"Sperm, priv piseim, ) Fe, att, . ¢ Spire wi, tum, arg; so : Bt . 3 hare. i PRTC VSI PI Shas, ‘ois. £ a sightiog, + a Sprétof, aris. ma despiser, 8 ‘SCOTRER.. Despeno. to sigh, to despise: much. : ~ Agpersbr; ari. dep. To slight; Yo contenu, to abhor. ea ¥dtatning or-akighting, d egard. Spéra. Spes, ei, f, expectation, LC SEAL re be of stall hope jor. JB et Expes: adj. hopeless, wi out hope. "Pespero. to despair, to lose hope. ; - Bespératio,. Sais nis. £5 fo i Desparater lessly, deopaitin airingly. ~~. Dope, um, Et i Ops y ea npc Inspgratas, », tm. sgt ho Tooked fr; waged Ea adv. unl mloched Tor TE & Spérabllis, e, that ma hoped P, : BE ‘Tosperabilis, eh ope eked fr. Sr piro. Sparitus, us. m. breath, air, a soul, sepirt. Spirabilia, e. that which breathethi, Spiritalis, e. of air or breath. Co oo Splracilum, ot Spiramentun; ba os Spier nis. n : Roles a1, 0.3 RE Ain to reste to bin wc foro. Aspiritio, onis. f. reathing,: exhalation, & .Conspire, to blow together, to consent, to coupies ~ Louspiratio, onis. f. an agreement, & conspirac - Conspirdte. adv. by wa of conapivaty, with 1s Exspiro, et Expiro.. ta Droathe out, to expire, to’ re . Bxpiratio,onis, f. a breathing out. Inspire. to blowirito, to breathe: upeny to i inspite. "=, Interspiro. to bréathe between, to vent, i. Beonpiratie nia. £ tisoagh. © between. 48 raat. seins epic to rcathe Beavirating sin © 5 Tretig of fetching ‘breath, respiration: : Suspirp. "to sigh, £3 pant after. ‘Suspirditioy ania. fet Snspt paso a sighing: ~ Buspirium, i. n.g shett breathing, a si Spt ros, 4, wm. breathing short, Maken winded asthmatic, 1 og with il puky. Certs a rs A A. er A + ome imo im