FASTERN CANADIAN MESSENGER hn HEANTEFORD AND VICINITY During the past sixomonths, Meso Mack- mtosh aod the waiter have been lahouring in Brant ford Paris, also making requent visits with the churely members at Galt, God hs Blessed oar humble efforts and we wre glad to report aw minmuber preparing for baptism, During camp-meeting we were ashed to join Brother and Sister Win 0 Young moan effort in the North, so we had only one more Sabbuatls with our friends here, wl Friday evening we met with the churele mm (salt, the close wo nmnber accompanied ns to the station where we bade farewell, We trust that Genel be with these farthful members reward their efforts for the cause, We had ao very plensant service, UAL will and Sabbath worning we met with the church in Paris. We have truly enjoyed many pleasant visits with the brethren and sisters there and would request the pravers of the Mpssesoee family for those who have recently taken ther stand for the Master as well as those who have been convicted, but have not vet surrenderad. In the afternoon we met with the chiureh in Brantford. Here we have a foreman in one of Brantford's leading industeiad plants who has taken Tus stand for the teath, We trast he wil become a staunch soldier of the cross, We have many Little tokens by which we shall often be reonnded of our friends in Brant ford and we carnestly pray that God will bless them im Hole service for Hun, We leave a nonher of mterestoed Ones whom Wor fro will soneday take then stand, We move on to another field feeling God has called us and we will be Blessed. D. Macxinrosu OUR FIRST SABBATH SCHOOL, LISKEARD IN NEW On orelarming to the canvassing Held, T was ploasad to attend the first Sabbath School in Nin Brother amd Sister Macintosh and Brother and Sister Young, have arrived last Suhbath, July 18 they organized a Sabbath School with a nictinhership of sevens which surely was enjoyed, We are trusting to Gad that around This nucleous may be gathered a lrger company of Sabbath Keepers as a result of this sum- mer's efforts which begins this coming week, Those engaged tn this effort solicit the pray- crs of the helievers to this end. Herwvewr Movsr Lasko, herve to Begin a tent effort. ON THE RESERV For a long tune the Indians on the Sin Nae tions Reserve had looked forward to daly 4 the fone sof held on the lawn of for wu sovctal evening to be the Mission home there, As the evening drew ong men, women, and chil dren left their burdens of the harves! fields aod began to assemble, "The writer with his fondly wits scatod tn front of the house to receive Hi visitors and soon the Indians, from the aged SITE, hardering on 90 VATS old, to the chidd and imfant in the mother’s swornise made ap the “tont-cimomble™ of he gathering. After the openmg address ad tnt rodoetion of the Fanny lo the people, aprogran eons s' sting of vecilations, songs, masteal selections and games was henrtily enjoyed hy all, Chief Mantior sung “Safe in the Aems of Jesus™ an the Todn language, the company Joining in the chorns mm Eoghsh, Refreshments were served consisting of ree crea, lemonade, cake The way they dhsap- pearcd gave evidence that that pret of the prograan was cngjoved fully as mocha the of her part of the entertaiment, and sionlwiches, The Indian Ladies provided the cales) every one of whieh showed skill and taste wm the end: mary art and would grace the table of wo ooty lady, The writer announced the approaching tent meet ing to he held an the western past of th Reserve an a Woe believe meh prejudice Wilks resaved and ji rest] sod sind N my and confidence established, Wa, short thine. Yorse THEY GOT IN While the daily newspapers in China were displavimg me hold headlines and tong arhicles the domes of the Panchan Teun, or fiving Buddhiao of Tibete who at brad Broneht cain throaoh His mteele workmg vase, Wil = clined two of onr brethren, one an American and the other a Clinonan, determined to ose After they succeeded getting past the guards, pri Byer enyed vot bis srgnatare. several born downs vate seercharies and other red tapes and were ushered into his holy (2) presence. He reecived them smilinglyv, asked many questions about America and our work, and expressed great apprecation of the work beng done by Dr JON Andrews for his people on the borders of Tiiwet, They presented the Chinese Modieal Book