v Resaanen C el EcoeY fSFa=ms on sovrsin oaszronns cormmor DF > 1 oo ozl msetiag of the Soutbem Galifornia Confecesce was hald 1 s Angelas, pril U-80. 1w prosent culy « jortion of the tim, Tho Toparts remmted t ibe cenferases mere RO KRGUKTRGIG: 1 + + 1 w0 anpesialiy slemoed o duca of the otforte Jus forth duriag tbe ast youz 1n the tourtss ownters of ihis scafersace, A mecial mork 1s %o be Cata 40 slocus ¥hTs people ave coustamiy meatng wad golaes Ohrist labored 1n Caperes mch of the tixe, beoauss Skis wme & 3106s throuch whlch travel- 470 weze conatantiy usetng, bk sbere maiy offon erviol. Tmre e now Swe0tiaiz ehurcles and Tize cogartes iu thm Sesthem Galifornia Confarunss, w1th & scberablp of over Fifiesn Mmired. Tiat n weex souid be dade in this 1034, 17 11 thue Trethren 4 ataters s Vo L7proTe everT SEpOPEEALLY to I ¢ 1ig8s of