©" Eph. 1:13; chapter 4:30. ve es of God shall not fail. «Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might.” VOLUME 6. DODGE CENTER, MINN; FEB. 3, 1895. IERIE NuMBER 16 BIBLE STUDY. To be much benefivicd irom the study of the subject of the Spirit of (+1 some ime must be devoted to a careful examination of the texts. The arrangement of the texts is merely suy- gestive. Many other texts can be profitably studied in connection with them. Those who conduct the study should give prayerful consideration to the preparation of the lesson. recomended for a lesson. whole hour may be very profitably Somerimes a spent in / the consideration of a single topic. We trust all our brethren will be mach bene fitted and blessed while studying this previous subject. Topic 7.—Spirit gives power to obey the word nf God. John 3:25, 24. Topic 8.—Spirit, in connection with the woed, au agency in the new birth and regener- ation. John 3:8, 5, 6; Titus 3:5; Jas. 1:18; 1 Pet. 1:22; 1 Sam. 10:4. * Topic 9:— urit gives wisdom and discre- tion. Gen. 41:33, 38; Ex. 35!30—36; Isa. 11: 2; Aets 6:3, 5; 1 Cor. 12:7—12 Toric 10.—Spirit resisted leaves the person and the heart is hardened. 1 Sam. 16:14; Isa. 30:1, chapter 63:10; Zach. 7:12; Eph, 4:30 Heb. 4:6. - Toric 11.—Spirit is an agency by which God sends messages to his servants through his servants. 2 Chron. 15:1, 2; chapter 24:20; Joel 2:28, 29; Acts 2:16—18; chapter 11:28; chapter 21:4, 11. Toric 12.—Spirit a pledge that the promis- ] Isa. 34:16; Mat. 28: 19, 20; 2 Cor. 5:4, 5; chapter 2:13, 20—22; N. W. ALLEE. +. MINNEAPOLIS INSTITUTE. "This Institute conducted hy Mrs A. B. Ellis at Minneapolis during the week beginning Jan. Tth for the benefit of missionary workers was. a success struction given was so plain and yet so. com- 5 prehensive that all who attended with a desire "to learn could nov fail to receive much help in learning better how to work for God ‘and per- ishing'souls: © Sr oT _ Thesubject of missionary correspondence + was taken up; each individual was requested to No definite number of topics 18 1 1 Pet. 1:22; Eze. 36:26, 27; 1 by sharp cutting argument. ¥ CURES the spirit of Christ, and léss of the spirit of gelfl =: which so often places us above and beyond our’. from start to finish, The in. ivea practical illustration of what a mission- ary letter ought to be by writing one each evening and was read for correction. It was shown that God’slove in the heart for lost souls is thefirst essential in doing any kind of missionary work Our first effort should be to establish confidence in the mind and heart of those for whom we labor. ‘To awaken an interest should be our next aim; but it is not necessary, at first, in awakening an interest to say anything about the Sabbath or any other doctrinal point peculiar to our faith. - There are precious truthes in the Bible that are dear to every christian’s heart, and we can meet them on this common ground, thus pre: venting and removing a great deal of preju- dice. Huy slow we have been to- learn the lesson Paul designed to teach when he said, «For though I be free from all men, yet 1 have made myself servantunto all, that I wight gain the more.” He becarie as weak as the weakest that he might save sowe; that is, he could and did syn- pe “hize with those who were downcast, dis: heartened, and discouraged. He was simply living out the principles the Savior had taught - hin, by meeting men just where he found them, and thus lift them up, pointing them to a higher and a bette. life. [t is much easier to lift a load when close to it, so instead of reaching down to help the fal- len and the weak, let us get down by theirside and lift them up in the name und strength of Josus. We have felt so rich'and increased in’ goous—so strong and mighty in argument on our side of the question, so sure we were all right and everyone who differed from us was all wrong—that our missionary efforts many. times have created prejudice and retarded the work. CT ‘We should always cultivate a spirit - of christian courtesy and love for those who de ° not agree with us. : "We need more'of tallow men, and thus separates us “from them. These and many other important lessons were - taught, and I hope so well leatned that eterni- ty alone will reveal some starry CTOWDS 8S 8 Te« gulbe oo Ce : LB Losky.. oY | ‘We can never win them: i