Southwestern Uninn Record Official Organ of the Southwestern Union Confers” Vor. XXXIV KEENE, TEXAS; deny 1. o BH 51230% } i oh 0v89 | Adv entits NUMBER 29 FROM time to time letters come to my desk from our good people here and there expressing the feeling that too much is being said about money, by our leaders, and not enough about the salvation of souls. One letter which I received recently expressed this thought, and then followed with the statement: “When they are really converted, they won't have to be made to pay their tithes and offerings. When they get the love of God in their hearts as it should be, it will be a pleasure to do the Lord's will.... But I say it is sad to think how much is being said about money among the Adventist people.” I do not criticize this sister, and I ara not surprised that some of our people are led to feel that as leaders we are stressing the money phase of our work more than we should. Often when I am writing articles for a pa- per, or a letter, I shrink from the res- ponsibility of dwelling so much on the financial needs of our work, because I know that we all are carrying loads financially; but really it seems there is nothing else to do if we are to keep our work moving forward as it should, than to constantly bring to the attention of our people the great needs, and urge them to support it as loyally and liberally as possible. Our General Conference brethren are under the tremendous burden of the great world-wide work which costs millions of dollars a year to carry on. They are compelled to lay before us the needs, and to lay upon us the burden to do our best to supply these needs. They press these needs down heavily upon the hearts of our union conference brethren, and the pressure finally reaches the local con- ference, and we try to distribute it upon the shoulders of our lay members everywhere, The cause does not belong to the General Conference officers. It is the Lord’s work and He has called every member to loyally support it to the best of his ability. So brethren and sisters I hope that you will be pa- tient with us as leaders even though it does look at times as if we are A ppeals for Money saying a good deal about money. I appreciate the loyalty of our dear peo- ple and their faithfulness in paying tithes and offerings. What would we do were it not for the spirit of loyal- ty and sacrifice that is found among our people everywhere! Let us take courage and remember that this work will soon be finished when the strug- gles and sacrifice of this life will be over forever, —— — Even as I conclude this article, I cannot refrain from calling attention to the Mid-Summer offering which is to be taken up Sabbath, July 20. Our General Conference brethren hope that every church will average fifty cents a member. Shall we not do our best to encourage our leaders while they are bending every effort to carry this message to the ends of the earth? H. C. HARTWELL. Shepherd’s Rod Ineffective QUOTING from Volume 1, Number 10, of the Symbolic Code News Items, the official bulletin of the Shepherd’s Rod movement, as follows: “We have recently witnessed a com- pany of people in Waco, Texas, be- come established in the present truth after ten studies, and another com- pany in Keene, Texas, become estab- lished after only seven studies.” The leaders in the Shepherd's Rod movement admitted to me in my office that they are teaching our people to pay the tithe to them. But notwith- standing the fact that they teach this, and they claim that they have a com- pany in Keene and in Waco, I thought it would be of interest to our believers to know that the church at Keene has paid $231.93 more tithe for the first five months of this year than they did for the first five months of 1934, while the church at Waco has paid $132.02 more in tithe for the first five months of this year than last. My opinion is that not many of our people, after taking time for due re- flection, will sever themselves from this movement that God has so signal- ly raised up and blessed until it is going forth with the message in 504 languages around the world, to unite with and throw their financial and moral influence to an organization which spends all its energies in find- ing fault with the movement. I have the kindliest feelings toward those who, through friendships, may have been misled into {feeling that there is light in the Shepherd’s Rod movement. But the movement itself is but a repetition of the many apos- ‘work are short. tasies that have sprung out from us, and have eventually come to naught. I trust our brethren will continue to go forward on the platform that God has raised up for this people, rather than to get off with the critics to ex- amine the underpinnings. The days for the finishing of the God is expecting His church to go forward. May He con- tinue to bless all of our churches with the ability to increase their tithe and offerings, that the work may quickly be finished, and God’s people enjoy their everlasting inheritance. R. L. BENTON. Do You Want a Preacher? LIVING preachers are few and it is not possible to answer all requests - for efforts in 1935, but you can have the message preached in your com- munity by securing copies of Bible Footlights and lending them to those who are interested. In the Spirit of prophecy we read, “Let us now, by the wise use of periodicals and books, preach the word with determined energy.” Testimonies, Vol. 9. p. 62. By lending or selling the silent preacher you can bring people to a decision and ‘stir up such a big inter- est that it will be necessary for the conference to send a preacher to bap- tize the people. Order several copies of Bible Footlights at 85 cents post- paid, and get the work started at once in your community. Surely this is a means whereby God can do a great work for your neigh- bors. B. E. WAGNER