4 THE REMNANT OF ISRAEL The REMNANT OF ISRAEL Entered as Second Class matter March 17, 1915, at the post office at Britton, Okla., under the act of March 3, 1870. Published Monthly By UNION PUBLISHING COMPANY BRITTON, OKLA, U. S. A. G. G. RUPERT - - - - Managing Editor I.C.Sultz - - - - - Contributing Editor Subscription price, per year - - - - $1.00 Volume 3 OCTOBER, 1919 Number 45 BOTH IMPORTANT AND CHEAP LITERATURE. Our tract list has now run up to sixteen different tracts on special subjects, every one right to the point on subjects that now should interest the people. They embrace a total of three hundred and fifteen pages. The pages are large, full size of our books. One size page is standard for all our books. Hundreds of verses of scripture are quoted in these unbound book- lets. They are just the thing to give to, or loan or sell, to those who wish to know the truth. The retail price of all is one dollar and sixty cents. We will furnish them all in one package for seventy-five cents post paid. We know of nothing in print that will give the information on the Bible these will for the money. They all make a good sized book. Who will order them and go at the study of the Bible to know truth? SORELY DISAPPOINTED. On our return home July first we fully expected to start out again August first for near three months more labor in the field. But my wife has been so I could not do that consistantly. It was difficult to secure the help and hands to leave her in. She was also too bad to leave. 1 dared not do it. So up to this time I have cared for her, run the house and office. I assure you I have been a busy man, early and late. At this writing (Aug. 27) the last two days she seems a shade better. But we fear nothing permanent. Her trouble is a bad case of neuritis in her back and spine. She suffers greatly. Nothing seems to give relief. There were certain points in Colorado, Kansas, Missouri, Illinois and Ohio we hoped to reach where calls were in for us. God knows best. We ventured to send an appointment to St. Louis for Sept. 2, but seeing the situation and the anxiety of it on our mind, fearing we could not leave, we wrote and withdrew the appointment indefinitely. So now all the spare time we can get we spend in the office where we are needed and have been for some time. Both our courage and health is good. It seems that sufficient is our strength for the burdens to be borne. We say to those who expected us, fo to work the harder and lift the burden and God will help you. It is a great disappointment to me not to see you and labor with you for the cause of God. I have the faith now that it will work for good though we cannot now see wherein it will be. The promises of our God are sure and we can trust him. Past experience gives us confidence. The parties in Missouri, Illinois and Ohio we hoped to meet we have never met, but we feel acquainted with them in the Lord now, before we see them. Let all who read this ever remember that we are busy and doing every day the work which we are called of God to do. We are not negligent. Neither have we lost a particle of interest nor faith in the sure fulfillment of the promises of God. “Now the just shall live by faith.” “But if any man drawn back my soul shall have no pleasure in him.” P. S. August 30 Mrs. Rupert seemed better. The 31 still better. I telegraphed at once I would fill my appointment at St. Louis the 2nd as I had recalled it. Sept. 5th I write this and the interest is good. Surely the way was opened just in time. Will say more later about St. Louis. We mav be able to go to other places also. THE PRESENT SITUATION. We are so thankful the way has opened till this office is supplied with a great, variety of books and tracts till most all the vital*points which are intended to help the Remnant people are now in print covering the leading subjects which are intended to develop the Nothing short of divine provi- dence has brought this about. It has not been the work of any man nor the wisdom of any man. But it is simply the work of God in using ‘the weak things of the world to confound the mighty.” God’s work does not depend on the wisdom of men. The Lord alone is head. He is the beginning and the end The one whom he uses is left in wonderment how it has been accomplished. The instrument is ever impressed with the greatness of the power which works in a manner to bring it to pass. For an example of the many things we mention the tract of twenty-four pages or more which has been placed in the French language. With this we had nothing to do in the matter. The first we knew God raised up a very capable man to do the translating. The work was completed or nearly so before we knew it was being done. Then it came about that while other printers wanted near two hundred dollars for the work of printing, Brother Ask, an Armenian, who heard us in College View, who is also a scholar, had become owner of a printing plant. He offered to do the work for half the price, his plant is in New York. Soon as we found the work under headway the means was needed. We had on hand one hundred dollars just what was needed and we sent it at once. Now I have no doubt nor worry about it, God was in it and the result will be a success. This is a sample of how things are brought about in this work. We do each day what our hands find to do, believing the Lord guides in each move. We find it all works out for good and we have no trouble with mistakes, for we depend on God each day and ask him to keep us from mistakes and he does it. 1 have realized long years ago that no man has wisdom to guide his own steps. They must be guided by the Lord. What the next move will be we know not, but rest assured it will be in some way for the advancement of the Lord’s work. We hold ourself ready as an instrument for him to use. Another strange thing about this brother who went to New York was that he went the very next day, if I remember right, after the meetings closed in Pasadena, Calif. He took the books with him and all his spare time is now devoted to writing and working for others in the message. Through him the truth is now in Europe, brought about by his correspondence true Remnant people.