SOUTHWESTERN UNION RECORD Two new believers have asked tobe- come members of the El Paso church. The Spanish effort in El Paso is well under way. While the attendance is not large, there are some very interested people attending. The opposition is ac- tive, but the workers are busily visiting from house to house and we look for good results. The Educational Superintendant of Texicois in Keene this week securing teachers for. the schools. Every church that plans for a church school has al- ready called for a teacher. Elder Schick met with the company of colored believers in El Paso last Sab- bath afternoon. This week he is visiting the church and believers in Clyde and Baird, Texas, on the way to Wichita Falls to organize: a church next Sabbath (July 15). As 1 pass through the 'arge towns and cities in which we have no companies or churches I am impressed more and more with the thought that we should plan some way to carry the Message to them. All of us are desirous of seeing thisdone, but it requires means. If we had a larger tithe we could do more ag- gressive work. Let each one of us be faithful in tithes and offerings and the work of the Lord will progress faster. - These unworked cities are a challenge to our faith. We have several calls for meetings right now, but cannot answer all of them. “The Harvest is great and the laborers are few.’’ Each believer can help in a wonder- ful way in spreading the message by do- ing all he can along Home Missionary lines, The Lord will bless every such effort and he will have the joy of see- ing some souls brought to Jesus. Be sure to send your report to the office each month. CAMP MEETING DATES Camp meetings in the Southwest- ern Union Conference will be held as ‘follows, South Texas, San Antonto...July 13-23 Arkansas, Little Rock... July 27-Aug. 6 North Texas, Keene........_.... Aug. 3-13 Oklahoma, Enid .............._. Aug. 17-27 Texico, Clovis................ Aug. 24-Sept. 3 Oklahoma, (colored) Oklahoma City, : August 29-Sept. 6. FINANCING THE ENTERPRISE To provide the needed funds for the: Christian enterprise is not a sim- rle task. It is a highly spectalized task. Good business methods are an es- sential, but miany a leading business man has learned to his lasting sor- row that the best of business meth- ods. used plone will mot provide the finances for a Christian enterprise. Pious phrases and blind faith will i PAGE SRVEN not finance the Lord's cause. God is a God of order and method, and the spiritual plang which He has miade to bring in the kingdom. of God upon the earth are both orderly and organized. The financial plang of the Christian organization must be based upon spir- COLPORTEUR’S ARKANSAS CONFERENCE Name Address Book Hrs. Leo Kinder "HH 46 R. C. Ddaringer OD 45 Joseph Nelson BR 4b Ila Mary Speaker OD 43 W. M. Wilson HE 42 N. O. Hibbetis BR 36 R. S. Little OD&BR 33 Lois Mullins oD 31 ‘W. Brinegar BR 30 Ila Mary Spehnker oD 30 Leonand Robinson oD 28 Cecil Morton OD 28 George Kloss BR 23 *Walter Robinson OD 46 M. H. Black BR 23 Mrs. C. H. Mullins oD 8 Bibles Agents 15 637 *Two Weeks OKLAHOMA CONFERENCE, C. B. Johnson : GC 42 J. S. Heytzs OD 35 Altus Almond BR 31 No Name GC 28 M. J. Low BR 27 Buforld Ward DR 25 J. H. Bleuer oD 25 Z. L. Davis GC 24 J. P. Williams OD 24 Otto Krotz BR 23 Claude Hughes GC 23 Elle. Mihlhauser BR 16 Auburn Ward DR 15 Ollie Buxton OD 10 Bibles Delivered Agents 14 © 348 TEXICO CONFERENCE W. M. Crane BR 43 C. A. Walgren QC 40 F. J. Mackey oD 3g Mrs. McNeeley BR 35 E. FF. Stairs OD 39 - C. Turmer BR 30 H. J. Fillman BR 24 Mrs. C. Turner BR 17 Lucile Turner BR 15 Wilma Turner Mis. Bibles Agents 10 ib WEEKLY REPORT Ords. Val Helps Total Del, 33 140.50 140.50, 4.50 11 32.00 1.50 3350 4550 6 33.00 8.00 41.00 7 21.50 160 2310 15.10 6 23.50 150 25.00 16.50 12 54.00 3.00 57.00 2.00 25 73.50 73.50 25 7.50 7 39.50 2.00 4150 12.00 8 22.00 8.55 30.55 7.10 30 95.00 a5 95.75 27 76.26 250 77.75 9 40.50 1.26 41.75. 75 12 11.08 2.00 13.00 13.75 25 25 25 126 125 25 26.75 26.75 26.75 198 688.00 34.15 722.15 152.20 For Week Ending July 8 1922 6 27.00 41.25 68.75 9.25 16 48.25 23.00 71.25 3.0" 6 27.00 13.00 40.00 8.2% 1 4.50 25.25 29.75 8 37.50 20.15 57.65 R20 1 4.50 10.00 14.50 5 15.75 12.25 28.00 5.00 8 37.50 21.25 58.75 11 30.25 14.25 44.50 6.30 6 34.50 450 39.00 459 9.00 3.00 12.00 3.00 10 45.00 2.00 47.00 25 4 19.50 1410 33.60 2.75 2.50 2.50 8.25 29.50 82 340.25 207.00 547.26 88.30 For Week Ending July 8 1922 158.10 13 61.50 61.50 21.50 146.50 6 27.00 5.75 32.75 1.50 3 8.25 1.00 9.25 17.50 8 27.00 16.50 37.50 8.50 22 111.00 111.00 83.25 10 31.50 15.50 47.00 3.00 5.75 5.75 2.25 3.75 3.75 3.75 8.85 60 266.25 42.95 308.50 455.70