6 THE REMNANT OF ISRAEL. ple try to learn by beginning at the back part to study. ‘Lhe religionist of this age says, “the New Testament 1s their guide.” Such 1oolishness and ignorance is deplorable. ‘Lhe facts are, they know nothing of what the New 'l'estament teaches. ‘The New 'lestament is made up wholly from the teaching oi the old. Neither shrist nor the Apostles had any New Testiment to preach 1rom. The discussion between Christ and the Apostles with the Jews was on points of doctrine taught mn the Old testament. ‘Lhe ignorant Jews know nothing of its true teaching. Hence neither Christ nor the Apostles had any New Testament to teach. they iaught Moses. ‘today the exaet condition 18 repeated. ‘the teachers who take the New 'l'esta- uent as their guide only know about as much about God s will and truth as did the ignorant Jew. That was practically nothing. But as stated by the pro- phet when the truth on the writings olf Moses 1s taught tnese bund guides will not hearken to God's word nor wo his law buv reject it. ‘1hey are entirely unable to counect the Bible into one story and one truth and always teaching the same thing. But like a drowning mal graps at straws here and there until they and herr tock both fall into the ditch. We are safe in saying the majority of the people who have gone to cnurch all their lives have never read the Bible through much less to become acquainted with its true teaching. ‘this class 18 ever ready to condemn but they know not what. But like the claim 1s made against a certain poutical party, “they are against it” it the teaching m any way pertains to the teaching of Moses and the rrrophews. ‘rhis class trusts thew bodies to the doctor ang their souls to their preacher as the saying is, and they look after the things pertaining to the world and . go to meeting on Sunday. ''he old story begins with the creation in the first part of the Bible. It relates the temptation and fall and the descendants of’ Adam and live. The story divides with the two boys oi Adam—Seth and Cain. Lhe descendants ol Seth were the righteous class. ‘Lhe wicked ‘class irom Camm. Separation of these classes both 1n social and marriage relation was advised from that day to this. We note more particularly the des- cendants of Seth. Krom him there were ten gener- ations from Adam to Noah. The flood was 1656 years irom creation. As a result of not keeping these classes separate, the whole world became wicked and was des- troyed. Again the earth was populated by the three sons ol Noah, Shem, Ham, and Japheth. The lineage and location ot these three boys are given in Gen. 10. wspecially that of Shem. From him descended ten generations move till Abraham. The total time to the pith of Abraham from the creation is given as two thousand and eight years. At this point God accepted Apraham as a righteous man because he believed God and obeyed Him by keeping all His commandments, ris statutes, and His laws. Therefore God made a covenant with him that in him all nations of the earth should be blessed, and that Christ should be born as a redeemer of the world, trom his seed. His promised seed was Isaac. His grandson was Jacob. His great grand children were twelve boys of Jacob’s. From which the twelve tribes of Israel sprang. Their so- journed in Egypt as bondmen of Pharaoh was two hun- dred and fifteen years. The story of Joseph, one of the twelve boys comes in the story at this time. The time finally came when they were delivered by Moses as a servant of God from Kgyptian bondage. They were delivered just 2513 years from creation and on the very day God had told Abraham they would come out. This is all told thus far in the book of Genesis, never was there a book con- taining so much truth on history, the plan of salvation, the dealings of God with his people which were intend- ed to give hope to the people of God as does this book of Genesis. Kvery promise of the Gospel i is in it. The principles of every law ever given is in it. The ever- lasting covenant by which men are saved is in it. The story of our fathers is in it. The story of the flood from which ihe lesson is drawn of the next destruction of the world is in it. In short every truth and plan God ever had is couched in it. Yet how little read and known by his professed children of today. No wonder “darkness covers the earth and gross darkness the people.” Leaving the book of Genesis the story is continued in Exodus. They left Egypt. These twelve tribes wondered as a result of their unbelief forty years in the wilderness. Moses and Aaron die and Joshua leads Israel over Jordan's dry channel, through icy walls of water on either side, which was a symbol to Israel of death and the grave before they could en- ter the final inheritance promised to their father Abra- ham, of which Canaan was a type. Rahab the harlot hung out the scarlet cord from her window on the wall of Jericho, showing to Israel her faith in the same Christ they believed in as the sin bearer of the world. "thus saving her house. The surrounding of Jericho for seven days and on the Seventh day seven times showing their faith in the seven thousand years the world would stand from creation before they entered their final inheritance in the earth made new of which the entrance to Canaan was a type. The trouble with Achan who stole the golden wedge and the Babylonish garment, and the lot being cast to search out the wrong ‘person who had caused the trouble in the camp, and the burning of Achan and his house and all his stuff— all teaching them a lesson of the final valley of Achor which means the valley of trouble through which the people of God must pass before their entrance into their inheritance after the close of probation. The casting of lot to find out the wrong doer was a symbol ol’ the judgment in the end of the work of the Gospel, to find out who would be saved and who would be lost— who would enter the land and who would be burned in the lake of fire. Also prior to their crossing Jordan all were to be circumcised which was the token of the covenant made with Abraham that he and his seed should enter the final inheritance but before they could be saved and enter they must all be converted at heart. we say that every step of the story from Creation to the end is full of the most interesting thoughts ever penned by man. All of which is lost to the man who begins at the wrong end of the Bible to study eternal things. Moses as he viewed the promised land from Pisgah saw the new earth in its beauty of which the land of Canaan was but the type. Next, Joshua divides the land among the twelve tribes, a type of the division of the new earth. Each tribe having their own standard or ensign. Each color reminding them of the lesson taught Noah by the colors of “the bow in the cloud and the lessons taught by each color. Four hundred and fifty years were covered in the story from Moses to the anointing of a king. The first of which was Saul. He reigned forty years, David forty, Solomon forty, Samuel the last judge also ruled forty years. Three years before the death of Solonion the tribes were divided into two houses, the house of Judah and the house of Israel. Judah consisted of Judah, Benjamin, and the half tribe of Manasseh, the son of Joseph. The house of Israel was composed of nine tribes and the other half tribe of Joseph which was Ephraim, Joseph having had two sons while in Egypt. The tribe of Levi being taken for the service of the Lord in spiritual things had no inheritance. Solomon appointed before his death Jeroboam the son of Nebat ruler over the house of Israel. Rehoboam the son of Solomon was king over the house of Judah. The house of Israel was wicked