Publisher's Department WILLING TO PAY TWICE It sometimes happens that our notice of ex- piration of subscription is sent just before we receive the renewal from a subscriber. A lady who had already sent her renewal re- ceived such a notice. She hastened to reply, stating that she had already sent one dollar, and asking us not to drop her name from the list. She added that she would remit again if the first money failed to reach us, for, she writes, “I cannot afford to be without the WAarTcHMAN.” In saying this she stated what many are find- ing to be the truth. It is not a question as to whether a person can afford to become, and remain, a regular subscriber to the WATCH- MAN; but the question to answer is, “Can I afford to be without this good paper? Can I afford to miss the spiritual instruction and the encouraging, soul-inspiring articles which appear in its columns from week to week?” ‘Another, sending his renewal, says of the WarcaMAN, “It seems to be growing better each number.” ‘This is a very frequent ex- pression in the letters addressed to this office. We are glad to believe that there are good reasons for such statements, and our friends who are helping to place the publication of the WarcamaN on a fully self-supporting basis by increasing the number of subscriptions are doing much to assure the continuance of this improvement. MN EXPERIENCE WITH ‘‘GREAT CONTROVERSY” I srENT small books last summer, about four days canvassing with and met with some success, which caused me to be anxious to get out into the work. But somehow there always seemed to be something to bar the way, or prevent me. During the institute at Hilde- bran, I made a start with “Great Contro- versy.” The first day being Sunday I took one order. I began to feel that I could sell the book. That week 1 canvassed twenty-four hours and took six orders for “Great Controversy” and one for a Bible. The sccond week I worked twenty hours and took ten orders for “Great Controversy.” The third week 1 worked twenty-four hours and took twenty orders also two for “Daniel and the Revelation.” The fourth week I worked twenty-one hours and took 11 orders, and one for “ Daniel and the Revelation,” making altogether 8g hours work with 47 orders for * Great Controversy,” and three for “Daniel and the Revelation.” I also sold one Bible and some small books, making a total value of $127.75. I never spent a night away from home, and much more could have heen accomplished had it been so that I could have devoted more time to the work. I write this, not to show my ability as a can- vasser, but as an appeal to others to canvass in the South and to take up the sale of the larger books. We have such a little time to sell our books, and those books that contain the full truth for these times ought to be sold THE WATCHMAN above all others. This ought to be the aim of every canvasser who loves the truth, and wants to hasten on the message. This is the most favorable time to scll our literature. Things are taking place in the world that are causing unrest; that which is being preached in Babylon is being contradicted by that which is taking place among the na- tions. Our time to work 1s now. W. HENRY GEORGE. ’ — THE EASTERN | QUESTION Now that the restraining influences which have so long kept the Russian armies outside the gates of Constanti- nople are being withdrawn, will it be long before the Turk is driven from Europe ? What will that event mean? has Inspiration said about it? What This entire subject of stupendous im- portance will soon receive able considera- | tion in a series of articles to be published in the WATCHMAN from the pen of Prof. | P. T. Magan. Interesting facts will be | presented in these articles which have never before been brought out in con- | nection with this subject. i These articles will be of more than | ordinary interest. You will want to | follow them closely. Are there not . persons to whom you should send the | WATCHMAN during the time this series i is running? Send all subscriptions to the | SOUTHERN PUBLISHING ASSOCIATION | NASHVILLE TENNESSEE | | Beautiful Bible Mottoes No home is complete without at least one There is no better time than right now to sell Mottoes. A special discount of 20 per cent will be given to all those that wish to help raise means for the Southern Schools. Agents make from 84 to 810 a day. Will you help us raise 8500 in the next six months to help the Southern Schools? Address with 2c. stamp. THE HAMPTON ART CO., Hampton, Iowa. 191 CANVASSING REPORT Of the S. U. C. for Week Ending March 1, 1907 2%, 2 | x5 rR © Di < a om [=3-} NAME » Te id £2 = . = mh < [=] o < Z Z = >A Tennessee River Conference Mamie MoOre.sussiescesescsns D&R 20 F31 25 3 Katie CariCo.ceevecsss Sof D&BS 19 22 30 Jessie Iliff... oveaiiianens CK NTP 16 19 50 3 00 WT Dawson.vecesussosesans ..CK 20 9 50 3 50 R H Hazeltoneeovviaeoseneen D&R 24 21 ¢O 2 50 Mrs S H Willlamson...oeaee D&R 16 15 75 50 Cumberland Conference G S Vreeland 2 wks.oovenns Dot A 65 50 00 29 40 M J Weber 2 wks.vooiaeen CK BR 27 67 50 7 50 North Carolina. Mattie S Reynolds. cc... ..CK 43 29 55 1 50 W Henry George.oioveaerseenss GC 8 7 50 5 00 W H Brown........ CK Sof P BS 45 50 Mrs A E Brensinger....... CK BS 19 10 75 OR Steed voveernnnesesarannse CK 32 2 50 18 so WE Lanier.cececseses D&R Sof P 35 23 25 5 05 O B Newton .oco... eves anan Sof P 25 14 50 1 50 H BTilden..viveereneesseeanss CK 16 17 00 1 75 South Carolina Henry Cannon...oeveencsosesss CK 28 oo S H Swing..ovvvviesenans Sof P23 52 50 50 JB Rise ciiiiiiiieisannennnns CK 22 1050 = 3 50 FAEvans..ooeeveveasssceesse CK 27 43 75 3 50 Georgia H H Johnson.....ecv.ue D&R CK 16 21 25 JA Kimmel...oooviiiiiaans D&R 24 29 75 8 oo R L Underwood 3 wks...CK NTP 99 33 50 39 00 Alabama CC Howell z wks c.vvvnveen D&R 43 64 20 10 CO Louisiana. IT Reynolds cvevenvenns CK Misc 23 33 50 62 25 Wm R Lalburn...... D&R CK BS 45 8 25 g9 co Mrs A E Frank .......000 BR CK 36 50 ADB Cheek.ivevivernararroensse BR 43 50 75 G S Rogers cooaereenes D&R Misc 24 14 75 13 50 C L Collison 2 wks..D&R BR GC go 80 8s 81 95 Florida J H Robinson.ceeeeesesenans Sof P 4 6 25 TH Dobb..viviiineiinnenns . Misc 52 ] 32 20 E C Dettweller.oeieeeiaeeass D&R 23 27 95 4 25 Mississippi OG Red eriainirennnans CK BS 6o 50 25 111 50 Recapitulation. Tennessee River Conference .... 115 ficg 30 F 9 50 Cumberland Conference ........ 92 117 50 36 go North Carolina.eeeeieeensevioass 178 105 ¢5 78 8o South Carolina..ceersreeeneenaes 72 1c6 75. 35 50 Georgia. veieisrosesssrsenseanans 139 84 50 47 co Alabama ....iveeieniiiiiiaaenn 43 64 20 10 CO T,O0UISIANA cess vrasssanaaroasasans 225 173 8o 307 45 Florida «cevvneeenannne essensenn 79 34 20 36 45 MiSSISSIPPle ser ccreonnssencsnsnes 60 50 25 IIT 50 Total veveiieiieensoenennes 803 $845 55 673 10 JOS. R. BANKS H. F. BANKS H. EF. BANKS @ CO. Real Estate and Loan Brokers, NO. "07 FOURTH AVE., NORTH OfFrFice P. 1136 Home PHONE, MAIN, NASHVILLE, - TENNESSEE aNE, MAIN, i 3011R AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK CAPITAL. .......... SHAREHOLDERS’ SURPLUS AND UNDIVIDED PROFITS SECURITY TO DEPOSITORS............ In the opening of a Bank Account the FIRST THING to be considered is SAFETY. ER $1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 i 415,000.00 i $2,415,000.00 This we offer in THE AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK, as we give greater SECURITY to depositors than ANY ‘BANK in Tennessee. OFFICERS W. W. BERRY, President A. H. ROBINSON, Vice-President N. P. LeSUEUR, Cashier DIRECTORS R. W. TURNER JOHNSON BRANSFORD ROBT. J. LYLES HORATIO BERRY JNO. B. RANSOM G. M. NEELY OVERTON LEA THOMAS J. FELDER LESLIE CHEEK JOHN M. GRAY, JR. THOS. L. HERBERT JAMES B. RICHARDSON BYRD DOUGLAS A. H. ROBINSON W. W. BERRY N. P. LeSUEUR