CREATIVE PLAY UL 0} He Pre-School Child Ce MARY DIVING STONSSNTTH “Wht car Iodos mother? 7 asks the wee Lol or Ls=1e many times cach dav, This is expecially trate chuving the winter months when outdoor play = ooften impossible. Aud ie = well when the mother can vespord with something constoetive and welp- fale For iat not oorecognized faet that nanny of the childs aentndes and emotional haliaes are set hy the tne he reaches school? A wise mother will spend tach of her tine, and give els of Ber thou toward helping to develop dyvimnmite personality os well as Chirstiom character in her offspring. Bat how we can bring out vesonrecfidness adaptability, poise, dependence, pd self-confidence i= the probidem to ~olve, Firat of all wo