14 Recorder October 5, 1987 Central California CONFERENTC CE Eight ordained during Soquel Camp Meeting The final Sabbath of Soquel Camp Meeting was a very special day for eight pastors in the Central California Conference. Robert Zamora, Central’s ministerial director, performed the act of ordination. Charles Cook, conference president, charged the new ministers to be gentle to all men, patient and a good soldier. James Finn, vice pres- ident and director of church ministries, welcomed the eight to the ministry, admonishing them to be faithful, and to love and train the brethren. David Acosta is presently pastor of the Lompoc church. He was graduated from Loma Linda University-La Sierra in 1980 with a Bachelor of Arts degree in theology, and received his Master of Divinity degree from Andrews Uni- versity in 1984. Acosta married Rachel Marquez in 1976, and they have four children—Lisa, Jenee, Aaron and Lynee. Acosta is committed as God’s servant to be faithful to the sacred call of the ministry by giving dedicated service to the Church and the world. He considers the ministry to be a call to serve God by a consecrated life, and that it is his duty to preach and teach the gospel of Jesus in order that His remnant people will be ready for the soon coming. Manuel Avitia Jr. is currently pastor of the Bakersfield/Lamont district. His academic background includes Bachelor of Arts degrees from the University of Colorado and Andrews University, and a Master of Divinity degree from Andrews in 1982. Avitia married Tina Romero in 1970. Their family includes four children— Manuel, Michelle, Melissa and Mat- thew. He has served the Central California Conference in a variety of locations, including the Lindsay Bilingual, Woodlake Spanish, Bakersfield Bilin- gual and Delano Spanish churches. The Avitias have a special interest in developing programs which will aid bilingual people regardless of their educa- tional or financial background. They David and Rachel Acosta rr Manuel and Tina Avitia Paul Bray Jr. John and Casey Coelho want to help Hispanic people develop self-esteem. Avitia says his ordination 1s very meaningful personally because he believes the Lord has called him to this special ministry, and will provide the blessings necessary for success. Paul Bray Jr. has served as a pastor at the Burlingame church since October 1986. He received a Bachelor of Arts degree from Pacific Union College, and a Master of Divinity degree from Andrews University. Bray has previously served as pastor of the Lindsay church and associate pastor of the San Jose Central church. In describing his desire as a minister of the gospel, Bray says: ‘“When Samuel heard God’s voice in his room, he was awed; when Solomon saw God’s pres- ence in a newly dedicated temple, he was humbled; and when Jesus felt the cool water rush about Him as He came up out of the Jordan at His baptism, He was ready to minister with tender compassion and genuine love. As I min- ister, it is my prayer that I, too, will always have the simple awe of the Infinite, genuine humility to see Infinity in the smallest thing, so that I can serve with tender compassion and genuine love.” John Coelho III is at present pastor of the Selma/Sanger churches. He has earned two Bachelor of Arts degrees from Columbia Union College, in theol- ogy and psychology. He financed his education by operating a home decorat- ing business in Silver Springs, Maryland. Coelho married his wife, Casey, in 1970. They have one daughter, Kellie Anne. Considering ordination as a divine seal on his call into the ministry, Coelho says that becoming a co-worker with Christ is an awesome responsibility. Con- sequently he has a feeling of inade- quacy, yet he has a constant awareness that the Holy Spirit will preside in his life. He has a particular desire to aim his ministry toward bringing new con- verts to Christ as he continues to nur- ture his congregation. Ruben Escalante has served as asso- ciate pastor of the Visalia church since returning from Andrews University with his Master of Divinity degree in 1984. He was graduated from LLU-La Sierra in 1980 with a Bachelor of Arts degree. While completing his undergraduate studies he spent summers working in youth evangelism, inner city work and