80 THE WATCHMAN NASHVILLE, TENN., JANUARY 29, 1907 CONTENTS OF THIS NUMBER. Poetry. PAGE At Ease in Zion, E H MORTON vveaessnsnsecssesss 07 It Pays ..ooovenniiinnns venerns I 4 His Lamps......ouu.e.. Cereeenenieen Cetereenerrinas 76 Gomeral Articles. The Church of God, Mrs E G WHITE ..... eeesnen 67 Israel: the.Return of the Jews.-No. 5, J S WASHBURN 68 Present Truth, JOHN R MITCHELL s4evsecesnceensss 69 The Home. — Tobacco Poisoning — Were the Prayers Wasted ?eueeeernennenes eenerenes J eeenreeanns 71 Bditorlal, — The Council at Graysville, Tenn ,G 1B — The Spartanburg Trial, L A s — The Sabbath Tree, $s N H — History and Prophecy, U SMITH. ....... 72-74 Bditorial Notes «...covnvnnennn. Cerenenees OR 2 The $150,000 Fund. — Resources of the South, J S WASHBURN — What Can I Do? E E Mires — The Door Closed Forever, J] S WAsHBURN — What Can the Children Do? Mrs V J] FARNSWORTH ........ 75, 76 From the Field. — An Encouraging Letter, J] S Wasu- BURN — Three Indictments for Working on Sunday, RT Nasu—Better than a Camp-meeting, C F DART — Florida, Notice, L H CrisLer — A Year's Work in the Canvassing Field of South Carolina, Mrs E Y Cerrassesiaeniaens 76, 77 Things Here and There. — The Colossus of Telescopes —An International Tunnel—An Example of Turkish Justice — The Bower Bird ....ccvveivenn. FN THE BEGINNING AND CLOSE OF THE SABBATH SUN sets Friday, February 8, . 5:28 “ “Saturday, February 9, 5:29 WATCHMAN RATES 12 Menths in advance - - - - -$1 00 6 Months in advance - - - - - 50 In Clubs of five or more in one wrapper, per year, each - 75 In Clubs of five to one address, for three months - - 94 In Clubs of five to one address, for six months - - 188 Ten copies one year to one address - - - 750 Ten copies six months to one address - - - 3175 Ten copies three months to one address - - - 188 PERSONS receiving copies of the WATCHMAN without having ordered them will not be asked to pay for the same. Such papers are forwarded by other parties or sent from this office at their request. Please read the WATCHMAN and hand it to your friends. WHEN requesting change of address, be sure to give both your old and your new address. “THE religion that was good enough for my father and mother is good enough for me,” say many people of this generation when asked to accept the Sabbath of the fourth command- ment. They offer this as a convenient excuse for not accepting new light from God's word which would require them to stand on the unpopular side in religion. They do not stop to consider that their godly parents lived up to the light which they had, and would will- ingly have accepted further light if it had been brought to them. The question of be- ing accepted with God is not merely a ques- tion of believing certain doctrines and ob- serving certain practices believed and observed by Christian people, but a question of willing- ness to obey God in all things. “To obey is better than sacrifice, and to hearken, than the fat of rams.” ‘The religion of the parent will not save the child who has not the parent's love for God and willingness to walk in the way of his commandments. THE WATCHMAN Turrg is a difference between keeping the seventh-day Sabbath and merely keeping Sat- urday. Which do you do? —_——— “Ir you would be discouraged, look within; if you would be distracted, look around; if you would be strengthened, look up.” Tur Kingston earthquake did very little damage outside of Kingston. The Valpa- raiso earthquake of last August did little dam- age at any great distance from that city. The San Francisco earthquake of last April was more extended in its effects, but it centered around that metropolis. Thus there have been, within less than a year, three great earth- quakes, destroying three large cities, which could not have been more directly aimed at those cities than they were. —_————— A UNION conference council of workers in the West Indies and Central America was in session in Kingston at the time of the earth- quake, at which also Elders E. W. Farnsworth, I. H. Evans, Luther Warren, U. Bender, and Prof. C. B. Hughes from the United States were in attendance. Naturally when reports of the severity of the earthquake reached this country, much anxiety was felt for the safety of our workers gathered in the stricken city. A cablegram containing the one word, “Tivans” was received at Washington soon after the disaster, which is interpreted as being designed to reassure us on this point. —_— .— THE precise reason why Elder R. T'. Nash and his companions in trial at Spartanburg, S. C.. were brought before the court and fined is stated by the editor of the Spartanburg Journal, who cares nothing for the seventh- day Sabbath, but speaks from a knowledge of the situation in Spartanburg. In his paper he says i— “Think of how many hundreds of people right here in Spartanburg do more work ev- ery Sunday than Mr. Nash ever does, and do not defend it- on religious grounds. They are not prosecuted, and nobody wants them pros- ecuted. The street cars run, the railroad trains run, both {freight and passenger, the ice men, the liverymen, the refreshment men, the newsdealers, and many others work more or less every Sunday, and nobody objects to it, and properly so. Why, then, jump on Mr. Nash and his people for doing the same thing or less? The reason is that Mr. Nash and the Seventh-day Adventists defend their acts on religious grounds, and the others do not.” ——— Ir not another calamity should happen dur- ing the remainder of 1907, the year would still be memorable for its disasters, though not the first month of it has yet elapsed. Kingston destroyed, a thousand or more lives lost, and $15,000,000 damage sustained by property own- ers, is alone a memorable calamity. But be- sides this there are the great flood in the Ohio River valley, which has made nearly 30,000 people homeless for a time at least, and de- stroyed millions of dollars worth of property, and the great storm on Lake Erie which dam- aged Buffalo to the extent of nearly $2,000,000; also the engulfing of the island of Simalu, in the Dutch East Indies, by a tidal wave, re- ported in dispatches of the 22d inst., with 1,500 lives lost; not to mention the starving con- dition of millions of people in the flooded dis- trict of China, which is bequeathed to 1907 by its calamitous predecessor. Will the dis- asters of 1g9o7 all come in the first month? — Not very likely; we shall know more about this at the end of the year. But is there not enough in the frequency of these great dis- asters to cause people to do some sober, seri- ous thinking, and some thinking about some- thing clse besides money and what money will get for its possessor? God has taken pains to tell people about a better world than this where he would have people live, a world in which there will be perfect safety for all, and where no calamities will come. But people have slighted his word and forgotten its teach- ings, and since they have done this, it is not strange that God should be now ever and anon reminding people of the uncertainty of life in this present world. ————— Tur Christian is to be a benefit to others. Thus he himself is benefited. ““ He that water- eth shall be watered also himself.” Prov. 11: 25. This is a law of the divine administration, a law by which God designs that the streams of beneficence shall be kept, like the waters of the great deep, in constant circulation, perpet- ually returning to their source. In the ful- falling of this law is the power of Christian missions.—Mrs. I. G. Vite. WHY BO I OBSERVE THE SEVENTH-DAY SABBATH 1. Brcause my blessed Lord and Master kept it (Luke 4:16), leaving me an example that I should follow in his steps. 1 Peter 2:21. 2. My heavenly Father has commanded me to “Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy,” and told me that “the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord” Ex. 20:8-11. 3. The holy women, who were instructed by Jesus himself, “rested the Sabbath day, ac- cording to the commandment.” Luke 23: 54-56. 4. Apostolic example shows that the dis- ciples kept the seventh-day Sabbath. There is a record of Paul preaching on eighty-four Sabbath days (Acts 13:42, 44; 16:13; 17:2; 18:4, 11); but the New Testament contains the record of only one sermon ever being preached on Sunday, the first day of the week, and that was an evening service. Acts 20: 7-12. 5. The Saviour bade his disciples pray that they would not break the Sabbath. Matt. 24: 20. 6. The Sabbath will be observed in the new earth, and I want to begin in this life so that I will be in harmony with the principles of my future home. Isa. 66:22, 23. Ss. N. H.