We need all our physicians, but all of us, the doctors included, would be healthier and happier if each one of us would constitute himself a P. M. D.-— Doctor of Preventive Medicine ‘By Hans S. Anderson Dietitian .Y The children of brown and yellow races in Hawaii learn to like milk piano with its equipment of 200 strings, more or less! Again, let us consider briefly the voice. In all the realms of music, we must confess that the human voice is supreme. It is the voice alone that can awaken and stir the deepest emotions of the soul. Consider its varied qualities, its richness and melody, and above all, its individuality. One can recognize the voice of a friend speaking over the wire, though he be thousands of miles away. Says the Psalmist: “1 will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonder- fully made.” Psalm 139: 14. Our LEASE ON LIFE EN and women everywhere desire to live as long as possible, and to know that their lives have been a success. Good health means ease of mind and body, repose, quiet, freedom from pain, disturbances, or injury. When one’s physical wel- fare is below par, and one is barely able to keep going the day through, that is “dis-ease,” whether the symptoms be the most serious or not, or whether it be called by some big-sounding name or not. When one is well, one is able to enjoy even greater physical and mental ease through maximum health. But this condition never comes merely by accident. MAY, 1929 Neither nature nor knowledge can produce health without the use of the right kind of food. Science has been adding tremendously to our knowledge of food values during recent years, and is now able to point out with great exactness the part that the various kinds of food elements play in the maintenance of health. As American people, we take pride in saying that we have at our command a knowledge of the highest standards of living in the history of the world. We are living in a time when there is money, and comfort, and freedom; but at the same time we are finding out that we do not live long enough to enjoy these things. The master minds in the affairs of the world today recognize that the health of its people is a nation’s greatest asset, and leading governments are beginning to see the need of educating the masses on health topics. Good health is, above all other earthly possessions, priceless. A man may have the keenest brains, and at the same time his ability may be paralyzed because he is not in the pos- session of good health; for this is the driving force that makes the gift serve him. Foop AFFECTS THOUGHT WE ARE, in truth, products of what we eat. Every ounce of what we are is the result of what we eat. Some food constituents contribute to the enriching of the blood, while others enter into the structure of bones, teeth, and muscle. Therefore, our food is the key to the solution of our health dreams, and the answer to life's riddle — how to secure and maintain the inestimable gift of health. Health is often undermined by slow-working, unseen causes, acting for a long period of time, rather than by a sudden exposure to disease, or the acci- dental breaking out of symptoms. It now seems certain that the most important of these causes is improper diet. And if disease comes to us from what we put into our mouths, or from what we fail to put into our mouths, then disease can be corrected and cured by eliminating the cause. Normal food, as received direct from the hand of nature, unprocessed and served in as natural a condition as possible, contains the same essential constituents of which the human body is composed. These several constituents being lost or given off by the body day by day, it follows that unless we eat foods containing all of these elements we shall suffer from inferior physical development, nervous instability, lack of endurance, and lack of resistance to infection, particularly tuberculosis, and to deficiency diseases such as pellagra. Personal experience in driving a car teaches one that in addition to a good supply of gas in the tank there must also be sufficient oil for (Cont. on page 33) PAGE TWENTY-ONE