+ ECHOES FROM THE FIELD. to this Conference, by the First Denver Church. of Seventh-day Adventists, a me- morial setting forth conditions as to the church building and: Conference offices, located in the City of Denver, that calls for a careful consideration on the part of the Conference, we therefore recommend the following: (a) That the title to the property re- - ferred tovaboye, and occupied conjointly by the Conference and the First Denver Church of Seventh-day Adventists, re- main as it is new. +(b) That the said First Denver Church pay the insurance expenses and keep up the necessary repairs and pay two-thirds of the assessment against said property. (c) That the First Denver Church of « Seventh-day Adventists erect an office building on the corner lot of the property ‘above referred. to, outside dimensions to be as follows: twenty feet wide and forty . feet long, pressed brick, twelve-foot ceil- ing, plastered throughout with white coat finish, store front, hard pine fin- ish, toilet and lavatory connected with the sewer, wired for électricity, the en- tire building to be finished in a me- ‘chanical way and to be delivered to the “Conference free from all encumbrance; further detmils and specifications to be arranged by the Fitst Dénver Church and Jhe Conférence Committee. . Resolution g was made the entire sub ject of one meeting. During this meet- ing, and at other times before the camp meeting closed, the entire debt of the Campion Academy was provided for in cash and pledges. This was celebratéd "by singing “Praise God from Whom All erecting such a building. the Conference agrees to vacate the rooms now used as offices for the church to use for