CHAPTER I Introduction Statement of the problem. Seventh-day Adventists grant a memorable place among the founders and leaders of the denomination to John Nevins Andrews, a pioneer writer, publisher, theologian and missionary. In this investigation into his contribution toward the development of the Seventh-day Adventist church, consideration has been given to (1) his early life and ministry among the Adventists; (2) his relationship to the organizing of the Seventh- day adventist church in the United States; (3) his participation in the formulation of some of the doctrines as now accepted by Seventh-day adventists; (4) his work as a leader of the church in Kurope; and finally (5) an estimate of his value to the church in which he ministered for one third of a century. Sources. lost of the information on John Nevins Andrews was obtained from The Advent Review and Sabbath Herald, Les Sigmes des Temps, his published books, pamphlets, and personal letters. | The Review and Herald Publishing Association gave valuable assistance through its Editorial Library and the irt Department. The Ellen G. White Publications Office made available the private correspondence of Jo No Andrews. The writer is grateful for an interview with Je. N. Andrews, li. D., grandson of J. MN. Andrews, for illustrative material (1)