly informed concerning the Scriptures, and the nature of the work of the Spirit, lest they be deceived by the agents of the great foe. Our history in the past has shown to some extent the presence of these fanatical influences in some places, where they tried to obtain a foot-hold among us; but they miserably failed. Their blighting influence left its effects upon those who fell into their deceptions, and accepted their views as manifestations of God’s Spirit; but they were soon routed from the camp. No doubt we shall see many efforts of this kind between this time and the end. We shall all need to ob 2 AN EXPOSURE OF tain much of the spirit of discernment, the true eyesalve, brought to view in the message to the Laodiceans, that we may know how to distinguish the spurious from the genuine. God’s word and Spirit, if closely followed, will enable us to discern the difference every time. From a solemn sense of duty, we feel called upon to expose a work of this character which has been annoying the true believers for a year past. It has made strenuous efforts to obtain a foot-hold at Battle Creek, the very head-quarters of the work of present truth. Its folly and intrinsic weakness have been so apparent that we have hardly thought it worth while to notice it in any public manner whatever. This course has evidently emboldened the parties to make greater efforts to obtain an influence over the minds of the inexperienced, till at last we feel that the time has come to speak of these things as they deserve. We may add in this connection that the advice of Sister White at the time of her recent visit, strongly impelled us to this conclusion. She urged action of this kind to save the few honest souls from deception, over whom it was possible that these parties might obtain an influence. Inquiries have been made of us already by some who were in doubt as to the real character of this fanatical work. And lastly, we will say that the church Advisory Committee have requested of us that public action of this kind be taken, and this matter be fully exposed, so that innocent parties may not be brought into trouble. Under these circumstances, we, the undersigned, whom the Church Committee have invited to expose this work, can no longer hesitate to make such a statement as the facts demand. Over a year since, it became known to some of the Battle Creek church that certain parties who were members of the church held peculiar views relative to the close of probation, setting the time for it to end in the early autumn of 1884. FANATICISM AND WICKEDNESS. 3 As setting time was entirely contrary to the views of S. D. Adventists, as well as to the Testimonies of Sister White, and as these parties were busily engaged in disseminating these views, which were calculated to unsettle the minds of the unwary, the Advisory Committee appointed several persons to look into the matter, and give such advice as seemed to be required. Among these were the presidents of the General and Michigan Conferences, with leading members of the church. They tried to arrange a meeting with these parties, in order to give them friendly counsel, and to show them the error of their course. But what was their surprise when these personsnot only utterly refused to meet with this committee which the church had appointed, but some of their number spoke in the most contemptuous terms of the church itself, and its most prominent members, falsely accusing them of the gravest sins, and denouncing the leading officials of the body as utterly unworthy of confidence. After patiently, but vainly, trying to do these persons good, until their efforts were most contemptuously rejected, the committee then reported to the church, which, without further ceremony, withdrew the hand of fellowship from all these who belonged to its membership. The names of the persons thus disfellowshiped were Frank M. Jones, Frank D. Allen, and Charles A. Smith. There were others, especially one, James M. Garmire, not members of the Battle Creek church, who were at that time associated and in union with this disaffected party. This man, Garmire, wrote a small tract, entitled, “Another Angel Come down from Heaven,” and with the help of these and other parties, had it printed, and it was sent all over the field. The manner in which they were enabled to obtain the names of our people all over the country, and do this, was as follows: one of their number, who had been employed in the Review office as a hand, stole the Review list. This crime, which is punishable by fine and im 4 AN EXPOSURE OF prisonment, they used as the leading agency to accomplish their purposes. We are credibly informed that some of these parties did not hesitate to work on the Sabbath in order to secure the publication of this tract. They claimed to have published 40,000 copies of it, and it was circulated to the best of their ability. As to the nature of the tract itself, we think we never read a more trivial, illogical, weak, and silly production upon any religious topic. The first part of it professes to give an account of how Mr. Garmire obtained this great light(?) concerning the close of time in the autumn of 1884. He then introduces his “daughter Anna, a girl of 14,” and speaks of her “visions,” and what she saw in them, giving quite a number of extracts. For the life of us, we should not have been able to get any intelligent idea of the meaning conveyed in these so-called visions if Mr. Garmire had not kindly told us what it was, they are so vague and incoherent. Then we have sundry Bible expressions, and reflections upon them by Mr. Garmire; but they are utterly disconnected, insipid, and illogical. Finally, a supplement closes the tract, with scraps of private history, dreams, silly remarks, and marvelous reflections upon that which was to occur in a very few days. The main burden of this tract, and of this party which put it forth to the world, seems to have been that probation would close at the end of the forty years, commencing with the closing of prophetic time in the autumn of 1844. It was really a new time message. Mr. Jones seems to have been the originator and prime mover in this new light. Mr. Garmire, in the first part of the tract, states that he received his light at first from Jones. We quote this one sentence from the first page of the tract, “In a few days, Bro. Jones presented to us the coming of the Lord, showing that all probationary work would be done in the forty years.” He and a few others with him accepted this view, and these supposed visions of his daughter were used to FANATICISM AND WICKEDNESS. 5 sustain and enforce it. A plentiful supply of dreams was also furnished by various parties to substantiate its truthfulness. The tract is dated Sept, io, 1884. On page 6 it is stated, “ God, to whom all things are possible, will work his strange work, and cut it short in righteousness, and seal to himself the remnant in 15 days. Amen.” On page 8 it is stated to be a “fact that probation ends in October, 1884.” And towards the bottom of the same page, Mr. Garmire says, “I shall not be able to get this tract before any of you more than thirty days before the time is accomplished.” As it was issued Sept. 10, probation, according to the new prophecy, must close by Oct. 10, 1884. As nothing remarkable transpired at that time, all must see that it was a false prophecy. But when the result proved the falsity of their positions, did these deceived persons come out and confess, and, as far as possible, undo their injurious work like honest men? Far from it. Like fanatical spirits generally, they persisted stubbornly in their course, and so far as we know they have never confessed their errors. Sister White in public, and to some of them in private, at Jackson and Battle Creek, last fall, exposed and condemned the whole thing, and talked exceedingly plain of them and to them. Other leading persons in the cause did the same. But it seemed to have no effect. They would not receive counsel, even after time had demonstrated their predictions to be false. Some of their number have kept comparatively quiet since the time passed, but they have been working here and there in a private way, to mislead and ruin unsuspecting souls. Abundant evidence exists to prove that this man, Frank M. Jones, the originator and prime mover of this fanatical movement, is an immoral, wicked, licentious man, unfit to be tolerated in respectable society. His course has been so vile that the whole truth cannot be told about him in print or in any public assembly. Others of them who have acted a prominent part have come far short of leading Christian lives. 6 AN EXPOSURE OF We understand that, as usual with such spirits, disagreements have arisen, so tnat Mr. Garmire is no longer in union and fellowship with Jones and others who were instrumental at first in giving him this special light ( ?) During the last nine months, himself and his daughter Anna, who he claims has so many visions, have been constant attendants at the Tabernacle services, sometimes taking part in social meetings. He was very anxious that she should be baptized and join the church, and her name was presented for this purpose to the church. This seems strange when we consider how he has spoken of the church, as being so terribly in the dark, and so corrupt, and the leading men in the church so far from God that they were either rejected already or in very great danger of being so. Why he should desire to have his daughter, who he claims has had fifty or more visions direct from heaven within the past year, baptized by, and connected with, such unworthy and corrupt persons, we cannot explain. Yet he has evidently felt very much hurt that the church could not see the propriety of such a step. But the church entirely failed t-o see it, and refused to receive into its fellowship these new spiritual manifestations. Within the past few months, Mr. Garmire has occupied his spare time, and amused himself in writing long letters of ten or twenty large pages to prominent persons in the church, setting forth the claims of his daughter Anna to be recognized as a prophet, telling what she had been shown of their present condition and standing before the Lord, and what would occur if they did not receive this great light. The writer has been favored with half a dozen or so of these missives. Sister White has received some, and others, also, have been similarly noticed. These have all been written by the fertile pen of Mr. Garmire, who has kindly told us what Anna has been shown aoout us. She has never written us a word herself in reference to our spiritual standing. It would be much more satisfactory if the Lord shows to some FANATICISM AND WICKEDNESS. 7 chosen agency our spiritual condition, for us to receive it from the first sources rather than through such a secondary channel as Mr. Garmire. In these missives he has warned us over and over of our danger and ruin if we rejected this light. But we have as yet received nothing whatever from the person who he claims is the Lord’s mouth-piece, for giving us this light. How, then, can we be said to reject light from the Lord if the one through whom he sends it does not give it to us? In the past, when God has sent prophets, they have either in person or by their writing delivered the message sent from Heaven. But this seems to be an entirely new plan. Mr. Garmire has never told us that he was divinely appointed as a scribe, to write out these heavenly messages. We frankly confess we are very suspicious of all new devices in God’s work. We cling to the old paths. It seems hardly worth while to notice such matters further; but for the sake of a few inexperienced, honest souls, we will mention a fe^ points more. Mr. Garmire states in letters written to Bro. Amadon June 29, and to Eld. Smith July 1, that Anna was shown that the shaking time would “ occur,” and the voice of God be heard from on high, and the coming of the Son of man take place “ before the corn tasseled out.” As most of the corn has passed that stage of growth, we can judge how truthful are these visions as represented by him. He has stated in several letters written to us that Anna had been shown that the “image beast would not be formed till after probation was closed.” As the solemn warning of the third angel is directed against those who worship the image to the beast, it would be hard to tell what practical importance there would be in warning them against something which did not exist till probation was past. The servants of God will then all be sealed, and the destiny of every one fixed. He that is filthy will be filthy still, and he that is holy, holy still. God will not send messages to warn men when 8 AN EXPOSURE OF there is no chance for a change in their condition. We know from the Bible and the Testimonies that Anna and Mr. Garmire must be mistaken in these statements. In regard to this work, the following conclusions must be evident to every candid, intelligent person: — i. This movement originated with Frank M. Jones, whom we know to be a man utterly unworthy of confidence or Christian respect. 2. Mr. Garmire, from his own statement, obtained his light (?) from this person, and was associated with him in getting out this tract. 3. They did not scruple to employ sin and crime as means by which to carry on their work. 4. The result has shown the utter falsity of their views; for the events did not transpire in the autumn of 1884, that they confidently stated would occur. 5. This demonstrates the false character of all these visions and dreams which were adduced to sustain these false positions. 6. These results further show how incorrigible and stubborn and willful these persons are who engaged in this work, who constantly tried to quote Sister White as sustaining their positions. Yet when she pointed out their errors in public and private, and after the result had disproved their statements, they would not confess. 7. The course of Mr. Garmire since has continued to demonstrate the folly and fanatical character of his work, and of these so-called visions he is trying to palm off upon the unsuspecting. Their predictions are proven to be utterly untrustworthy and extremely foolish. We present these statements from a sense of duty, being appointed to do so by the Advisory Committee of the Battle Creek church. We feel still more impelled to do so, because Mr. Garmire in private letters has stated his determination to persist in his course, and to actively engage in promulgating his views. He states that his daughter has been shown they must attend all the meetings, “every one/’ and he ventures to take FANATICISM AND WICKEDNESS. 9 part in them, mingling freely with those whom he denounces as unworthy, and whose patience he has abused. We have plenty of evidence that he is working in private among those who are comparatively unacquainted with his past course, to gain an influence over the unsuspecting and inexperienced. We feel it our duty, therefore, to protest against his course, and warn all our people of its true character. It is manifestly the work of the enemy to ruin unwary souls. Geo. I. Butler, Uriah Smith. WRITTEN STATEMENT FROM SISTER WHITE. South Lancaster, Mass., Aug. 7, 1885. I am compelled to state that I have not had the least faith in Mr. Garmire or his work. The pamphlet that was issued last fall at the time of our Jackson camp-meeting had not the least sanction of our people. They were sent broadcast by stealing the Review and Herald list. The daughter of Mr. Garmire claims, or he claims for her, to have visions; but they bear not the stamp of God. They are of the same character as many such things we have met in our experience,—a delusion of Satan. I plainly stated at the Jackson camp-meeting to these fanatical parties that they were doing the work of the adversary of souls; they were in darkness. They claimed to have great light that probation would close in October, 1884. I there stated in public that the Lord had been pleased to show me that there would be no definite time in the message given of God since 1844; and that I knew that 10 AN EXPOSURE OE this message which four or five were engaged in advocating with great zeal, was heresy. The visions of this poor child were not of God. This light came not from heaven. Time was short; but the end was not yet. A great work was to be accomplished to prepare a people to be sealed with the seal of the living God. Mr. Garmire, Frank Allen, and Frank Jones were the principal advocates of this heresy. God does not send his light and his truth through impure channels. The record of these men is not clear. They have pursued such a course in their religious life that we have no confidence in them as Christians. We thought that after the time passed they might humble themselves, confess their delusion, and the Lord would pardon the grievous sin of erecting a false light. But no; they went farther and farther into delusion. I wish to warn all in Battle Creek, and all who are liable to be in any way deceived by these men, that they are in a delusion. Frank Jones is a special agent of Satan. He has had influence to deceive some souls. When his doctrines are so manifestly originated by a mind impure and corrupt, we would think any mind that had been under the influence of the Spirit of God, and that was conversant with the Scriptures in any degree, would turn from his polluting heresy, and denounce his vagaries with loathing. But there is that in the human heart which inclines to accept anything new and odd and strange, even of the most inconsistent and revolting character. This poor blind man has greater spiritual blindness than that which marks his temporal vision. Satan has manufactured most loathsome vagaries to present as truth. Should the Bible present any such ideas, well might infidels be justified in their unbelief. We warn all who may be brought under the influence of these few deluded ones, to not receive them into their houses, or to bid them Godspeed; for they are doing the work of Satan as verily as the arch deceiver himself. God’s standard is his holy, perfect law; elevate that. FANATICISM AND WICKEDNESS. 11 Let nothing move your feet from the solid Rock. Truth is ever pure, elevating, and ennobling. Truth never leads to unchastity, nor to moral pollution. Truth never degrades the receiver, never leads to any impropriety of conduct. But those who have taken the course these men have, will go to great extremes in fanatical errors and wild, unreasonable vagaries. They began to find fault with the church; the church was backslidden, the leaders were backslidden. They had a wonderful message. God had left the church and the leading men ■ one side, and these men were God’s messengers, to give the last message of mercy, and proclaim the end of time which Mr. Garmire’s daughter had professed to see in vision. These men despised all counsel, all advice, and maintained that they had the truth. They denounced the church as forsaken, fallen. I conversed with Frank Allen, and told him»of his errors. I presented his inconsistent life, his wicked, immoral course of action, breaking the commandments of God, and showed him the questionable Christian character of Mr. Garmire. The past record of Frank Jones in the books of heaven testified against him; for he left a spotted record. I warned him to change his course, but he paid no heed. He despised all counsel. We thought after the time they had set, passed, then we might be able to do something with these deceived, deluded souls. But they were just as firm and determined as ever. They manifested a stubborn persistence in having their own way. I regretted that Bro. Shrock should be drawn into this delusion ; for I believed him to be the only honest one among them. He sold his home, and these deluded men drew upon his funds to support themselves and their families, until this brother was alarmed at the increasing demands, and withdrew, in a great measure, his support. I hope this brother will wrench himself free from Satan’s snares, and make thorough work to 12 FANATICISM AND WICKEDNESS. confess his errors, and then take his place again, humble and penitent, at the feet of Jesus. I warn my brethren and sisters to give not one word of sympathy or support to these men who have been holding fast their loathsome errors in the face of evidence and light to the contrary. We would suppose that such a warning was wholly unnecessary ; but when there are men and women who are inclined to condemn the church, and those whom God has used to bear his message to the world, they are in danger of following a strange voice, -rather than that of the true Shepherd. Christ says, My sheep hear my voice, and the voice of a stranger will they not follow. Mr. Garmire is trying to make his voice heard ; but listen not. God does not select men whose lives and Christian character are questionable wherever they have lived, and give them special light, and pass his true, devoted, self-sacrificing servants by. This is not God’s plan. It looks, just as it is, like the work of the great adversary of souls. Frank Jones and Frank Allen are men of whom you may well beware. God is not with them. They are led by another spirit. Their doctrines are the doctrines of Satan. Beware of these men who lie in wait to deceive unwary souls. But how any one can be deceived by them is a mystery. May the Lord give wisdom to his people that they will not so far separate themselves from the true Shepherd that they can hear the voice of a stranger, and follow him rather than the true Shepherd. We do well that we take heed what we hear and what we believe, lest we be found wholly deceived, on Satan’s ground. Ellen G. White,