ELEMENTARY BIBLE DOCTRINES 19 2 5 PREPARED BY C. A. BURMAN EMMANUEL MISSIONARY COLLEGE BERRIEN SPRINGS,MICH. INDEX TO LESSONS Baptism 90 Intemperance 74 Beast, The 46 Love of God 59 Beings of the Universe 1 Lord’s Supper 92 Bible - The Word 8 Man’s Condition in Death 58 Children of God 68 Manner of Keeping the Character of the Word 9 Sabbath 13 Christ’s Coming 32 Mark of the Beast 49 Christian Growth 71 Millennium 37 Christian Education 70 Nature of Man 40 Change of the Sabbath 15 New Birth 67 Church 78 Plan of Salvation 5,6,7 Cleansing of the Predestination 73 Sanctuary 30 Prayer 62,63' Church in Prophecy 45 Prophecy 20 Confession 65 Ram and the Goat 24 Creation 3 Religious Liberty 53,55 Daniel Seven 22,23 Repentance 64 Daniel Two 21 Righteousness 69 Earthly Sanctuary 26 Sabbath 12 Faith 60,61 Sanctification 72 Fall of Man 4 S.D.A. Organization 79 Fall of Satan 2 Seal of God 48 Fate of the Wicked 42 Second Angel’s Message 51 First Angel’s Message 50 Seven Churches 57 First Day of the Week 14 Seven Last Plagues 56 Forgiveness 66 Signs of Christ’s Coming 33-36 Healing 77 Spirit of Prophecy 86 Health 76 Spiritual Gifts 85 Heavenly Sanctuary 29 Spiritualism 43 Holy Angels 44 State of the Dead 41 Holy Spirit 80,81 Temperance . 75 Home of the Saved 38 Third Angel’s Message 52 Humility 91 Tithing System 87-89 Judgment 31 Two Covenants 18 Law of God 10,11 Two Laws 16 Led by the Spirit 84 Twenty Three Hundred Days 25 Lessons from the United States in Prophecy 47 Sanctuary 27,28 Work of the Holy Spirit 82,83 Law and the Gospel 19 Yearly Feasts and Sabbaths 1? These lessons on Bible Doctrines are the result of sev­ eral years’, study and experience in the field and the class room, Since a number of teachers and students have asked for copies, it has been thought advisable to take off one hundred sets. There are ninety-two lessons in all, many of which can easily be divided if the. teacher desires. Frequent review should be given. The subjects are arranged somewhat after the order of their presentation in a series of Bible lectures. I would suggest that the practical subjects which are grouped at the last be interspersed among those of a more doctrinal nature. Each student should be required to keep a note-book containing the answer to each question, and the thoughts gleaned from the class room. In addition to the regular reviews and period tests, it has been found profitable to haia each atu&ejit wnite A paper or give a ten minute talk on some topic already covered. The underlined textss are to be memorized, and a stated number required as a part of each semester’s work.- Students should.be able to locate from memory chapters which deal with special topics; such as, Faith (Heb.- 11), Charity ( I Cor. 13) The Resurrection ( I Cor. 15), etc. LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS P. P. Patriarchs and Prophets. D. A. Desire of Ages. A. A. Acts of the Apostles. 0. C., Great Controversy. E. , W, Early Writings, Edu. Education. B. R. Bible Readings (new) S. B. Source Book. H. S. History of the Sabbath. R. P. Rise and Progress of S. D. A. Test. Testimonies for the Church. M. H. Ministry of Healing. A.S.P. American State Papers. F. Fundamentals of Christian Education. Lesson 1 The universe, of which our planet is but a speck, con­ sists of unnumbered worlds, systematically arranged in seem­ ingly unbounded space. These worlds are arranged into sys­ tems, or groups, of which the solar is one. Many, if not all, of the worlds are inhabited. The universe is ruled by the trinity consisting of the Father, Son, and the Holy Ghost. All created beings are subject to the law of their Creator as defined in the ten precepts of the decalogue. 1. What Beings compose the Godhead? Matt. 28:19. 2. The Father. a. What is the nature of the Father? John 5:26. b. Give some of His titles? 1 Tim. 1;17. c. Name some of the traits of His character? 1 John 4:8 ' Ex. 34:6,7. 3. The Son. a. What is Jesus’ attitude toward the Father? John 8:29; 15:10. b. What did Jesus say of His Father? John 14:28. c. What did Jesus say of His relation to the Father? John 17:21,22. d. What positions does He hold? (a) Creator Heb. 1;1; John 1;1-3,14. (b) Redeemer I Pet. X:18,19. (c) Priest Heb. 3:1. (d) King Rev. 19:11-16. 4. The Holy Spirit. a. Who is the third person of the Godhead? John 16;6. D. A. 73:33. b. Can the nature of the Holy Spirit be understood? A. A. 51,52. c. Are the beings of the Godhead real? Heb. 1:3. Test. Vol. 8:264. 5. Other Beings, a. Four beasts (living creatures) Rev. 5:11. b. Angels. Rev. 5;11. c. Inhabitants of other worlds. D. A. 79:2. d. Four and twenty Elders. Rev. 5:11. e. Man. Gen. 1;26. Helps*. Test. Vol. 8:263-269. Lesson 2 The being now called Satan was once a loyal angel. He^ with all created beings, was subject to God and His law. Tnoy were froe moral agents, and delighted to do the will of God. His sin consisted in transferring his affections from God to himself, so that he finally reached the conclusion that his judgment was superior to that of the Father. God knew the results of the steps he was taking and could have destroyed him at once, but other beings of the universe were not able to detect the evil of his course, and thus many took his side of the controversy. Time must be given to demon­ strate who was right. 1. What is the character of God? 1 John 4;8. 2. On what principle does the government of God rest? Rom. 13:9; Matt. 22:37-40; 7;12. 3. What right or privilege is given to all His creatures? Rev. 22:17; Josh. 24:15. Free Moral agency. 4. What was the original condition in the universe? John 17:5. Peace and happiness. 5. What did some of the angels do? 2 Pet. 2:4. 6. Who was the originator of sin; Isa. 14;lg? 7. Give his position at the time of his fall. Eze. 28:12-14. 8. Was the being now called Satan ever perfect? Eze. 28:15. 9. What caused Lucifer to take the course he did? Isa, 14; 12-14. 10. Did he suddenly come to the conclusion that God was wrong? P. P. 35:2, 11. How did his doubts-affect the other angels? P.P. 38:3. 12. What efforts were made to show him his mistake? P.P. 36:2,3. 13. Could he or the other angels comprehend the step he was taking? P. P. 39, 1. 14. Why did not God destroy him and his followers before the rebellion should spread to all the universe? P. P, Ch. 1:23. Helps: Patriarchs and Prophets. Chapter 1. Rev, 12:7-9. Lesson 3 » 1. When did God create thi3 earth? Gen. 1;1, 2. Are there other worlds beside this one? Heb. 1:2. 3. Were any created before this one? Job 38:1-7. The Sons of God (heads of other worlds, Luke 3;38) were present when this world was created. 4. How were all things created? Ps. 33;6t9. 5. Did God create the matter of which He made the world? Heb. 11:3. 6. Who was the creator? John l;l-3; Heb. 1:1,2; Col. 1:13-16. Eph.3:9. 7. Tell what took place on each day of creation. Gen, 1. 8. What did God do on the seventh day? Gen. 2:1-3. 9. Were the days of creation, days of twenty-four hours each? See note 1. 10. How was man made? Gen. 2:7. 11. How did he compare with the other creatures of God’s crea­ tion? Gen. 1;26,27. 12. What was given to him? Gen. 1:28. 13. How was Eve created? Gen. 2:21-25. 14. Give the diet provided for them. Gen. 1:29. 15. Describe their home. Gen. 2:8,15. 16. What was God’s purpose concerning the whole earth? P.f. 17. Locate on a map the garden of Eden. Gen. 2;8-14. Helps; P. P. Ch. 2. "Education" Pp. 128-130. NOTE 1; If the days of creation were long periods of time, the vegeta­ tion created on the third day would have died during the long per­ iod of darkness of the third day. Adam, created on the sixth day, would have been many thousands of years old before the close of the first Sabbath had those days been as long as now taught by science. The Scriptures say he lived 930 years. In the fourth commandment the word day, is used several times. It would not be according to the rules of grammar or good sense to say that in one case is meant a day of twenty-four hours and in another an indefinite period of time. "The evening and the morning were the first day", etc., indi­ cates that the earth turned upon its axis as today. Lesson 4 1. Describe man as he came from the hand of his Creator. Gen. 1:26,27. What instruction was given our first parents regarding the fall and work of Satan? P. P. 52, 2. 3. Tell how God placed a test of their faith and obedience in the garden. Gen. 2:17. 4. What did Satan use as his medium? Gen. 3;1. 5. Describe the Serpent as he appeared at that time. P.P. 53,4. 6. Give the conversation that passed between Satan and the woman. Gen. 3;1-5. 7. What did Eve do and why? Gen. 3:6. 8. Give the motive that prompted Eve in the step she took, also Adam. P. P. 54, 2; 55, 2. 9. What was the first impression that came to them? P. P. 55,3; 57, 1. 10. Why did they hide from the presence of God? Gen. 3;7. 11. ‘Give the conversation that followed.- Gen. 3:9-13. 12. What curse was pronounced upon the serpent? Vs,. 14. 13. What came to the whole human family as a result of this act? Gen. 2:17; 3:17-19. Rom. 5;12. 14. What curse did God pronounce upon the earth? Gen. 3:17,18. 15. What did man lose by the fall? Gen. 3:22-24. Helps: P. P. Chapter 3. PLAN OF SALVATION Lesson 5 •1. How did the fall of man affect the angels and other beings of the universe? p. P. 63,3. 2. What did Jesus propose to the Father? P. P. 63,3. 3. Did the Father agree to the plan? John 3;16. P. P. 4. What did some of the angels wish to do? P. P. 64j3. 5fc When did John the Revelator say that Jesus died for man? Rev. 13:7,8. 6. In what words was the promise of a Saviour made known to this world? Gen. 5;15. 7. Ip order to keep the sufferings and death of the Son of God ever before the human family, what service was instituted? Gen. 4:3,5. P. P. 8. Why did four thousand years pass before Jesus came? P.P. 41J 2. Time must be given for Satan to demonstrate some of the results of sin. 9. In what words did Isaiah speak of the coming Saviour? Isa. 9:6,7. 10. How does fre speak of His sufferings? Isa.-Ch.53. Helps: P» P. Ch. 4. PLAN OF SALVATION - Cont. Lesson 6 1. How did the loyal angels look upon the birth of Jesus? Luke 2:8-14.- 2. Why was he given the name Jesus? Matt. 1:21. 3. What had Satan planned on doing when Jesus should come to thi3 earth in human form? Ans. Either to destroy him.before Iiis work was completed, or cause him to sin. Matt.2:1-16; 4:1-11. 4. What waw Christ's mission to this earth? Acts 10r38;John 6:38 15:10.- 5. What did He become? Phil. 2:5-8; Rom.8:3; Heb.2:18; 4:15. 6. Why did He become a member of the human family? Heb.2:18; 4:15. 7. What is recorded of his character? I Pet. 2:22,23;Luke 23:41 8. What is He to the human family? 1 Pet. 2:21. PLAN OF SALVATION- Cont. Lesson 7 1. What caused His death? D. A. 80:12. 2. By His life of righteousness, and death, what has He made possible? Heb. 2:14. 3. At the death of Christ what was forever settled in the minds of the angels? D. A. 79:14. 4. Where is Jesus since His death? Heb. 12:2. 5. Did Jesus* effort for the salvation of man cease at His death? Heb. 7:25. 6. Who is His representative on earth? John 16:7-13. 7. What will be accomplished by the second coming of Christ? 1 Thess. 4:16,17. 8. What are the last acts in the plan of salvation? Rev. 20; 7-9; Rev. chapter 21. 9. Name three things accomplished by the plan of salvation. a. Four thousand years were given in which to demonstrate to angels and the inhabitants of other worlds, that God was right and Satan wrong. By putting to death the Son of God, Satan was found to be a murderer and a liar. Thus the character of God was vindicated, and Satan was proved a traitor. b. By His death Jesus paid the penalty of the law and made it possible for all who desired, to be saved. c. Through death Jesus has made it possible to destroy Satan and sin. Helps: D. A. Ch. 79. Lesson 8 1. Name the books of the Bible. 2. God spoke a portion of this book to man. Deut. 4;12,13. *3. The largest part was revealed by God to the prophets. Amos 3:7; Deut. 29:29. 4. phrist spoke directly to man, while He was on earth. Heb.l: 1,2; John 12:49. ' 5. Into what three divisions was the Old Testament originally divided? — Ans. Law of Moses, the prophets, and the Psalms or poetical books. Luke 24:27,44,45. 6. Name the four gospels, the historical book, the epistles, and the prophetic book of the New Testament. 7. Who is the author of each? 8. What has Paul to say about the authenticity of the Old Test- ament? II Tim, 3:15,16. 9. By whom did Peter say the Old Testament was written? I Peter 1:10,11; II Peter 1:21. 10. Upon what did Paul base his teaching? Acts 26:22,23; 28:23. 11. What did Jesus ask all to do? John 5:39, 12. What is said of the spoken word? Matt, 7:29; John 7:46, CHARACTER AND INFLUENCE OF THE WORD Lesson 9 1. Give three points wherein the Bible is superior to other books. Note 1. 2. State wherein the Bible biographies differ from those written by men. Note 2. 3. Name eight characteristics of the Word of God? Ps. 119:142, 151; Heb. 4:12; Ps. 119:140; John 6:63; Heb. 6:5; 2 Pet.1:19. 4. What will the Word of God do for the Christian? Ps. 119:9,11. 5. What influence did the preaching of the gospel have in Ephesus? Acts 19:21-41. 6. How far had the effects of the Gospel been felt before the close of Paul's ministry? Rom. 1'; A. A. 578,593. 7. What brought about The Reformation? G. C. 288. The Printing Press and the Gospe 1? 33-35. Note 1: Infidel and heathen authors agree that man is in a fallen condition -that there is a better place beyond and that man should be better than he now is; but they hold out no hope of attaining that higher stage except by personal effort. That which they lack, the power to make us what we ought to be,- the Bible sup­ plies. The Bible not only gives a history of the past, but re­ veals the future. The moral standard set forth in the Word of God is much higher than that found in any other book. Note 2: When God writes the biography of a man, it contains the good and the bad. Men often leave out the bad. Helps: S. B. 70-72,82. 1. Where is the law of God to be found? Ex. 20:3-17. 2. Who is the author of this law? Ex. 20:1,2; 1 Cor. 10:1-4; Neh. 9:6-13, 3. On who.t was it written? Deut. 10:4. 4. Where were the slabs of stone kept? Deut. 10:5. 5. Did the Law of God exist before it was delivered to Moses on Sinai? If so give proof. Gen. 26:5; Ex. 16:1-4; Rom. 5:12-14; I John 3:4. Note 1. 6. What is the purpose of the law? Rom. 7:10; Lev. 18:5. 7. Name seven characteristics of the law. Rom, 7:12,14; Ps. 119:142,172; 19:7. 8. Observe how that the law is an expression of the character of its Author. a. God is righteous. Ps. 145:17. All his commandments are righteousness. Ps. 119:172. b. God is love. I John 4:8. His law is based on love. Matt. 22:36-40. c. God is holy. Lev. 11:44. His law is holy. Rom. 7:12. d. He is a God of truth. Ps. 31:5. His law is truth. Mai. 2:6. e. God is a spirit. John 4:24. The law is spiritual. Rom. 7:14. f. God is perfect. Matt. 5:48. His law is perfect. Ps. 19:7. Note I: Since sin is the transgression of the law and sin existed before Sinai, the moral law was in force before it was given to Moses. THE LAW OF GOD - Cont. Lesson 11 1. What did the prophet say Jesus would do with the law? Ps. 42:19-21. 2. Notice how Jesus did this. Matt. 5:21-48. 3. For what purpose did le come to earth? Matt. 5:17; Rom. 8:3,4. ' 4. What was His relation to the law of God? John 15:10. H*w long did He say the law would be in force? Matt. 5: 18,19. 6. How does James speak of man's relation to the commandments? < James 2:10-12. 7. What was Paul's position on the law? Rom. 3:31. 8. What is the duty of every man? Eccl. 12:13. 9. How only can man keep the commandments? Matt. 22:36-40. Rom. 13:8-10; Rom. 7:14. 10. Are there some who can not keep the commandments? Rom. 8:7. 11. What is said of the last church? Rev. 12:17; 14:12. Helps: S. B. 281-285. SABBATH Lesson 12 1. How was the Sabbath made? fen. 2:2,3. 2. What three things did God do in making this day holy? Gen. 2:2,5. 3. What authority is there for observing this day? Ex. 20:8-11. 4. Who made the Sabbath? Gen. 2:2,3. John 1:1-3,14. 5. What is Jesus' relation to it? Mark 2:28. 6. What proof is given that the Sabbath was kept before the law was given at Sinai? Gen. 26:5; Ex. 16:5. 7. Did the Israelites observe the seventh day? Ex. 16:1, Neh. 13:15-22. 8. While here on earth, how did Jesus observe the Sabbath? Luke 4:16; John 15:10. 9. How did Jesus express His desires pertaining to the Sabbath? Matt. 24:20 10. Which day did the Apostolic church observe as the Sabbath? Luke 23:56; Acts 17:2; 18:1-3. 11. By whom.was the Sabbath kept during the Dark Age?? History of the Sabbath. 12. Which day will the remnant church keep? Rev. 12:17. 13. Which day will the people of God keep in the new earth? Isa. 66:22,23. Helps: S. B. 458-462, 466-477. MANNER OF KEEPING THE SABBATH Lesson 13 L. -What are all exhorted to do? Ex. 20:8. 2. What is the nature of the seventh day? Gen. 2:2,3. Ex. 20:11. 3. How only can an object or person be made holy? Ex. 3:1-5. 4. How were the children of Israel asked to observe these sacred hours? Ex. 20:8-11; Ex. 34:21; Neh. 13:15-22; Ex. 16:1; Ex. 35:2,3. 5. How did the members of the early church regard the Sabbath? Luke 23:56; Acts 17:2. 6. When does the Sabbath begin and close? Lev. 23:32; Mark 1: 21-32. 7. What is Sabbath-keeping to a child of God? Ex. 31:12-17; Eze. 20:12. 8. How much is involved in true Sabbath-keeping? Isa. 58:15. 9. What special instruction has God given to His people in these last days? Vol. 6:353-370. THE FIRST DAY OF THE WEEK Lesson 14 1. How and when was the week created? Gen. 1:1-31; 2:1-3. 2, Has there been a change in this weekly cycle? See Chart. 3* How was the first day of the first week spent? Gen. 1:1-3. 4. How has God asked that all other first days be spent? Ex. 20:8-11. 5. What are all days except the seventh called? Eze. 46:1. 6. How did the members of the early church spend the first day? Matt. 28:1; Luke 24:1; Acts 18:1-4. 7. How many times is the term "First day of the week" men­ tioned xn the Bible? Ans. Nine times. Gen. 1:5; Matt.28:1; Mark 16:2,9; Luke 24:1; John 20:1,19; Acts 20:7; I Cor. 16:2. 8. How did the early Christians regard the first day of the week? Luke 23:54; 24:1. 9. Did they believe that Jesus was risen? Mark 16:9-13. 10. When did Jesus meet with the early church the second time? John 20:19,26. ,11. Which day is the "Lord's Day" of Rev. 1:10? Ex. 20:8; Mark 2:28; A. A. 581. 12. When was the first day of the week first called the Lord's day? 200 A. D. Helps: Chart of the Week, by Lewis. History of the Sabbath, PP. 223....225. S. B. 535, 536, 95-97. CHANGE OP THE SABBATH Lesson 15 1. Which day was kept as the Sabbath during the period cov­ ered by Biblical history? 2. Which day does the Christian world now hold to be the Sabbath? Note 1 3. Is there anything in the Scriptures indicating a change in the day of worship? Dan. 7:25. 4. How does Paul speak of this power? II Theas. 2:2-7. 5. By whom does history say that this change came about? 6. Was the seventh day Sabbath at once forgotten and dis­ regarded? S. B. 466, 467. 7. When and by whom was the first Sunday Law made? S. B. 537 8. What does the Papacy boast of? S. B. 476,. 477. 9. What did Jesus say of the one who should disregard one of God's commands? Matt. 5:17-19, 10. What does Isaiah say that the people in the last days will be called? Isa. 58:12,13. Note 1: There is but one day recognized in the Scriptures as a day of weekly rest — the seventh day. Since the Christian world today observes the first day as the Sab­ bath instead of the seventh, it is an undisputed fact that an effort has been made to change the day of worship from the seventh to the first day. Helps: Neander's Church History, Rose's Translation P. 186 Schaff's. Hist, of the Christian Church. Vel. 3, Ch. 75; Vol. 8, Ch. 75, 5. History of the Sabbath by J. N. Andrews pp. 333-400 Source Book. 537, 539. Lesson 16 The Scriptures teach that prior to the crucifixion more than one law was in existence. The law of ten commandments written on stone and handed to Moses on Sinai was and is the standard of life. That man might understand the sacredness of this law, and how to escape the penalty for breaking it, a system of sacrifices was instituted. The laws governing the offering of these sacrifices constitute what is known as the ceremonial law. The laws governing Israel as a nation arc also found among the writings of Moses. The purpose Of this lesson is to show the character and duration of these laws. II Kings 21:2; Dan. 9:11; P.P. 370. Moral Helps: History of the Sabbath 83-92. Source Book 464, 280 Deut. 9:10 Written by Whom Ceremonial Deut. 10:1-4 Deut. 31:24 Deut. 10:4 Where written Deut. 31:24 Deut. 9:10 Contents Lev. 23:1-44 Neh. 8:1-3, 13-15; 9*3. Deut. 10:5 Where preserved Deut. 31:2.6 I Kings 8:9 Rom. 7:10 Eccl. 12:13 Purpose Col. 2:16,17 I Tim. 1:5 Rom. 7:12,14 Ps« 19:7 Character Heb. 7:16 Ps. 119-172 Matt. 5:17-19 Rom. 3:31 Duration Heb. 7:12 James 2:10-12 Col. 2:13-17 Acts 15:5,19,20 YEARLY FEASTS AND SABBATHS Lesson 17 1. At the time of the Exodus three yearly feasts and seven yearly Sabbaths were instituted. Lev. 23rd chapter. 2. When and how long was the first annual feast? Ex. 12:1-20; 23:14,15; Lev. 23:4-14. 3. When did the next feast occur? What was it called? Lev. 23:15-21; Deut. 16:16. 4. When did the Feast of Tabernacles come? Lev. 23:33-42. 5. Locate the first and second Sabbaths. Ex. 12:1-16. Lev. ' - 23:4-8. 6. Locate the third Sabbath of the Year. Lev. 23:15,16,21. 7. What was the purpose of the fourth Sabbath and when did it occur? Lev. 23:23-25. 8. What came on the tenth day of the seventh month? Lev. 23: 27-32. 9. Give the dates of the sixth and the seventh Sabbaths. Lev, 23:39. 10. What relation did these yearly Sabbaths sustain ti the weekly Seventh day Sabbath? Lev. 23:37,38. 11. What was the nature of these Sabbaths? Lev. 23:36,37. 12. How long did they continue? Col. 2:14-17. 13. Write a list of the above Sabbaths and place them in their proper places on the calendar. Helps: "Bible Doctrines" by 0. A. Johnson Yearly Feasts pp. 537-542. S. B. 464. THE TWO COVENANTS Lesson 18 It is contended by some that the law of ten commandments was the old covenant, and that it was abolished at the cross. If so, there remains no standard of right since that time. The old covenant was an agreement between God and the children of Israel at Sinai. In this agreement they were to keep the commandments, and God was to make them a great nation. 1. What is the meaning of the term "covenant"? 2. What are the ten commandments sometimes called? Deut. 4:13. 3. When, how, and with whom, was the old covenant made? Hob. 8:7-9; Ex. 19:5,6; 24:3-8; Hob, 9:18-21; P. P. 371. 4. What was its character? Heb. 8:7. Faulty. 5. What was the fault with the old covenant? Heb. 8:8, first line. 6. What became of that covenant? Vs. 13. last part. 7. With whom was the new covenant made? Jer. 31:31-34; Heb.8: 8- 12; P. P, 370, Notice that both covenants were made with Israel. 8. Who is the Mediator of this covenant? Heb. 8:1,6; 12:24. 9. When is a testament or covenant of force? Heb. 9:17. 10. What change can be made after the death of the testator? Gal. 3:15. 11. Notice Paul’s contrast between the two covenants. Gal. 4:21-31. 12. Are the ten commandments the old covenant? Heb. 8:7; Ps. 19:7. One is faulty, the other perfect, hen'e they cannot be the same. Helps: P, P. 363-373. THE LAW AND THE GOSPEL Lesson 19 1. What is the condition of the human family by nature? Rom. 5: 9- 18,23; Eph. 2:1-3,11, 12. 2. Since all have sinned, what relation do they sustain to the law? I John 3:4; Rom. 3:19; Gal. 3:23. 3. What is pronounced upon them? Gal. 3:10 - death; Eph. 2:1; Rom. 6:23. Note 1. 4. For what purpose did Christ visit this earth? Heb. 2:14,15; Gal. 3:13. Note 2. 5. Are Christians under condemnation and the fear of death? Why? Rom, 8:1,2; 6:11-14. 6. Is it possible for one under grace to sin? Rom. 6:14,15. Note 3. 7. What relation did the author of the plan of salvation sustain to the law? Ps. 40:7,8; Isa. 42:17-21; John 15:10; Matt. 5: 17-19. 8. Rather than abolish the broken law, what did the Father do? John 3:16; Rom. 8:3,4. 9. What relation does faith bear to the law? Rom, 5:51. Note 1: All have sinned and are under the curse of the low which is death. All arc condemned to die. Note 2: Christ died in man’s stead, and thus removed the curse or penalty of the law, setting him free from condemna­ tion, but not free to violate its precepts. Note 3: The transgressor behind the bars, working out his penalty under condemnation of the law, is at the time under obligation to keep the law of the state.. If by chance he should be pardoned and get out,under grace he is still bound by the law of the state. So it is with one who has been pardoned and under grace. He is still under obligation to obey the law. PROPHECY Lesson 20 1. Define the term "prophecy". 2. How much of the future is man able to foretell? B. R. 20:?, Note. 3. Who understands the future? Isa. 46:9,10. 4. To whom has God revealed some things? Amos 3:7. 5. To whom do revelations belong? Deut. 29:29. 6. Through whom are prophecies given? Rev. 1:1. 7. What can be said regarding the nature of the messages thus revealed? II Tim. 3:16. II Pot. 1:21. 8. How should the prophecy be interpreted? Compare II Pet. 1: 20 with I Cor. 2:10,11,14. John 5:39. By the aid of the Holy Spirit, comparing Scripture with Scripture. 9. Which of the Bible writers have the most to say about the future? 10. Are the prophecies of Daniel to be understood? Dan. 12: 9, 10; Matt. 24:15. 12. What is the last book of the Bible called? Rev. 1:1. 13. What is pronounced on those who read this book? Rev. 1:3. DANIEL II Lesson 21 1. Under what circumstance's was the prophecy of the second chapter of Daniel given? Dan. 1:1,2; 2:1. 2. Give Daniel’s experience while attending college in Babylon. Dan. 1:3-20. 3. What disturbed the peace of Nebuchadnezzar? Dan. 2:1. 4. Tell what efforts were put forth in order to secure the meaning of his dream. Dan. 2:2-13. 5. Tell how Daniel came to interpret the dream. Dan. 2:14-30. 6. State what the king saw. Dan. 2:31-35. 7. How did he interpret the golden head? Dan. 2:36-38. 8. What power was to follow Babylon and how was it to compare with the first? Dan, 2:39. 9. Nome the third kingdom. 10. What was the fourth kingdom to do? Dan.- 2:'40. 11. Explain verses 41-43. 12. When will the God of heaven set up a kingdom? Dan. 2:44,45. Helps: ThoughtsaanDaniel Chapter 2. S. B. 394-395. DANIEL VII Lesson 22 1. When was Daniel given the revelation found in the seventh chapter of his book? Dan. 7:1. S. B. pp. 56. 2. Describe what he saw* Dan, 7:2-8. 3. Give the meaning of the following symbols: a. Winds. - Jer. 25:51,32. b. Sea or waters - Rev, 17:15. c. Beast - Dan. 7:17,23. d. Wings - Hab. 1:5-8. e. A day. - Num. 14:34. Eze. 4:6. 4. What power was represented by the first beast? 5. Show how Medo-Persia met the specifications of the second symbol. 6. Describe the third beast and tell how Grecia fulfilled the requirement of this prophecy. Vs. 6. 7. Tell wherein the fourth beast was different from the others. 8. How many horns had this beast, and what change took place among them? Vs. 8. 9. What was represented by these horns? Vs. 16-24. 10. Name the ten kingdoms into which Rome was divided. Note 1. Helps: Thoughts on Daniel Chapter 7, The Ten Kingdoms Isaac Newton A. T. Jones 1. Huns 2 r Alans 3. Visigoths 4f Franks 5, Vandals 6 T Suevi 7. Burgundians 8. Heruli 9. Saxons 10. Lombards 1. Alemani 2. Ostrogoths 3. Visigoths 4. Franks 5. Vandals 6. Suevi 7. Burgundians 8. Heruli 9. Saxons 10. Lombards Note II: Babylon 606 - 538 B. C. Medo-Persia.538 - 331 B. C. Grecia 331 - 168 B. C. Rome 169 B. C. - 476 A. D. To the end of time Rome divided 351 A. D. - 483 A. D. DANIEL VII - Cont. Lesson 23 1, Tell how the Papacy fulfilled the following predictions Dan. 7:25.. a. Shall speak great words against the most High, b. Shall wear out the saints. c. Shall think to change times and laws. d. Shall continue until a time, times, and the 2. What date is reached by the prophecy of Daniel 7:25? 3. What follows the fall of the Papacy? Dan, 7:26. 4. What is the culmination of this Prophecy? Dan. 7:27. 5. Compare the 27th verse with Dan. 2:44. 6. How does the Revelator speak Qf this kingdom? Rev. 11: 15-19. dividing of.time Helps: Thoughts on Daniel Chapter 7. S. B. 239-250, 285-290, 355,376-378, 394, 395 Lesson 24 1. What three symbols are found in the eighth chapter of Daniel? Ans. The ram, the goat and the little horn. 2. Describe the ram and its movements.. Dan. 8:-3,4. 3. Tell how this represented the kingdom of Media and Persia. Vs. 20. 4. What power was represented by the goat? Dan. 8:5,21. 5. Give the history of Grocia that fulfilled the prophecy found in Verses 21,22. 6. What power was symbolized by the little horn? Verses 9-12, 23-25. 7. What troubled Daniel? Vs. 13. 8. What portion of the prophecy was left unexplained in the eighth chapter? Dan. 8:14,26. Ans. The 2300 days. 9. Why was not this part explained at the time? Vs, 27. Helps: Thoughts on Daniel. Chapter 8. 2500 DAY PROPHECY Lesson 25 1. When was the prophecy of the eighth chapter of Daniel given? Daniel 8:1. 2. How did Daniel proceed to obtain the interpretation of the 2300 days? Dan. 9:1-19.. 3. While he was praying, who came to his aid? Dan. 9:20. 4. For what purpose did the angel say he had come? Dan. 9:22,23. 5. Explain the connection between the 2300 days of Dan. 8:14 and the 70 weeks of Danl 9:24. 6. Name six things that were to come to pass during the 70 weeks, Dan. 9:24. 7. At what time was Daniel told to begin the 70 week period? Dan. 9:25. 8. When was this "commandment" given? Ezra 7:1-8,9. Margin. 9. Draw a diagram of the 70 weeks, showing the events that were to take place and giving dates for the same. Dan. 9:24-26. 10. At what time did the 2300 days (years Num. 14:34) expire? 11. What was to take place at the end of this long period? Dan. 8:14. Helps: Thoughts on Daniel. Ch. 9. Lesson 26 In lesson twenty-five it was shown that at the end of the 2300 years the sanctuary should be cleansed, and that this period closed in 1844. The following lessons show what is meant by the sanctuary and its cleansing. 1. What is the meaning of the term "sanctuary"? Ex. 26:8. 2. How was it to be made? Ex. 25:9; Heb. 8:5. 3. Give the dimensions of the sanctuary. Ex. 25:15-25; P. P. 347:1. 4. Nome the apartments. Ex. 26:33. 5. Name and locate the furniture. Ex. 25:23-30; Ex. 25:31-39; 30:1-10; Ex. 25:10-16; 40:21. Heb. 9:3,4. 6. What was the cover of the Ark colled? Ex. 25:17-22; 37:6,7; 33:16,17. 7; What was kept in the Ark? Deut. 10:1-5; I Kings 8:9. 8. Who were appointed to care for the sanctuary and its ser­ vices? Num. 3:5-8. 9. Who were the priests? Num. 18:1-7. Helps: G. C. 411, 412. Heb. 9:1-5 Thoughts on Daniel, 165-168. LESSONS FROM THE SANCTUARY Lesson 27 It is the purpose of this lesson to show that every Chris­ tian must build a spiritual sanctuary or temple for himself, and must have every article of furniture. 1. Draw a diagram -of the sanctuary and locate each article of furniture. Ex. 25:1-27; 30:1-10; Heb.9:1-5; Ex. 40:20-30. 2. Which way did it face and why? Eze. 8:16. 3. As one approached the sanctuary with hisback turned on sun worship (idolatry), what article of furniture did he face? Ans. The altar of burnt offerings. 4. When a man turns away from this world to God, what is he asked to do? Matt. 16:24; Luke 14:26,27; Rom. 12:1. 5. The next piece of furniture was the laver, a place of cleansing,, 6. How is the sinner cleansed? I John 1:7. 7. As one entered the sanctuary and looked to the north, what greeted his eye? 8. What is meant by the shew bread? John 6:47-56. 9. What is shown by the shew bread*s being replenished every Sab­ bath? Lev. 24:5-9. Lesson 28 1. What did the candlestick represent? Ps. 119:105; Rev. 4:5. 2. They lighted the holy place continually. Lev. 24:2. 5. What is taugjat by the altar of incense and its service? Rev. 8 Eph. 5:1,2. 4. What two services were conducted at the some time? Ex.30:7,8. 5. What were the people doing during the offering of the incense? Luke 1:10, 6. What furniture was in the most Holy place? 7. Where do Christians keep the law? Heb. 9:10. 8. At the completion of the earthly sanctuary, what took place? Ex. 40:33“35. 9. When the Christian’s temple is completed (Col. 2:10) what will occur? I Cor. 6:19. THE HEAVENLY SANCTUARY Lesson 2$ 1. Is there a sanctuary or temple in heaven? Hab. 2:20. Rev. 11:19. 2. What furniture does it contain? Rev. 4:5; 8:3; 11:19. 3. What relation was the earthly sanctuary to the one in heaven? Ex. 25;9; Heb. 8:2. 4. Who is the priest in the heavenly sanctuary? Heb. 3:1; 4:15,16. 5. What is the work of a priest? Heb. 8:3. 6. What sacrifice did our High Priest offer? Heb. 7:26,27; 9:26. 7. When did the ministry begin in the heavenly sanctuary? Heb. 8:3-5; 9:11-14; A.A., 38:3. C.O.L. 120. E. W. 260. 8. What has been the work of Jesus since His ascension? Heb. 7:25. Early Writings, 38. 9. How long will His work a? priest continue? Rev. 15:8; E. W. 280. Helps: G. C. 417-422. Thoughts on Daniel 169-171. CLEANSING OF THE EARTHLY SANCTUARY Lesson 30 Each year of the Jewish economy closing on the 10th day of the 7th month, was a type of six thousand years of sin. At the close of each year there was £ looking over of the records and getting right with God, and the man who failed to do this was cut off from the camp of Israel. So at the close of this world's history there will be an investigation made, and every case settled for eternity. 1. Review the construction of the earthly sanctuary. 2. Of what did the daily service in the earthly sanctuary con­ sist? Ex. 29:38-42; 30:7,8; Num. 28:3,4. 3. What was offered on the Sabbath? Num. 28:9,10. 4. In case of sin what offering was brought? Lev. 4:3,13,14, 22,23,27,28. 5. Tell how the pentitent sinner demonstrated his faith in the plan of salvation. P. P. 354, par. 2. 6. What became of his sins? 7. Tell what took place on the tenth day of the seventh month. Lev. 16:1-35; 23:26-32; P. P. 355. 8. Show the relation between what took place on the tenth day of the seventh month and the judgment. Helps: P. P. 354, 355. Thoughts on Daniel 174. ‘THE JUDGMENT Lesson 31 1. What was to take place at the close of the 2300 days? Dan.8:14. 2. What change then took place in the work of our High Priest at the close of the 2300 days? E. W. 42. Note 1; 3. Do the Scfiptures teach a judgment? Acts 17:51; Heb. 9:27. 4. Who will be the Judge? Acts 10:42; 17:31; Dan. 7:9,10; G. C. 479. 5. Who will be judged? Rom. 14:10; II Cor. 5:10; Eccl, 3:17. 6. What will be the standard in the judgment? Eccl. 12:13; James 2:10.12. 7. Who will be the Advocate? I John 2:1. 8. Who will be the witnesses? Dan. 7:10; Rev. 20:12. 9. Out of what are men judged?' Dan. 7:9,10; Rev. 20:12. 10. What will be brought into the judgment? Matt. 12:36;Eccl.12:14. 11. What will be taken into consideration in dealing with each case? Ps. 87:4-6; D. A, 70:5. 12. With whom will the judgment begin? I Peter 4:17; Eze. 9:1-6. 13. Where are the names of Christians written? Phil. 4:3; Rev. 20:12,15. • 14. On what condition may these names be retained in the Book of Life? Rev. 3:5; Ex. 32:32)33. 15. How can one prepare to meet the judgment? I Tim. 5:24; I John 2:1. Helps: G. C. 489-491. P. P. 355-358. Note 1: Just as the high priest in the earthly sanctuary went once a year into the most holy place, so Jesus in 1844 went i*ito the most holy place in heaven to judge His peeple. CHRIST'S COMING Lesson 32 1. What evidence have we that Jesus will return to this earth again? John 14:1-5; Acts 1:9-11; Heb, 9:28. 2. Who was the first to prophecy of the second Coming of Christ? Jude 14, 15. 3. What was Job's hope? Job 19:25-27. 4. When did David say that the saints would receive their reward? Ps. 50:3,4. 5. Give Isaiah's words. Isa. 25:89. 6. In what manner will Christ return? Matt. 24:27; Rev. 1:7, 7. Will He return in a bodily form or as a spirit? Acts 1:9-11; Luke 24:36-39. 8. What is the purpose of Christ's coming? Matt.24:31;John 14:1-8. 9. Who will accomoany Him? Matt. 25:31. 10. How will the coming of Christ affoct: a. The righteous dead? I Thcss. 4:16, b. The righteous living? I Thess. 4:17. c. The wicked living? Rev. 6:15-17; II Thess. 2:8. d. The earth? Rev. 6:14; 16:17-21. 11. What will be the attitude of God's people toward Christ's return? Heb. 9:28. 12. What will the last church be doing? Isa. 25:9; I John 3:1-3. Helps: G. C. 636-652; E. W. 285-288; S. B. 8-12. SIGNS OP CHRIST«S OOMTNG Lesson 33 1. What question did the disciples ask Jesus just before His cruc ifixion? Matt. 24:3. 2. Where were the signs to be seen? Luke 21:25. 3. What other signs are mentioned? Matt. 24:5-7. 4. What experience did Jesus say must cane to the church before the end? Matt. 24:21,22. 5. When were these days of tribulation? Dan. 7:25; Rev. 12:6,14 6. What was to follow the tribulation? Matt. 24:23,24. 7. Locate the next signs of His coming? Matt. 24:29; Mark 13:24 8. When did the third sign take place? 9. What may we know when these signs appear? Matt. 24:32,33. 10. How near is Christ1 s coming? Matt. 24:34. 11. Will anyone know the exact time of the return of Jesus? Matt. 24:36. 12. How is the judgment spoken of in this chapter? Matt. 24:40,41 13. In view of this what are the righteous exhorted to do? Helps: Matt. 24:1-51; D. A. Ch. 69, S. B. 134-142, 162-167, 145, 146. SIGNS OF CHRIST’S COMING Lesson 34 1. What will be the spiritual condition of this world just be­ fore Jesus returns? II Tim. 3:1-5. 2. With what period did Jesus compare the last generation? Matt. 24:37-39. 3. What were the conditions before the flood? Gen. 6:1-3,12. 4. What other comparison did the Saviour make? Luke 7:28-30. 5. Give a description of the days of Lot. Gen. 18:16-19;11. 6. What caused Sodom to become so wicked? Eze. 16:49. 7. How will some of the wicked relate themselves to God's warn­ ing message? II Pet. 3:3-5. B* Give picture of the last generation. Rev. 18:1-5. 9. Who lehds out in this wickedness? Eze. 13:23-31. E* W. 68, 69. 10. Who will escape the devil’s deceptions in the last days? Matt. 24:24. 11, How will the people of God escape the snares of the devil? I Thess. 5:1-7. SIGNS OF THE TIMES Lesson 35 INCREASE OF KNOWLEDGE 1. To what time was the Book of Daniel sealed? Dan. 12:4. 2. When did the ’’time of the end” begin? Dan. 11:33-40. Thoughts on Daniel pp, 263-278. 3. What did the prophet say would take place at the "time of the end"? Dan, 12:4. 4. Give a list of the inventions that show this prophecy is fulfilled. B. R. 328. 5. What can be said about the spread of Biblical knowledge since that date? B. R. 327. CAPITAL AND LA&OR 6. What message has God sent the rich in the last days? James 5:1-3. 7. How will the laborers try to defend themselves? Vs, 4. 8. How will the rich live? Vs. 5, 9. Hew will they deal with the just? Vs. 6. 10. What is God’s message to His children at that time? Vs, 7,8. 11* When will this prophecy have its fulfillment? James Vs, 3,7. 12. In what words does Isaiah describe the same time? Isa. 2: 2, 7-9. 13. What instruction has God given pertaining to the use of riches? I Tim. 6:6-11, 17-19. Helps: S. B. 527,528, 221-233. SIGNS OP CHRIST'S COMING Lesson 56 Armageddon, 1. Where did the Saviour say that signs of His coming would appear? Luke 21:25, Matt, 24:6,7, 2. In connection with what other events will the nations be angry? Rev, 11:19, 3. What will the nations in the last days do? Joel 5:9-12, 4. Who will come up to this battle? Joel 3:10-12, 5. Where will these nations gather? Joel 3:12, 6. At what time will this war take place? Joel 3:13, Cf. Matt. 13:39. 7. What will the people at the same time be saying? Isa. 2:2-4. 6. Tell what will take place under the sixth plague? Rev. 16: 12-16. 9. When, where, and by whom will this battle be fought? Thoughts on Revelation. 647-652. 10. How does Daniel speak of this last struggle of the nations? Daniel 12:1* 11. What hinders the coming of Armageddon? Rev. 7:1-3. 12. What will take place when the four angels let go? Early writings 36, 38 Helps: S. B. 579-584. THE MILLENNIUM Lesson 37 1. What is the meaning of the term "Millennium"? 2. What are the popular views on this subject? Note 1. 3. What will be the condition on this earth just before Jesus comes? Matt. 13:24-30; 37-42. II Tim. 3:1-6; Rev. 6:14-17; II Thess. 2:8. 4. What will be Satan’s condition during the one thousand years Rev. 20:1,2. 5. Has Satan ever been bound during the past six thousand years I Pet, 5:8; Rev. 12:12. 6. If he has not been bound during the past, this experience must be future. 7. Name four events that take place at the coming of Christ. I Thess. 4:16,17; I Thess. 2:8. . Where and how is Satan bound? Rev. 20:1-3. Note 2. 9. Where are the righteous, and what arc they doing during the one thousand years? Rev. 20:4. 10. Whom will the saints judge during the one thousand! years. I Cor. 6:1-3. 11. When will the wicked dead live again? Rev. 20:5. 12. What experience will this bring to Satan and his host? Rev. 20:7. 13. What do they at once attempt to do? Rev. 20:9. 14. What is meant by the "beloved city". Rev. 20:9. cf. 21:10. Helps: E. W. 289-294} Thoughts on Revelation Ch. 20. S. B. 10, 13* Note 1: Many religious bodies have taught that just prior to Jesus* return there will be a period of peace for tho space of one thousand years. Note 2: For six thousand years Satan has been engaged in deceiving and destroying the inhabitants of this earth. By the second coming of Christ, suddenly the people of this earth are removed, some by death and others by translation, and Satan i^ left with nothing to do for one thousand years. HOME OF THE SAVED Lesson 38 1. Why did God create thisearth? Isa. 45:18. 2. By whom was this earth to be inhabited? Gen. 1:26,28. 3. Why did God create the human family? Isa. 43:7. 4. Describe man’s home. Gen. 3:8-15; P. P. 49. 5. As the family of Adam grew,what did God plan that they should do? P. P. 49:3. 6. If Adam and Eve had not sinned, how would this earth appear now, and who would be here? 7. For what purpose did Jesus visit this earth? Luke 19:10. Note 1. 8. What is still God’s plan? Pa. 57:10,11; Matt. 5:5. 9. What was promised to Abram as father of all who shall be saved? Gen. 13:14-16; Rom. 4:13. 10. How may we share thisppromise with Abram? Gal. 3:29. 11. What did all the patriarchs look forward to? Heb. 11:8-10, 13-16. Note 1: That which was lost in Adam shall be redeemed in Christ. Adam lost his home. It is God’s purpose to restore this home. HOME OF THE SAVED Lesson 39 1. What will become of this present world? II Peter 3:10,12. 2< What has God promised to the faithful? II Peter 3:13; Isa. 65:17. 3. Describe the new earth. Isa, 11:1-9; 35:1-10; Isa. 65:20-25. 4. Describe the capital of that country. Isa. 65:17-19; Rev. 21; Thoughts on Revelation. Ch, 21 5. Compare the two Edens. Gen. 2:8-17; Rev. 22:165. 6. How will the righteous spend eternity? Isa. 65:21,22; 66: 22, 23. Eph. 2:6,7. Helps: E. W. pp. 14-20, 288,289. G. C. 662-678. Edu. 302-309. THE NATURE OF MAH Lesson 40 The doctrine of immortality has come down from many gener­ ations. God said, "Thou shalt surely die". If man is immortal and aan not die, then he must live on either in happiness or in sorrow through eternity. Hence the question of the state of the dead and the fate of the wicked is the outgrowth of man's present condition. If man is mortal he may be destroyed. This lesson answers the question. 1. Of what was man created? Gen. 2:7; 3:19. 2. What gave life to the man? Gen. 2:7. 3. What did man become? Gen. 2:7. R. V. .4. Was it possible for this "living soul" to die? Gen. 2:17;3:19. 5. What did Satan say about it? Gen. 3:4. 6. What other creatures besides man have the breath of life? Gen. 7:15,22. 7. Do they have souls? Gen. 1:20,30. Margin. 8. What have all the creatures of God in common? Eccl. 3:19. 9. What is man's condition by nature? Job 4:17. 10. Who only has immortality? I Tim. 1:17; 6:15,16, 11. Define the term "immortal". 12. Where can immortality be found? II Tim. 1:10. 13. V/hat should be a Christian's attitude toward it? Rom. 2:7. 14. Will man ever receive it? If so when? I Cor. 15:51-54. Helps: G. C. 534, 535; P. P. 60; S, B. 315—319. Lesson 41 1. By what figure does the Bible represent death? I Thess. 4:13; John 11:11-14. 2. What takes place at'death? Eccl. 12:7; Ps. 104:29; Job 34: 14,15. 3. What becomes of a man's thoughts at death? Ps» 146:3,4. 4. Do all creatures die the same? Eccl, 3:19, 5. What is man's condition after the breath leaves the body? Eccl. 9:5,6; Isa, 38:18,19; Ps, 6:5* 6. How long did Job say a man would remain in this state? Job. 14:12. 7. To what time did Job look for his reward? Job 14:10-15; 19:25,27. 8. Give proof that the righteous do not go to heaven at death. Heb. 11:39,40. 9. Where is David? Acts 2:29,34. 10. When did Paul say that he would receive his reward? II Tim. 4:7,8. 11. Upon what does the salvation of man depend? I Cor, 15:16,17. 12. Name as many as you can of those who have been raised from the dead. Tell what they said, they saw, or did while dead. 13. When will the righteous dead obtain their reward? I Thess. 4:16, 14* How does John speak of this company? Rev. 7:9-17, Helps: G. C. 545-550. FATE OP THE WICKED Lesson 42 1. What are the wages of sin? Rom. 6:23. 2. What is death? See Dictionary. 3. When and how will the wicked receive their punishment. Rev..20:9. 4. For whom was this fire prepared? Matt. 25:41. 5. What will be the nature of the fire with which the wicked will be burned? Mark 9:43-58. 6. Will an unquenchable fire ever go out? Compare Jer, 17:27 and II Chron. 36:19-21. Isa.. 47:14, 7. How long will Satan suffer? Rev. 20:9-10; E. W.. 294,, 295* 8. How completely will Satan be destroyed? Eze. 28:12-18. 9. That does the term "forever" mean, as used in the Bible. Ex. 21:1-6; Johah 2:6. 10. How completely will the wicked be destroyed? Mai. 4:1-3; « Matt. 10:28. 11. Will there be a place for the wicked hereafter? Ps. 37:10; Isa. 47:14. 12. What will God make of the spot where the wicked once suffered? II Peter 3:10,13; Rev. 21:1-4. Helps: G, C. 662-672; E. W. 294-295; S. B. 320,321. SPIRITUALISM Lesson 43 1. Give an account of the rise of modern Spiritualism. 2. Upon what falsehood is the whole system based? That the dead are conscious. 3. Have the dead anything to do with the affairs of the living? Eccl. 9:5,6,10. 4. When did this falsehood originate? Gen<. 3:1-4; John 8:44. 5. Give an illustration of Satan’s pretending to speak through a dead friend. I Sam. 28:1-20. 6. Note the following points in the above Scripture: a. Saul had forsaken God. b. Bod no longer spoke to him by prophet or otherwise. c. Saul did not see Samuel. d. Samuel (?) came up, not down from heaven. e. "Tomorrow shalt thou and thy sons be with me”« f. Saul died for his sin. I Chron. 10:13. 7. How does God regard those who try to consult the dead? Deut. 18:9-13. 8. Define witch, familiar spirit, wizard, and necromancer. 9. How does God speak of the work of Satan in the last days? II Thess. 2:9,10; Rev. 13:12,13; 16:13,14. 10. Who only will escape his wiles? Matt. 24:24. 11. How can the elect escape? John 8:32; Isa. 8:19,20. Helps: G. C. 551-562. Spiritualism vs. Christianity. E. W. 43,44,59,77,86,90,91,101,102,261,-265. Lesson 44 1. What a?e some members of the heavenly family called? Rev.5tll. 2. What can be said regarding the number of these angels? Rev. 5:11 and Heb. 12:22, 3. Are angels of a higher order of beings than man? Ps. 8:3-5. 4. Are angels the spirits of the dead? Gen. 3:22-24, There were cherubim (angels) before the first death. 5. Angels were present when this earth was created. Job 38:1-7 According to Isaiah 14:12, margin, the stars referred to by Job were angels. 6* What is their work? Heb. 1:14; Ps. 34:7. 7. Examples: a. Abraham b. Lot c. Jacob d. Daniel Gen. 18:1—8 Gen. 19:1-25 Gen. 28:1-22 Dan. 6:18-22 e. Joseph and Mary Matt. 2:19,20 f. The Women Matt. 28:1-3 g. Peter Acts 5:17-18; 12:1-19. 8. What attitude do the angels sustain to Gcd and His govern* ment? Ps. 193:20. 9. What did some of the angels do and with what results? II Peter 2:4. 10. Why should the angels be so deeply interested in the inves- • tigative judgment? Dan, 7:9,10, 11. Does each person have an attending angel? Matt. 18:10. Eccl. ‘5:6. 12. Who keeps the records of men's lives? Test. Vol. I, 468,480. 13. Who attend Christ when he returns to this earth, and why? Matt. 25:51; Matt. 24:31. 14. What are all admonished not to do? Heb. 13:2. Helps: Ed.nc, tlon, 305. THE CHURCH IN PROPHECY Lesson 45 The twelfth chapter of Revelation gives the experiences of the Christian church, by prophecy, from the birth of. Christ to the end of time. • Note carefully the symbols used and their meaning, 1. Why study the book of Revelation? Rev. 1:3, 2. A just God would not pronounce such judgments as are found in this book, if it were impossible to understand their nature and how to escape them. Rev. 14:9,10. 3. This kook is the last word of Jesus to this world, therefore should he considered the most sacred. Rev. 22:6,7,10. 4. Read carefully the 12th chapter and note the symbols used. 5. What is symbolized by the woman? 2 Cor. 11:2; Hosea 2:19,20. 6. Is this woman the Virgin Mary? If so why? If not, why not’ Isa. 9:6; Heb. 5:6; I Tim. 3:15; Mark 3:31-35. 7. With what is she clothed and how is she crowned. Give the meaning of each. Rev. 12:1. 8. Who was the child born to this woman? Rev. 12:5 cf. Col. 3*1 Rev. 19:11-16. 9. Who or what is represented by the dragon? Rev. 12:3.7-9. 13-17; G. C. 438. ' 10. What power tried to destroy the child Jesus as soon as he was born? Matt. 2:1-13. 11. What is symbolized by the seven heads and ten horns? Rev. 12:3. See D. R. 12. When did the war referred to in Verses 7-9 take place. D. A. Ch. 79:1-16, 13. As a result of this war what occurred in heaven’ Rev. 12* 10-12; D. A. Ch. 79:14,15. 14. When the dragon saw that he was defeated in heaven what did he do? Rev. 12:13. 15. Upon whom will the dragon then pour out hiswrath and why’ Rev. 12:17. Helps: D. R. Ch. 12. THE BEAST Lesson 46 It should be the aim of each student to ascertain from his­ tory that power which fulfils the specifications of this prophecy Rev. 13:1-10. 1.. Describe the beast found in the first three verses of the 13th chapter of Revelation. 2. Who gave him his power and authority? Rev. 13:2. 3. Is the power here represented an ecclesiastical or temporal power? Rev. 13:4-8. He is worshipped by all not found in the book of life. 4. What power is here referred to? 5. Name five things by which this power may be identified. 6. How long was it to continue? 7. Locate this period of forty-two months. 8. When was the "deadly wound" received? Rev. 13:3,10. 9. How many years arc covered by this prophecy? 10. Explain verse 18. 11. Note that "the beast" here described is many times referred to in the remaining portion of this book. 13:12,14,15,17, 18; 14:9,10; 15:1; 16:2,10,13; 17:1-18; 19:19,20; 20:4,10. A proper understanding the term "the beast" unlocks the re­ maining chapters of this book. Helps: D. R. Ch. 13; G. C. 439; S. B. 106-108, 116,210. UNITED STATES IN PROPHECY Lesson 47 Rev. 13:11-17 Notice that the power described in verses llpl7 follows chronologically, and imitates the Papacy described in the first ten verses. 1. Describe the second beast of Rev. 13. Rev. 13:11. 2. At what time was it seen coming up? Rev. 13:10. 3. What is meant by "coming up out of the earth"? Vs. 11. 4. What do the two horns represent? Bee D. R. 5. How and when will it speak like a dragon? 6. How much power does he exerciso? 7. Who is the "first beast"? S. What does he cause the earth and mankind to do? 9. Explain verse 13. 10. What will he say to them that dwell on the earth? Vs. 14. 11. How far will be go in his demands? Rev. 13:15. 12. What are all required to receive? Rev. 13:16. 13. What steps does he take to compel all to receive his mark? Rev. 13:17. Helps: D. R. ch. 13; G. C. 439-444. SEAL OF GCD Lesson 48 In the preceding lesson it was found that all the inhabitants of this earth will be required to worship the beast^and his image, and receive a mark or sign of his authority. In this lesson it is shown that God has a mark or sign of His authority. This will help in defining the mark of that apostate power found in Rev. 13:11-17. 1. VThat is a seal? 2. What is used synonymously with seal? Rom. 4:11. 3. Does God use a seal? If so, where is it to be found? Isa. 8:16. 4. Of what is a seal a sign? I Kings 21:8; Esther 8:8. 5. Where is to be found the most important document of this world? Ex. 20:3-17. 6. Point out its seal? 7. What is Sabbath-keeping called? Ex. 31:16,17; Eze. 20:12,20. 8. V/ho will receive the seal of God? Rev. 7:1-4. 9. How is the same work spoken of in the fourteenth chapter and first verse? 10. What is the character of those sealed? Rev. 14:2-5. 11. What is the character of the song they sing? Rev. 14:3; 15:2-4. MARK OF THE BEAST Lesson 49 Since the Sabbath is God's sign or mark of authority, it is to be expected that the enemy would set apart a portion ef time as a sign of his right to rule among men. 1. Of what is the Sabbath a sign? Ex. 20:8-11. 2. What power on this earth has demanded worship? II Thess. 2:3,4. Rev. 13:4,8. 3. Does he claim creative power? He claims power to chaage a wafer to the body of our Lord? 4. He claims authority to change or do away with the lav/ of God. S. B. 475. 5. What doe she hold up as a sign of this power or authority? See Catholic Catechism. "Sunday". 6. What will b? demanded of all before the end? Rev. 13:16,17. 7„ What will become of those who worship the beast and receive the mark? Rev. 14:9-11. 8. Will any get the victory over this power? Rev. 15:2-4. 9. What will be the final end of the beast? Rev. 19:20. Helps: D. R. Ch, 13 G. C. 448,449. Lesson 50 1. Study Rev. 14:6,7. 2. What-is this message called? Rev. 14:6. 3. What is the gospel? Rom. 1:16. 4. What is the extent of this message? Rev. 14:6. 5. Upon what is this message based? Dan. 8:14. 6. When is it duo the world? Vs, 7. 7. What relation is there between this message and the one found in Matt. 24:14? 8. By whom was this message preached? G. A. M. 9. How extensively was it preached? 10. By what symbol was the experience of God's people in 1844 foretold in Rev. chapter ten. The experience of John in eating the "little book" is symbo­ lic of that of the church during the disappointment of 1844. Helps: D. R. Chs. 10 and 14. Great Advent Movement 101-..07 S. B. 15. SECOND ANGEL'S MESSAGE—BABYLON Lesson 51 1. Quote the second angel’s message. Rev. 14:8. 2. What is expressed by the term "Babylon"? See note I 3. Notice the character given to Babylon in the Scriptures: a. Self-exalted Dan. 4:28-31 Isa. 47:8,10 b. Proud Dan. 4:28-31 c. Worldly Josh. 7:21 d. Persecuting Dan. 1:1; 3:1-25. 4. What other terms apply to this church? a. A fallen woman. Rev. 17:1,2. b. Mystery Rev. 17:5; II Thess. 2:3-7. c. Mother of harlots " 17:5 5. It is evident that the above texts refer to the Papacy or Mother Church. Catholic Belief 179. 6. How can it be said that the second message had its applica­ tion following the 1844 movement when those who participated in that movement were Protestants. Read Thoughts en Rev. Ch. 14 — "Babylon". 7. Read carefully the seventeenth and eighteenth chapters of Revelation and note the work and character of this system. 8. What is God's message to his children in Babylonf Rev. 18:4. 9. What will be her doom? Rev. 16:19; 18:5-24. Helps: E. W. 273-276 and S. B. 60-66. Note I: To comprehend the force of this message one must understand the meaning of the term "babylon". There, as now, proper names conveyed to the mind certain definite traits of character. A single word will many times express more than a paragraph. To illustrate the point, one might say, "This city is becoming a Ifctris". THIRD ANGEL'S MESSAGE Lesson 52 1. Quote the third angel's message. Rev. 14:9-11. 2. Against what is this message a warning? 3. What are the beast and his image? Rev. 13. 4. What does it mean to worship the beast and his image? . Test. Vol. 9:232-236. G. C. 443-445. 5. What does it mean to receive the mark? G. C. 449. 6. What is pronounced on those who worship the beast? Rev. 14:10,11. 7. What is the wrath of God? Rev. 15:1. 8. What is the scope of this message? Rev. 14:6,8,9. 9. How are those described who refuse to worship the beast and his image? Rev. 14:12. 10. What will be their reward? Rev. 15:2-4; Rev. 20:4. Helps: Thoughts on Revelation Ch. 14. RELIGIOUS LIBERTY Lesson 53 1. By whom was the church ordained? Matt. 16:13-20; Eph. 2: 19-22. 2. Who ordained "the powers that be"? Rom. 13:1. Since God ordained both the church and the state, if ever there comes a time when the requirements of one conflict with the requirements of the other, one of them must be out of its place. 3. What is the purpose of civil governments? Rom. 13:3,4. Note 1 4. What do those receive who resist? Rom. 13:2. 5. Why do Christians keep the law of the land? Rom. 13:5. 6. What are Christians asked to do? Titus 3:1; I Beter 2:13-17. 7. If all were Christians, would there be need for civil gov­ ernment? Rom. 13:8-10. 8. In case the civil authority should ask a citizen to do some­ thing contrary to the requirement of God, which should be obeyed? Acts 5:29. Note 1: Declaration of Independence - A. S. P. 21. Helps: S. B. 312-319. RELIGIOUS LIBERTY (Cont). Lesson 54 1. What did the king of Babylon require that was contrary to the command of God? Dan. 3:1-7. 2. How did God show his approval of the stand taken by the three worthies? Dan. 3:8-30. 3. In what way did the enemies of Daniel try to have him re­ moved from the kingdom? Dan. 6:1-9. 4. What was Daniel’s attitude toward the decree? Dan. 6:10. 5. Tell how God brought victory to his cause out of what seemed a defeat. Dan. 6:11-28. 6. What did God ask the early church to do? Matt. 28:19,20. Acts 1:8. 7. What did the Jewish Sanhedrin command them? Acts 4:17,18. 8. How did the apostiles look upon this command? Acts 4:19-30. 9. How did God show his approval of the course they had taken? Acts 4:31—33. 10. When brought before the council the second time how did the apostles answer the officials? Acts 5:17-29. Helps: A. S. P. 11-16 RELIGIOUS LIBERTY (Cont.) Lesson 55 1. In what words did Jesus state the relation that should exist between the church and the stato? Matt. 22:15-21. 2. What should be rendered to God? Matt, 4:10. 3. What should be rendered to Caesar? Rom. 13:6-10. 4. What will be demanded of the people of God in the last days? Rev. 13:15-17. 5. How will this be brought about? Test. V. 32-305-307* 6. What will God require of the some people? Rov. 14:9-11* 7. How will God honor their loyalty? Rev. 15:2-4; 20:4. THE SEVEN LAST fLAGUES Lesson 56 1. At what time in the wc.^ld^ history will the plagues occur? Rev. 16:2,37. 2. Will they be literal? E. W. pp. 64,2. 3. What are these plagues called? Rev. 15:1= 4. Will there be probation during the time of the plagues? Rev. 15:8; ' E, W. 36,64. 5. How long will they last? Rev. 18:8. 6. What is the nature of the first plague, and on whom is it sent? Rov. 15:2. 7. Where are the second and third plagues poured out, and with what results? Rev. 16:3-7. 8. What is the nature of the fourth plague? Rev. 16:8,9. 9. What power experiences the fifth plague? Rev. 16:10,11. 10. Tell what takes place under the sixth plague? Vs. 12-16. 11. What takes place during the seventh plague? Vs. 17-21. 12. Give a word picture of this earth and the wicked at the close of the sixth plague. 13. How will the last plague and the coming of Christ affect the wicked? Rev. 16:17-21; 6:15-17; II Thess. 2:8. 14. Where will the righteous be during the plagues? p>s. 91:1-1.0; Isa, 33:16. 15. Who will provide for them? E. W.(new) p. 56; Isa. 33:16. 16. Who will be among the favored in that time of trouble? Isa. 33:14,15; Ps. 91:1,2, 11-16. Helps: Thoughts on Revelation. Ch. 16. THE SEVEN CHURCHES Lesson 57 1. To whom was the book of Revelation sent? Rev. 1:4. 2. Y/ere there only seven churches in Asia or Asia Minor? Thoughts on Rev. 324. 3. Vtfhat is to be understood concerning these seven churches? T. on Rev. ch. 324,345. 4. As far as possible, complete the following analysis from the prophecy concerning each church. Rev. chs. 2 & 3. a. Name of church. b. Meaning of the name. c. Time of the church. d. Author of the message. e. Commendations. f. Possibilities. g. Trials. h. Rebukes i. Blessings. j. Exhortations. k. Cautions. l. Rewards. Helps: Thoughts on Rev, chs. 2 and 3. B. R. 280-283; S. B. 487-494. MAN'S CONDITION BY NATURE Lesson 58 The purpose of this lesson is to ascertain from the Scriptures man's spiritual condition by nature. If as some teach, there are in man traits of good, which if developed would produce a Christian character, then salvation is the result of works and not grace. 1. In what condition did God create man? Eccl. 7:29. 2. How many have fallen from that high plane? Rom. 3:23. 3. How does Paul describe those who have fallen into sin? Rom. 3:9-18. 4. Unto what does Isaiah compare man's spiritual condition? Isa. 1:5,6. 5. How did man come to depart so far from God? Rom. 1:19-25. 6. How much does man understand of his own condition? Jer, 17:9. 7. Is there any hope of a man in this condition coming back to God, of himself? If not, why? Rom. 8:6-8. 8. Are there any good traits in this man which may be cultivated? Rom. 7:18. 9. Could the man reform of himself if he should try? Jer. 13:25 Jer. 2:22. 10. What is the question that Job asks? Job 14:4. 11. What .is his only hope? John 3:1-7. 12. Jesus taught the same truth in parables. Matt. 9:16,17; D. A. 320-322. LOVE OF GOD Lesson 59 1. What is God? I John 4:8. 2. How has God demonstrated that he loves man? John 3:16. 3. For what class of men did Christ die? Rom. 5:7,8. 4. In what does God delight? Micah 7:18. 5. Into what relationship to God does love bring man? I John 3:1. 6. In view of God’s great love to man what ought he to do? I John 4:11. 7. What will the love of God in the heart lead one to do? I John 3:16. 8. How may the world know that Christians are followers of Christ? John 13:35. 9. How has God illustrated His love for His people? Isa. 49: 14-16. 10. How will the love of God manifest itself? I John 5:3; Matt. 22:36-40. 11. In what way is God’s love sometimes shown? Heb. 12:6. 12. What can separate one from the love of God? Rom. 8;38,39. 13. What influences Christians to do right? II Cor. 5:14. FAITH _ Lesson 60 1. Define faith. Heb. 11:1; Matt, 8:5-13. Faith is act of steadfastly holding on to God until results are obtained, 2. What is the difference between faith and belief? Matt. 17:20; James 2:19. 3. How necessary is faith? and why? Heb. 11:6. Note 1. 4. What are we asked to believe? Heb. 11:6; Matt. 9:28. 5. How is faith obtained? Rom. 12:5. 6. Upon what is faith based? Rom, 10:17. 7. Then how may faith be increased? John 5:59, 8. What relation does faith bear to knowledge? Heb. 11:3. 9. Do all men have faith? II Thess. 3:2. 10. How should men live? Il Cor, 5:7. 11. What is the result of failing to walk by faith? Rom. 14:23 12. What is faith said to be? I John 5:4. Note I. Salvation is a future consideration, and therefore must be obtained by faith. Helps: Education 253-261. FAITH - Continued Lesson 61 1. What is the product of faith? Gal. 5:6. 2. How may faith be perfected? James 2:22. 3. Without works what is faith said to be? James 2:14-26. 4. What did faith lead Abraham to do? Heb. 11:8-19. 5. What did it cause Moses to do? Heb. 11:24-29. 6. Enumerate the deeds performed by other worthies. Heb. 11:32-40. 7. Upon what conditions are prayers answered? Mark 11:22-24. James 1:6, Education 258:1,2. 8. What question did Jesus ask concerning the last generation? Luke 18:8. 9. What are the people of God in the last days said to have? Rev. 14:12. 10. What will this faith lead them to do? I John 3:2,3j Matt. 24:14. 11. What will be the reward of their faith? Isa. 25:9; Rev. 15:2-4. Lesson 62 1. Define prayer. B. R. 604 - Note I. 2. To whom should prayer be addressed? Matt. 6:6. 3. On what condition may one come to God? Heb. 11:6. 4. What can be said of God's ability to help? Eph. 3:20. 5. How has He illustrated His willingness to assist those in need? Matt. 7:7-11. 0. What is the nature of the benefits He has to bestow? James 1:5. 7. Name three conditions to answered prayer. Mark 11:25; James 1:6: I John 3:22. 8. Who will not be heard? James 4:1-3; Isa. 59:1,2; Ps.66:18. 9. What is the nature of effectual prayers? James 5:16-18; Luke 18:1-8. 10. How did Jesus illustrate the spirit of a true suppliant? Luke 18:9-14. 11. For what may one confidently ask? Education 258,1; James 1:5. 12. How may one have confidence that his prayers will be answered? I John 5:10-15. I John 4:19-22. Helps: Education 253-260. PRAYER -Continued Lesson 63 1. Do men always know what to pray for? Rom. 8:26. 2. How does the Spirit aid in prayer? Rom. 8:26,27. D.A.211; 796:4. 3. What assurance has the suppliant that his prayer will be answered? Matt. 7:7-11; Mark 11:24; Jer.29:10-13. 4. Analyze the Lord's Prayer under the following heads: Matt. 6:9-13. 1, To whom addressed. 2. The praise and honor expressed. 3. The requests. 5. Where does Jesus say that one can best find help? Matt.6:5,6. 6. Give .three public prayers. II Chron. 6:12-7:1; I Kings 18: 36,37; John 11:41,42. 7. Should there be set times for prayer? Compare Luke 1:9,10 with Ex. 30:7,8; Ps. 55:17; Dan. 6:10; Acts 3:1. 8. How may the following Scriptures be obeyed? Luke 11:1; Rem. 12:12; I Thess. 5:17. 9. Bring to the class five instances of answered prayer as re­ corded in the Bible. REPENTANCE Lesson 64 1. Define the term "repentance". 2 Chron. 7:14. 2. Who are called to repentance? Luke 5:32. 3. By what means is sin made known? Rom. 3:20. 4. What is sin? I John 3:4. 5. Who convinces one of his sin? John 16:8, margin. 6. What was Peter’s reply to those who were convicted of sin and wanted help? Acts 2:38. 7. Name two kinds cf sorrow. II Cor. 7:10. 8. What will Godly sorrow do? II Cor. 7:1Q. 9. Tell how worldly sorrow works? Matt. 27:3-5. 10. How does Godly sorrow work? Ps. 32:5-5; Luke 15:18,19. 11. What will accompany repentance? Matt. 3:8. 12. How only are sinners lead to repentance? Rom„ 2:4. CONFESSION Lesson ■ 65 1. What did God ask Israel to do? Num. 5:6,7. Jer. 3:13. 2. Is it wise to try to hide sins from God? Num. 32:23; Heb. 4:13; Prev. 28:13. 3. Hew definite should man be in confessing his sin? Lev. 5:5. 4. What are the resultsof covering sins? Prov. 28:13; I John 1:8,10. 5. If we confess, what will God do? I John 1:9. 3. To whom ■should confession be made? a. To God. Dan. 9:3-19; Ps, 32:5. b. To our fellowmen. James 5:16. V. What should accompany confession? Acts 19:18,19. 8. In addition te confession, what was Israel required to do? Lev. 6:1-7. 9. In order to sustain the right relation t® God and the world what must every child of God do? Matt. 10:32,33. Rom. 10: 10; Mai. 3:16,17. CD'-* FORGIVENESS Lessen 66 1. Write a list of the traits of God’s character. Ex. 34:6,7. 2. Forgiveness is a part of God’s character. Ps. 103:3. 3. What, is forgiveness? I Pet. 4:8. Prov. 10:12. 4. Why was the father so ready to forgive the predigal son? Luke 15:24. 5. What will God do for all who confess? I John 1:9. 6. In order to get the benefit of God’s forgiving spirit, what must one do? Matt. 6:14,15. 7. What did Paul exhort the believers to do? Eph. 4:32, Col. 3:13. 8. Why does God pardon the sins of His people? Mioah 7:18; Isa. 43:25; Ps. 103:11, 9. What does God do with the pardoned sins? Micah 7:19; Ps'. 105:12; Isa. 38:17. 10. In what condition is one whose sins are forgiven? Ps.32:l,2. THE NEW BIRTH Lessen 67 1. Why is there need of a new birth? Rom. 8:13. The term "flesh", as here used, signifies the unregenerated nature. It is also called the "old man" and the "carnal mind". 2. Name the works of the flesh. Gal. 5:19. 3. What relation does one that is carnal sustain to God and his law? Rom. 8:6,8. 4. How only can such be saved? John 3:1-7. / 5. What becomes of the carnal man? Gal. 5:24; Gal. 2:24 first line. 6. How is. the new birth effected? John 3:8. 7. How does Peter say that we are born-again? I Pet. 1:23. 8. What does the man become? II Cor. 5:17. 9. Hew may one know that he has been born again? I John 3:14. What will be seen in the lives of those born again? Gal. 5:22,23. 11. What will be the experience of these who have had this change •f heart? Rom. 8:1; I John 3:9; 5:4. 12, is conversion an instantaneous work? E. A. ch. 17, par. 14. CHILDREN OF GOD Lesson 68 1. How Has God demonstrated His love to us? I John 3:1. 2. How only do we become children of God? Gal. 3:26. 3. How may we know that we are accepted of God? I John 4:13; Rom. 8:14,16. 4. Who are the children of God? Rom. 8:9,14. 5. How do we become sons of God? Gal. 4:4-7. 6. As sons, to what are we entitled? Rom. 8:17; Gal. 4:7.. 7. What does it mean to be a joint heir with Christ? Rev. 11: 15; Rev. 20:4; John 14:1-3. 8. To what family do Christians belong? Eph. 1:10; 3:14,15. 9. What is the hope of every true Christian? I John 3:1-3. 10. What will Jesus do for the redeemed members of that family in eternity? Eph. 2:7. RIGHTEOUSNESS Lesson 69 1. Define righteousness. 2. How many by nature have righteousness? Rom. 3:10; Ps. 14: 1-3. 3. What is the standard of right or righteousness? Ps, 119; 172; Ps. 7:9/ To possess righteousness or to be right is to be desired above everything else. It is to be Godlike. 4. Is it possible for man to attain to this standard by his own efforts? Rom. 7:15-24; Jer. 13:23. 5. Unto what is man's righteousness compared? Ps. 64:6. • 6. Unto what is the righteousness of God compared? Ps. 19:8. 7. Where can righteousness be found? Jer. 23:6. 8. How is it possible for us to get hold of "Our Righteousness"? Rom. 13:14; Gal. 3:27. 9. What must be put off before Christ can be put on? Col. 3: 8-10. 10. Study the parable of the marriage of the King’s son, and explain what is meant by the wedding garment. Matt. 22:1-14; C. 0. L. 309-319. Notice how the same figure is used in Zech. 5:1-5. 12. How only can sin, the filthy garment, be disposed of? I John 1:9; Ps. 32:5; Micah 7:18,19. 13. How was Abram made righteous? Gen. 15:6. Rom. 4:20-22. 14. How may we obtain the same blessing? Rom. 4:23,24. CHRISTIAN EDUCATION Lesson 70 1. The purpose of education is to obtain facts or truth. 2. Who is the source of all truth? John 14:6; 1:17. 3. What is to be found in Christ? Col. 2:3. 4. How is this knowledge to be gained? John 5:39; 17:17. 5. Before the truth can be learned, what must the student do? Isa. 55:7. Ans. He must lay aside preconceived ideas. 6. How does God's knowledge compare with man's? Isa. 55:8,9. 7. What is the object of a Christian Education? Ps. 119:11. Education 13,18; P. P. 595. 8. Anciently, how did Israel provide for the education of their children? Deut. 6:7. 9. What provision was made for the youth. P. P. 593. 10. Where were these advanced schools conducted? P. P. 593. 11. Who were the teachers in these schools? II Chron. 17:7-9. 12. Name the studies they pursued. P. P. 593. 13. Contrast the work done in those schools with that conducted in the modern theological college. P. P, 594-602; F. 231. 14. What is the most important institution in this world? F. 226. 15. What is to be gained by a Christian's attending a worldly institution? F. 362,347,359,467. CHRISTIAN GROWTH Lesson 71 1. What are Christians exhorted to do? II Pet. 3:18. Growth in Christian life is as much the results of conditions as in the physical life. Character, good or bad, is the re­ sult of mental and moral sowings. "As a man thinketh, so is he." 2. As a child develops physically by the proper uso of food, water, air, and exercise, so the Christian grows in like manner. Lesson 71 -'.Cont 3. What is a Christian’s food? John 6:47-63. John 4:34; Eze. 2:8-3:3; I Pet. 2:1,2. a. The Word contains creative power. Ps. 33:6,9. b. It contains healing power. Ps. 107:20; Matt. 12:13; Matt. 8:8. c. It contains cleansing power. Ps, 119:9; John 15:3. d. It gives power to keep from sin. Ps. 119:11. e. It imparts divine nature. I Pet. 2:4. ?. It has sanctifying power. John 17:17. . g. It contains life everlasting. John 12:50. 4. Prom what are Christians invited to drink? John 7:37-39; Isa.12:2,3. a. Water purifies. Zech. 13:1; cf. Heb. 9:14. b. Water revives the fainting. Ps. 42:1,2. 5. In what atmosphere do Christians live? Rom. 5:20,21. John 3:8. 6. How may one have spiritual exercise? I Tim. 4:7,8. Rom.6:15. 7. How does Peter illustrate Christian growth? II Pet. 1:5-11. Helps: Steps to Christ: 83-95. SANCTIFICATION Lesson 72 1. Define the term "Sanctification". 2. Give Bible examples. a. The mountain. Ex. 19:19-23. b. The groxmd. Ex. 3:1-5. c. The Sabbath Gen. 2:2,3. d. A fast. Joel 1:14. 3. What is the will of God in this patter? I Thess. 4:3. 4. In order to bring about the wi.ll of God, what did Jesus do? John 17:19. Note I. 5, By what means are we sanctified? John 17:17. Note 2. 6, Hew much does sanctification includo? I Thoss. 5:23. 7, What does God expect of us? Rem. 12:1. 8, Does a sanctified person consider himself beyond the 'possi­ bility of sin? I John 1:8,10. A. A. 561, - 9. Is a manifestation of spiritual ecstasy an evidence of ac­ ceptance with God? Isa. 52:17, Matt. 12:17-19; A. A. 51,52, 10, What does God desire to do for the lost church? Eph. 5:25, 26,27. 11. Give the experience of one who is sanctified. A. A. 560. Note 1: Pour thousand years before the birth of Christ, He was,set apart for this definite work of saving lost man. Rev. 13:8. He gave up all the joys of heaven that Ho might bring about our salvation, and has sot us apart to the same work. Note 2: As the V*ord of God is read and obeyed, there is separation from the world and worldly plans. The individual finds himself set apart to God and His work. PREDESTINATION • Lesson 73 1. Does the Bible teach predestination? Eph. 1:3-5. Note 1. 2. There are two families on this earth. The family of Adam and the family of Christ. I Cor. 15?44-49. 3. What is the nature of those who are of the Adamic family? I Cor. 15:47; Gen. 3:19. 4. What is their doom? I Cor. 15:22; Rom. 6:23. 5. All who are members of the family of Adam are predestinatej to die. 6. What is the nature of those who are members of Christ's family? I Cor. 15:47-49; Rom. 8:14-17. 7. What has been fixed as the lot of all those who are ii; the family of Christ? I Cor. 15:22; Acts 4:12; I John 5:11,12; John 3:36. 8. By the physical birth, all arc members of the Adamic family. Rom. 5:12; Rom. 3:9-18; II Cor. 5:17. 9. How do people become members of Christ's family? John 3:3,5. 10. How many are invited to leave the Adamic family and unite with Christ and his children? Isa. 55:1; John 1:9; Rev. 22:17. 11. In whose hand lies the destiny of each man? Deut. 30:15-20; Josh. 24:15; I Kings 18:21. 12. Did Paul teach that his efforts and will had anything to do with his destiny, I Cor. 9:24-27. 13. Who will sit with God on His throne? Rev. 3:21. Note 1: HJhere are those who teach that a man's destiny is fixed, and regardless of all effort on his part, he will be saved or lost according to the decision. There are others who hold that God has decided that all who follow the path of disobedience will in the end be lost, and all who continue in the path of righteous­ ness will be saved, but the power to choose lies with the man. It is the purpose of this lesson to ascertain what the Bible has to say on this subject. Lesson 74 1. Where does God place the drunkard? I Cor. 6:9,10: Gal. 5:19-21 2. What are some of the evils of strong drink? Hosea 4:11; Usa. 28:7,8. 3. To what conditions do drunkards usually come? Prov. 23:20,21. 4. How will strong drink affect one who indulges? Prov. 21:1. 5. What accompanies intemperance? Prov. 23:29,30. 6. How does God look upon the treating habit? Hab. 2:15. 7. How does the wise man describe the one who tarries "long at wine"? Prov. 25:30-35. 8. Upon whom is a woe pronounced? Isa. 5:11,12. 9. Compile figures showing the cost of the liquor business in the U. S. B. R. 748,749. 10. What is Paul's exhortation to Christians? Eph. 5:18. Helps: S. B. 197-201. TEMPERANCE Lesson 75 1. In what list does the apostle Paul place temperance? Gal. 5:22,23. 2. Define the term "temperance". See Dictionary. 1 3. In how many things should we be temperate? I Cor. 9:24-27. Note 1. / 4. Who are to be temperate? I Cor. 9:25. 5. Over what did Paul gain control? I Cor. 9:27. 6. Name some of the Qualifications of an elder. Titus 1:8. 7. Against what are the people in the last days warned? Luke 21:34. 8. What was the 3in of those who lived in the days of Noah and Lot? Luke 17:26-30; Eze. 16:49. 9. What reward came to Daniel and his companions for their faithfulness? Dan. 1:1-20. If. Where does Peter place temperance? II Pet, 1:5-7. 11. To whose glory should all mankind live? I Cor. 10:31. Note 1: By over-working, over-eating, or ever-doing we may become intemperate, and transgressors of nature's laws which are the laws of God. Thus we are exhorted to be temperate in all things. HEALTH Lesson 76 1. 2. 5. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10 11 12 13 14 Define the term "health". To what extent is God interested in the health of hi.s people? Ill John 2. How did Jesus show His interest in the welfare of His people physically? Matt. 4:23; 8:16; 14:14. Describe man as he came from the hand of His creator. Gen. 1:26,27. P. P. 45. What was provided in order that this perfect condition might be perpetuated? a. Pure air. b. Pure water c. Pure food d. Moderate exercise Gen. 2:15 Gen. 2110 Gen. 1:29 Gen. 2:15; P. P. 50 What followed in the path of sin? Gen. 2:17; Rom. 5:12, How are the results of transgression seen among men? Ex. 20: 5. Men inherit evil tendencies. Why should Christians, more than others;i regard the laws of health? I Cor. 6:19,20. How may they please God? I Cor. 10:31. If one neglects or refuses to follow the ligjht on health, what will be the result? I Cor. 3:17. r What is asked of every Christian? Rom. 12:1. Y hat instruction has God left on record pertaining to the use of meat? Lev. 11:1-47. How does God express His disapproval of those who persist in using swine’s flesh? Isa. 66:17. What will be the condition of those who are waiting for their Lord at His return? I Thess. 5:23. Helps: Test. Vol. 9:153-166. HEALING Lesson 77 1. How does God regard the physical needs of His children. Ill John 2. 2. In what was a large portion of His life engaged? Matt. 8:16,17. 3. What did He delegate to His church? Mark 16:17,18; John 14:12. Did His followers exercise this power? Acts 3:1-6; 16:16-18 8:5-8; 5:12-16. 5. Give instances of healing in Old Testament times. Isa. 38: 1-5; Hum. 21:4-9. 6. In case of sickness, what did James say should be done? What would be the result? Jam. 5:14,15. 7. What should precede prayer for the sick? Jam. 5:15,16. Sin should be put away. 3. Why are some prayers not answered? James 4:3. 9. As in the case of Paul, somw. may be required to bear some infirmity to keep them humble. II Cor. 12:7-10; Gal.4:13-15; Paul*s eyesight was never fully restored after his conversion. 10. Is the demonstration of healing power a sign that the work is of God? Mark 16:17. 11. Will the enemy produce signs to prove that his cause is right? II Thess. 2:9,10. 12. How then may one know which is right? Isa* 8:20. Helps: M. H. 225-233. THE CHURCH Lesson 78 1. What is meant by the term "church"? Note 1. 2. Whence come the members of the church? Eph. 2:1-5; 11-13; Rev. 18:4. 3. What are the chosen ones called? I Pet. 2:9,10. 4. Why are they called out and united in a church? I Pet. 2:9; Titus 2:14, To combine their efforts in service for God. 5. How does God regard His church? Vol. 7:16, 242, 243. 6. What work has been committed to them? Matt. 28:18-20; Matt. 10:1,7; Mark 16:15; Vol. 8:19. 7. What is to show their authority? Mark 16:17. 8. How much authority was given the church? John 20:21,22. 9. In case one member should go astray, what should be done? Gal. 6:1; James 5:19,20. 10. How is this to be done? Matt. 18:15-17; D. A. 48:31-40. G. W. 498-503. 11. Unto what has God likened the church? Rom. 12:4,5; I Cor. 12:12. 12. What relation exists among the members of the church? I Cor. 12:13-27. 13. Why do trials come to the church? Vol. 9:228. Note I: The word "church" is used to convey several differ­ ent ideas. To illustrate, we speak of a church, meaning the building in which religious services are held. We speak of the Berrien Springs Church, meaning a local organization-. The term Methodist church, means that denomination. We speak of going to church meaning to the church service. And further we speak of the church meaning the true people of God on earth. SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH ORGANIZATION Lesson 79 1. When was the General Conference organized? Rise and Progress of S. D. A. 253. Year Book 1925, 5. 2. What conferences were first to be organized? 3. What is meant by the term "local church", and of what does it consist? 4. What is a Local Conference and how it is organized? Year Book, 20,21. 5. What composes a Union Conference? Year Book, 19-26. 6. What is a Division Conference? Year Book 91-121. 7. Of what is the General Conference composed? Year Book,Preface. 8. Name the departments into which our work is divided? Year Book, 5 9. What is our present membership? 10. How is the evangelistic work in the home field supported? Year Book 284. 11; Does any portion of the tithe go into the foreign fields? Year Book, 284. 12. Name and locate five colleges, five sanitariums and five publishing houses. Year Book. 13. For what purpose does this S. D. A, organization exist? Matt. 24:14; 28:19,20; Rev. 14:6-11. HOLY SPIRIT—PENTECOST Lesson 80 1. What were the disciples asked to do? Luke 24:49. 2. How did they spend this tarrying time? Acts 1:13,14. 3. What motive actuated their prayers? A. A. 37. 4. - What does the Holy Spirit bring to the church? Acts 1:8. 5. On what day did the Holy Spirit come? Acts 2:1; Luke 24:49; Aots 1:8. 6. How often did that day come and what did it commemorate? Ex. 23:15 first part. Lev. 25:15-21; Num. 28:26-31; Deut.16:9-12 7. Describe the outpouring of the Spirit. Acts 2:1-13. 8. Give Peter’s answer to the questions asked. Verses 14-36; A. A. 40,42. 9. What were the results? Verses 37-41; A. A. 44,45; Vol. 8: 19,26.' HOLY SPIRIT - PENTECOST Lesson 81 1. Why did God impart the gift of tongues to the early church? A. A. 39. 2. What did the outpouring of the Spirit signify? A. A. 38,39. 3. How long did God purpose that the Spirit should remain in the church? Acts 2:39; 2:17-21; Joel 2:23. 4. What does God say of this gift? D. A. 73:33. 5. What should be our attitude toward this gift? Vol. 8:22. 6. What are the condition on which He may be received.'H. W.71. 7. How useful may one become who has the Spirit? Vol. 8:191 8. Give some results of the second Pentecost. G. C. 611,612; Vol. 7:35. Helps: D. A. Ch. 73. WORK OF THE HOLY SPIRIT Lesson 82 1. He calls. Rev. 22:17. 2. He strives. Gen. 6:3; Vol. 9:97. 3. He softens hearts. Vol. 9:107; P. K. 425. 4. He sends conviction. John 16:8; A. A. 119-120. 5. He reveals Christ and salvation. I Cor. 2:10; D. A. 73:33. 6. He helps one to decide. Vol. 8:65. 7. He gives repentance. D. A. 17:28. Note 1. 8. He converts. D. A. 17:14; 19:19. 9. He changes the heart. D. A. 75:35. 10. He gives the new birth. John 3:1-5; Eze. 36:25-27. 11. He is a regenerating power. D. A. 73:33; A. A. 52. 12. He gives new life. Rom. 8:1,2; D. A. 17:29; D. A. 41:20; -84:10; 86:37. 13. He is a guide and teacher. Isa, 30:21; I Cor. 2:10; John 14:26; 15:26; 16:13; D. A. 73:29,35; Vol. 8:267. 14. He is an aid in prayer. Rom. 8:26,27; D. A. 19:19; D. A. 73:17. 15. Ho makes us children of God. Rom. 8:14-16. WORK OP THE HOLY SPIRIT Lesson 83 k. He is a Comforter. John 14:16-18; 26: D. A. 73:27; John 15:26. 2. Ho makes us overcomers. D. A. 73:33. 3. He bears fruit in the life. Gal. 5:22,23. 4. He gives us the divine nature. D. A. 73:33. 5. He seals us. Eph. 4:30. 6. He controls Satan. Matt. 12:28. 7. He uses us. D. A. 73:36. 8. He calls men to service. Acts 13:1,2. 9. He prepares man for service. D. A. 84:11; Luke 24:49; Acts 1:8. 10. He gives us special gifts. I Cor. 12:7-21. 11. He brings us all blessings. Vol. 8:21; D. A. 73:36. 12. He is a foretaste of heaven. Eph. 1:15,14. 13. He can be grieved. Eph. 4:30. 14. What is the unpardonable sin? D. A. 33:3. Note 1: As Desire of Ages is published in three editions it is thought best to give the references to this book by chapter and paragraph rather than by page. LED BY THE SPIRIT Lesson 84 1. How are the children of God led? Ron. 8:14; John 16:13. 2. Is there more than one spirit? I John 4:1. 3. Is there danger that honest people will bo deceived and follow the wrong spirit? I John 4:1; II Thess. 2:9,10; Matt. 24:23,24. 4. How is it possible to know which spirit is speaking? Try or measure them. I John 4:1; I Thoss. 5:21. 5. By what are they to be measured? Isa. 8:20. The Spirit of God and the Word always agree for they both speak the truth. John 15:26; John 17:17. 6. Examples: a. The Word says "Come unto me". Matt. 11:28. b. The Spirit says "Come" Rev. 22:17. c. But the evil spirit says "Not now; wait". Acts 24:25 7. By His Holy Spirit God will guide every honest soul into the truth. Isa. 30:21; John 7:17; 14:26; 15:26. 8. By what means does God speak to men? Vol. 5:120. 9. Name the kinds of conscience spoken of by Paul. Acts 23:1; 24:16; II Tim. 1:3; I Tim. 4:2; Heb. 13:18. 10. May one’s conscience be changed? Compare Acts 26:9-11 with I Tim. 1:15. If so, how. Gal. 2:20. SPIRITUAL GIFTS Lesson 85 1. What is meant by the term "spiritual gifts". I Cor. 12:1-31. 2. To whom is the Spirit given? John 15:26; Acts 2:38,39. 3. What is one of the offices of the Holy Spirit? I Cor. 12:7-10. To impart gifts. 4. Write a list cf these gifts. I Cor. 12:8-10, 28. Eph♦ 4:11. 5. How does God emphasize the importance of these gifts? I Cor. 12:12,27. 6. What is the difference between the gifts and the fruits of the Spirit? cf. I Cor. 12:8-10,28; with Gal. 5:22,23. 7. What is the object of these gifts. I Cor. 12:7; Eph. 4:12-16 8. Who put these gifts in the church? I Cor. 12:28. . How long will they remain in the church? Eph, 4:14; Cor. 1:4-7. Helps: S. B. 25 Lesson 86 1. How did God talk to man in the beginning? Gen. 2:16,17. Ans. Pace to face. 2. What change did sin bring? Gen. 3:8-11; Ex. 33:20. 3. How does God now speak to man? Num. 12:6; Amos 3:7. 4. The work of a prophet a. Watchman. Eze. 3:17-21. b. Delivers God's commands. I Sam. 15:1-3. c. Points out sins. I Sam. 15:8-19; II Sam. 12:1-7. d. Pronounces judgments. I Sam. 15:22,23. e. Holds out pardon for sin. II Sam. 12:13,14. f. Warns of danger. Ps. 31:1; 36:6; Acts 21:10,11. g. Reveals the plans of the enemy. II Kings 6:8-11. h. Reveals things to come. Dan. 2:28,45; 7:1. i. Beads. Hosea 12:13. 5. By whose authority is prophecy in the church? I Cor. 12:28. 6. What is the result of rejecting the prophets of God? II Chron. 36:14-17. 7. What relation does the prophet sustain to the church? I Cor. 12:1-2; cf. I Sam. 9:9. 8. How long is the gift of prophecy to remain in the church? Eph. 4:13. 9. Prove that the last church will possess this gift. Rev. 12:17; 19:10; I Cor. 1:6-8. 10. How will Satan try to deceive the people of God in the last days? Matt. 24:24. 11. How may one detect the counterfeit? Isa. 8:20; Matt. 7: 15-20. 12. On what condition is prosperity promised? II Chron.20:20. TITHING SYSTEM Lesson 87 1. Under what circumstances did Abraham pay tithe? Gen. 14: 1-20. 2. What was Jacob's vow, and how did he come to make it? Gen. 28:10-22. 3. State the requirement God made of Israel? Lev. 27:30-54. 4. When the Jews returned from the Babylonian captivity, what reformation was brought about? Neh. 10:37-39. 5. When the tithe is withheld, which commandment is broken? Mai. 3:8. 6. V.;hat attitude did Jesus take toward the payment of tithe? Matt* 23:23. 7. How did Paul say that the gospel minister should be sup­ ported? I Cor. 9:15,14, 8. What is the purpose of money? Luke 16:1-9; I Tim. 6:17-19. PRINCIPLES UNDERLYING THE TITHING SYSTEM Lesson 88 1. How much does God possess? Ps. 50:10,11; Hag. 2:8; Ps. 24:1 2. What relation does man sustain to this property? Matt.24: 45; Luke 12:42. 3. What share does the Lcrd ask? Lev. 27:30. 4. In withholding the Lord’s share, what does one become? Mai. 3:8. 5. How did th§ Creator plan ever to keep before the inhabi­ tants of this earth his ownership? Gen. 2:16,17. 6. What takes the place of the tree of knowledge? Vol. 6:386. 7. If Christ, our high priest, is after the order of Melchi- sedec, should we pay tithe today? Gen. 14:16-20 with Heb. 7:1,2. 8. Whom is God employing to carry on His work on earth? Matt. 28:17-20; Acts 1:8. 9. To whom should they look for their support? Num. 18:21,22. 10. Of whom does God secure the funds with which to pay His laborers? Num. 18:24. 11. On what basis is the tithe to be reckoned? Deut. 14:22. 12. What are the results of withholding the tithe? Mai. 3:8,9. 13. What blessings are pronounced upon the faithful tithe payers? Mai. 3:10. TITHING- Continued Lesson 89 1. What has God said in these last days about the sacredness of the tithe? Vol. 6:384, 1-3. 2. In turning over to God the tithe, what does the Christian acknowledge? Vol. 6:386, 1,2. 3. What do those reveal who say they cannot understand the tithing system? Vol. 6:387, 1. Vol. 2:199. 4. How many are being tested in the matter of tithe paying? Vol. 9:285, 3:346.1. 5. Explain the work of a steward. Vol. 9:246,3. 6. What does God say about using the tithe for secular pur­ poses? Vol. 9:247; Vol. 6:447,1. 7. What should be done with the tithe? Vol. 9:248, 2nd line; 249, 1. 8. What is the purpose of the tithe? Vol. 9:52,1. 9. State the results of withholding the tithe. Vol. 9:52. 10. What is the duty of gospel workers? Vol. 9:247 last par. 250,2; Vol. 6:447. Helps: Test. Vol. 6:384-391; Vol. 9:245-251. BAPTISM Lesson 90 1. By what authority does the church baptize? Matt. 28:19. 2. How does Jesus state the importance of this rite? Mark. 16:16. 3. Wbo was the first to baptize? Matt. 3:1-6. 4. Was there a difference between the baptism of John and that of Christ? Acts 18:24; 25; 19:4-5. 5. What is the meaning of the word "baptize"? See dictionary. 6. How many modes of baptism does the Scripture teach? Eph.4:5. 7. According to the following Scriptures, what isthat mode? Matt. 3:13-16: Acts 8:38. 8. What did Paul say became of his past life when he aedepted Christ as the Messiah? Rom. 7:9,11. 9. How many have the same experience? Gal. 5:24. 10. What is to be done with this dead body? Rom. 6:3-4. 11. After baptism, how should one live? Rom. 6:4-11. 12. What added blessing follows baptism? Acts 2:38. 13. If one has received the Holy Spirit should he be baptized with water? John 3:5; Acts 10:44-48. 14. Under what conditions might a second baptism be permissible? Acts 19:1-5. 15. On what conditions may one enjoy the blessing of this rite? Acts 2:38; Acts 8:37; Matt. 3:7,8. 16. Is it possible for children to comply with these conditions? Dcut. 1:39, 17. What is the relation of a baptized person to this world? Gal. 6:14; Rom. 6:11-13; I John 2:15-17. Helps: S. B. 67-70. HUMILITY Lesson 91 1. What principle did the Saviour state to the Pharisees? Matt. 23:12. 2. In what two beings has this principle been fully exempli­ fied? Isa. 14:12-15. Phil. 2:5-8. Note 1. 3. What precedes honor? Prov. 15:33; 18:12. 4. Tell how this was true in the life of Joseph, David, and Daniel. 5. With whom does God dwell? Isa. 57:15. 6. What is given to the humble? James 4:6; I Pet. 5:5. 7. In order to teach His disciples a lesson in humility, what did Jesus do? John 13:1-5. 8. Under what circumstances was this ordinance instituted? John 13:1,2. 9. Give the experience of Peter? John 13:6-9. 10. Give Judas’s experience. D. A. 71:7-16. 11. For whom was this ordinance given? John 13:12-17. 12. Was this ordinance celebrated by the apostolic church? I Tim. 5:9,10. 13. What will be the experience of those who take part in this rite? John 13:17. Helps: D. A. ch. 71. Note 1: In lesson two we learned that Satan lost, as a re­ sult of his selfish desire, his position next to Christ, but when Jesus died on the cross, He was forever shut out of Heaven and his work continued to this earth. During the thou­ sand years, he is bound in darkness and then destroyed after admitting that he has been wrong. Christ, who was at the right hand of God, and the up­ holder of all things thought it not a thing to be grasped after, to be equal with God, but made himself of no reputation, ana took upon him the form pf a servant, and was made in the likeness of men; and being formed in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross. "Wherefore God hath highly exhalted him, and given him a name which is above every name; that at the name of Jesus, every knee shall bow." He will be King of Kings and Lord of Lords through all eternity. LORD1S SUPPER Lesson 92 1. For what purpose did Jesus and His disciples meet in the upper room? Matt, 26:17-25. 2. On what night was this? I Cor. 11:23. 3. While eating, what did Jesus do? Matt. 26:26; I Cor. 11: 23,24. 4. What did Jesus say of this emblem of bread? I Cor. 11:24; Matt. 26:26. 5. On another occasion what did Jesus ask His followers to do? John 6:47-56. 6. How did Jesus explain the meaning of this statement? John 6:63. 7. Following the eating of the bread how did he proceed? Matt. 26:27; I Cor. 11:25. 8. What is the blood said to be? Lev. 17:14. 9. How are we saved? Rom. 5:10. 10. What does this ordinance commemorate? I Cor. 11:26. 11. Is there danger that some may partake of these ordinances not discerning their meaning? I Cor. 11:27-30, 20-22. 12. Does the Scripture state when or how often these ordin­ ances should be celebrated? I Cor. 11:26; Acts 2:46. 13. Who may participate in these ordinances? D. A. 72:20. Helps: D. A. Chapter 72.