ARKANESAS-LOUISIANA H. C. Hartwell, President J. B. McMullen, Secretary 1316 Marshall Bt., Little Rock An Appeal to the Other Two-Thirds FROM the best information that I can gather I judge that about two- thirds of our members in this confer ence do not have or read the Review and Herald, our denominational church paper. To my mind this is one of the most serious weaknesses in our work among us as a people, Here we are, living down amid the closing scenes of earth's history. We all profess to believe that the work of God is rapidly drawing to a close, Our pioneers are dropping out by the way, taken from us hy death, and serious and solemn times are just be- fore us. The only current publication that is issued especially for our own peo- ple to keep us informed in regard to world-wide developments as they affect our own denomination is the Review and Herald. It is like a watch- man on the walls of Zion, pointing out as no other publication does the dan- gers that are coming, keeping us in- formed of approaching events that involve our peace and prosperity. It tells us from week to week of the wonderful progress that is being made in our great world-wide field; in fact it is packed from the front page to the last with valuable mat- erial that no Seventh-day Adventist can afford to get along without. But vou say, “Brother Hartwell, we can- not afford to subscribe for it.” I realize that many of our members do not have ‘very much money to spend. No doubt there are some who really find it practically impossiide to raise the price of the Review. But 1 am convinced that there are many who could take it who are not, and if all would subscribe for the Review who could do so and then would loan it to other members who are unable to take it, practically everyone would have access to this paper. To help all to subscribe for the Re- view special plans have been made to promote the interests of the Rewicw from May 18 to June 1, and during this period the price of the Review will be reduced from $2.50 to 32. Church officers will be provided with promotion material to use in con- SOUTHWESTERN UNION RECORD nection with this campaign, but I can- net refrain from sending this appeal in this article te all nur members. Brethren and Sizters, let us arouse ourselves and take our religion se- ricusly, and realize that if we are going to go through to the kingdom we shall need all the help and en- eouragement that we can gel from every sources, and the Review and Her- ald is one means of grace that should be in every Sabbath-keeping family. H. C. HARTWELL, Among the Churches DURING the month of April the writer visited the following places: New Orleans, Shreveport, Texarkana, Hammond, Baton Rouge, Pine Bluft, Fort Smith, and Muskogee, Oklahomu, The New Orleans church is a wide awake church under the leadership of I.. H. Bland who has every department of the church functioning almost one hundred per cent. I feel that I should mention that this church raised £103 on the thirteenth Sabbath, due to the splendid Sabbath school leadership of Mrs, Sazon and the cooperation on the part of the other of the sehoal, The Shreveport church, though lah- oring under some disadvantages, is forging ahead. During the month of March they paid in more tithe than ever before in the history of the church in one month. 0. J. Trotter 13 in charge there. At Hammond 1 found a fine set of Inyal-spirited people scattered over the country. They have a nice little church building there. Elder Rland plans to give them some spiritual help soon, The Fort Smith church is moving forward, On the night of April 13 I spoke at the church, and a fine young man came forward and applied for membership as the result of Robert Ryles’ work there. At Baton Rouge Brother Mason, Miss Williams and Miss Wright are of good courage and are doing all they cab to sound the alarm of the near- nese of the end of this world. At Pine Bluff, Brother J. H. Wil- liams is giving splendid leadership to the work, and has been successful in winning seven adults to the message, and has scorez of others intensely interested, We were glad to have our union secretary, Elder M. M. Young, hold a series of meetings in the Texarkana members church. The members expresed them- selves az benefited as the result of the some. ' My last visit to Muskogee, Okla- homa, was to have part in the funeral service if our dear Brother A. K. Watkins. Our hearts are still sad ave the great loss of our yoke fellow and friend. May God help us to be faithful to the end. T. H. CooPwooD, Colored School at New Orleans WE READ of the forward move- ments in mission lands with great pleasure, and our hearts rejoice when we hear of many souls turning from the ways of sin to the love of our Father and His Son, Jesus Christ. The Ephesus Seventh-day Adventist church of New Orleans rejoices too, in the blessings of God. The church school board has had dreams of a dark basement being turned into a place of light and ex- treme attractiveness. This dream has not altogether been realized, as the board still dreams of a partition in its school room, making it a two-room school, We have been successful in securing twenty-three more modern desks than we had. With these tweny-three desks, the number already in hand, and a few chairs from crates made by the present teacher in charge, Mr. Charles Gray, we can nearly take care of the present enrollment of fifty-one children, A long-felt need has also been realized in the recent installa- tion of fifteen 100-watt lights in three rows of five each. There are still many more dreams to materialize in our school work, but the greatest now, is the addition of two grades, ninth and tenth, and an- other full-time teacher to assist in this work. To this end we solicit the prayers of our sisters and breth- ren throughout the local and union conference. Mrs. W. C. SazoxN. Chairman Ephesus School Board. tle News Notes Wednesday, May 8, a meeting of both the white and colored conference committees was held at the conference office in Little Rock, We were glad for the presence and counsel of Elders Benton and Young, from the union. In addition to these brethren, the fol- lowing workers were present. Elders H., C. Hartwell, Isaac Baker, A. F. Ruf, L. H. Bland, Q. J. Trotter, and H. M. Topic May 25, Ministers and Laity United for Service &