DANIEL A. AUGSBURGER As a Christian teacher and social leader— He is an outstanding teacher, a brilliant scholar, an enlightened social and cultural leader. His students will not forget his vivacity and enthusi- asm clearly portrayed in his animated eyes and ready smile. Although swamped with school ac- tivities, he is never too busy to steady a wavering student, to cheer the downhearted. His excellent philosophy of life, his realization of the difference between making a living and making a life enables him to meet all situations with Christian-like con- fidence. His complete command of the French 6 language and literature, his spontaneous socia- bility and sympathetic consideration of student viewpoint, his breadth and general knowledge have gained for him admiration and respect. For your life full of service, For your willing cooperation and ready counsel, For your friendly greeting to all, For your undying faith in God, We affectionately dedicate to you the 1953 CARDINAL.