ZLON= Arizona Adventists Will Join Prayer Offensive ““Angels are now restraining the Adventists around the world are being called to a great intercessory prayer offensive beginning Sab- ~ + bath, April 4. Every mem- ber, everywhere, 1s invited to con- tinue In prayer for those with- out Christ “‘who are perishing in ignorance.” Pray for those as close as home as well as those in the ut- termost parts of Earth. In Arizona we feel this is the highest calling we could receive. We count it a privilege to join joytully our Adventist family worldwide in Intercessory prayer, § E. F. Sherrill uniting in purpose and deed, seek- ing God’s help and power for specific needs and objectives. “It 1s a part of God’s plan to grant us, in answer to the praver of faith, that which He would not bestow did we not thus ask.” (The Great Controversy, p. 525.) Every Adventist whatever his situation or abilities can pray. Prayer 1s one activity in which all believers can take part. “One Christian, on his knees, In prayer,’’ 1s more powerful than a godless army. Prayer power becomes more imperative as we face the increasing limitations of human resources. Nearly 80 per- cent of Earth’s people are non- Christian. Life & Health Run Is Scheduled The second annual Arizona Life & Health Run is scheduled for 7 a.m. Sunday, April 5. This event will commence on the campus of Thunderbird Adventist Academy. Everyone who signs up will have a choice between the two- mile Fun Run and the 10,000 Meter Run. Both of these are designed to involve family par- ticipation. Everyone is cordially invited. Trophies will be given to the top two men and women in each age category. The Life & Health Run is joint- ly sponsored by the Arizona Con- ference Health Department and the physical education depart- ment of Thunderbird Adventist Academy. For entry blanks and informa- tion, write: Life & Health Run 13401 N. Scottsdale Road Scottsdale, AZ 85254 “Come Over to Maricopa and Help Us” Franco Acunia, missionary leader of the Maricopa Seventh- day Adventist Church, doesn’t give up easily. When the membership of this little church on the reservation outside of Phoenix was decreas- ing for various reasons, he arose one Sabbath and spoke in a voice vibrant with faith. “No! Our church won’t fade away! We can’t let it do that! With God’s help we’ll just build it back up again!” This little mission was built in 1937 by Orno Follett, who had worked among the Indians on the various reservations of Arizona. Some of the members still remem- ber carrying lumber on their shoulders for miles in order to build the small chapel. At that time Elder Follett felt that the work was flourishing. The membership grew; and not only did they build a sanctuary, but also a church school where the lit- tle ones could learn more about Jesus. However, as time passed the membership began to thin down; the school closed its doors. Today, only a scattering of members continue faithful in at- tendance. But Acunia refuses to let this last of Elder Follett’s work crum- ble away as has been the case on nearby reservations. ‘‘There are people out there just waiting for us to visit them, to tell them of Jesus and His soon coming,” he says. Whenever he can, Acunia takes a small group to visit the homes, to give the message in word and song and to say a prayer. Some- times they have even encountered former members who recall the old days and the little church school. While Acunia is reaching out to the adults, plans have been an- nounced to seek out the children and youth in the area. If you feel you are only occupy- ing a seat in your church and are looking for a field in which to do missionary work, here is one close to home. Why not respond to the urgent call? “Come over to Maricopa and help us!” Madeline Hamiiton, Press Secy. Plan to attend ANNUAL PATHFINDER FAIR Sunday, April 12 10:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Thunderbird Adventist Academy Scottsdale Theme: ‘The Book of Nature” Grand Parade—Special Events — Floats — Exhibit Booths — Decorated Bikes — Delicious Food — Field Events — Yearly Awards Plenty of: e Free Parking e Pathfinders in Action e A wonderful time for the entire family Come one, Come all Let’s support our boys and girls! Paul W. Schmidt Youth Director PACIFIC UNION RECORDER / MARCH 23, 1981 winds of strife. . . . A moment of respite has been graciously given us of God. Every power lent us of heaven is to be used in doing the work assigned us by the Lord for those who are perishing in ig- norance. . . . God’s people should make mighty intercession to Him for help now.” (E. G. White, Evangelism, p. 704.) As the family of God unites in prayer in behalf of those without Christ, Arizona Adventists want to be a part of this grand plan! E. Frank Sherrill, President LeaT REST Coppock, Nina May—b. May 29, 1895, Climax, Mich.; d. Oct. 23, 1980, Apache Junction, Ariz. Survivors: husband, Walter; daughter, Ardath Polk; 6 step-grandchildren, 9 great- grandchildren. Daniel, Martha C.—b. Jan. 19, 1916, Arkansas; d. Dec. 28, 1980, Fremont, Calif. Survivors: husband, Shermon; daughters, Patsy Shook, Deanna Ragsdale, Zoma Focht; son, Dean Ragsdale; 10 grandchildren. Gruenewald, Gerlinda Sophie—b. Dec. 30, 1934, Deer Park, Calif.; d. Oct. 9, 1980, San Rafael, Calif. Sur- vivors: husband, Milton; daughters, Debra, Kathryn; mother, Sophie Schultze; brother, Elder Benius Meier. Helm, Nina Mae—b. 1889, Fergus Falls, Minn.; d. Jan 12, 1981, An- tioch, Calif. Survivors: daughter, Nona Flaherty; 2 granddaughters, 2 great-grandchildren; brother, Loren Austin. Henry, Doris—b. June 19, 1913, Washington; d. Nov. 15, 1980, Wood- land, Calif. She served for a time as executive secretary to Dr. Percy Magan, Loma Linda. Survivors: son, Raymond; daughter, Ruth Tallent; 7 grandchildren. CORRECTION: Howarth, James—b. Dec. 15, 1887, England; d. Nov. 21, 1980, Newbury Park, Calif. Sur- vivors: wife, Lela May Bullock Howarth; daughters, Barbara Petra, Lela May Grignon, Patricia McCart; grandchildren and great-grand- children. Sundin, Carl—b. Oct. 25, 1909, Duluth, Minn.; d. Dec. 19, 1980. He began denominational service in the 30s and in 1950 became associate director of the Department of Health in the General Conference, which work he carried for 26 years with his initial responsibility as director of placement for Loma Linda University. This in- cluded the administration of the religion-medicine program of the Church worldwide. Elder Sundin also served as chaplain of the National Association of Seventh-day Adventist Dentists for 29 years. While In Washington he was asked to help supervise the locating of the Viet- namese refugees just arrived, and again in retirement he became in- volved in their needs. Survivors: wife, Laura; daughter, Sandra Pooley; 2 grandchildren; brothers, Alford, Dr. Robert, Dr. Paul, Llovd; sister, Ebba Mackey. Whiteside, Felix Price—b. Aug. 13, 1899, Bentonville, Ark.; d. Jan. 13, 1981, 1.oma Linda, Calif. Survivors: sisters, Marie Muse, Mary Mellor, Muriel Keast, Anita Allred; brother, Thomas. Wilson, Murna Edna—b. Apr. 10, 1892, Healdsburg, Calif.; d. Dec. 20, 1980, Deer Park, Calif. Survivors: daughters, Rosemary Laken, Ruth Hughes; sons, Gilbert, Glenn, Ralph; sister, Ruth Smith; brother, Dr. Honor. UREenTLY Neebeb Physicians—Check into practice op- portunities tor pediatrician, obstetri- cian, orthopedist in new 110-bed mod- ern Seventh-day Adventist medical center, opens May 1981. 35 miles north Columbia and major medical school. Community of 35,000, 100- member SDA church, elementary school; 20 minutes from Sunnydale Academy, 6 hours from Union Col- lege. Write: Administrator, Moberly Regional Medical Center, Box 3000, Moberly, MO 65270; (816) 263-8400, collect. Department of Family Medicine LLU has full-time faculty opening for im- mediate appointment. Major respon- sibilities involve teaching in under- graduate program, patient care and related scholarly activities. Back- ground in practice and teaching preferred. Academic rank and salary dependent on training and experience. Direct inquiries to W. P. Ordelheide, M.D., Dept. of Family Medicine, LLUMC, Loma Linda, CA 92354. Live-in baby sitter who can drive car for elderly man and retarded daugh- ter. Very little work. $200 per month with room and board. South in winter, north in summer. Close to church. Phone (602) 344-3734. Dr. L. J. Graves, Box 5423, Yuma, AZ 85364. Nurses for all levels of nursing; med- techs; CRNA’s; cardiology techni- cians. Lovely new 62-bed hospital in warm, sunny climate. If you have mis- sionary spirit, come help our church and school grow. Contact Administra- tion, Reeves County Hospital, Drawer 2058, Pecos, TX 79772; (912) 447-3551. Materiel Management Secretary— Feather River Hospital in beautiful Paradise, Calif., has this immediate full-time opening. 2 years minimum experience as full-charge secretary. Type 55+ wpm. Data processing ex- perience helpful. Formal secretarial training preferred. Excellent oppor- tunity. Contact Personnel Depart- ment, (916) 877-9353. l.oma Linda Foods, Church's own company, requires the following per- sonnel: 2 persons with mechanical, electrical, plumbing background. Ex- cellent opportunity to work within denomination. Good wages and con- ditions. Beautiful climate. College, academy, elementary schools avail- able. Call Art Rouse, Riverside, Calif., (714) 687-7800. Secretarial position available, Napa SDA church. Begin May 18. Applica- tion forms may be obtained at church office—1105 G St., Napa, CA 94558; or requested by phone, (707) 252- 2444. Applications deadline, April 20; interviews, April 26. Basic secretarial skills required. L4T YOUR SERVICE Want to get out of the city? We have bargains for you in some delightful properties, close to church school, or isolated. Our specialty is south of Yosemite including Oakhurst, Bass Lake, Coursegold, North Fork, Fish Camp. Henry T. Bergh, Realtor, Fish Camp, CA 93623; (209) 683-6407. Leigh Meredity, Associate 683-6860. Tired of matching wits with car salesmen? Want to be told the truth the first time by knowledgeable, pro- fessional, highly-qualified transporta- tion specialists? We will give you all the right answers and the lowest prices on any car or truck. Bob New, Inc., for all your transportation and in- surance needs: (213) 247-3530; 736 N. Glendale Ave., Glendale, CA 91206. Get substantial savings on your in- surance for not smoking. We handle all lines—auto, fire, health, commer- cial, boats, motorbikes, apartments, condos. Call SDA Farmers Agent Renato Estareja, (213) 285-9822, or write 9245-47 E. Las Tunas Dr., Tem- ple City, CA 91780. For Rent during summer school, June to August. 2-bedroom home near PUC. Completely remodeled, wall-to- wall carpet, completely furnished, washer/dryer, wood-burning stove. No pets. Waiter and trash pick-up in- cluded in rent. $350 per month. To ap- ply, write 486 Toyon St., Angwin CA 94508, or call (707) 965-2039. LFORSAE. Threefold Opportunity—Beautiful 4- bedroom modern home and estate val- ued at $50,000 to $75,000 for only $35,000. Cash or terms, for misston- arv-minded SDA retirees or others in- terested in helping to raise up new churches in ‘*dark’ counties In Arkansas Ozarks. Phone Elder E. A. L.emon, (501) 269-8527. Almost new 2-bedroom, 1'>-bath home on nice lot with trees. Central F/A heating and cooling. Large 2-car garage, RV parking, garden area, in quiet neighborhood. Near Paradise church, 12-grade academy, Feather River Hospital. Walk to shopping. Many extras. $65,950. For details, call (916) 877-5107. Country living—30-minute drive to LLU Medical Center. Choice Cherry Valley property view lot overlooking Bogar Park with fruit and nut trees. Level-—ready to build; smog-free. 30% of sale price tax deductible church donation. Owner leaving for mission service. Call (714) 783-2881. Convert your gas-hog pickup, camper, boat or stationary unit to diesel and double or better your savings. Engines and parts are imported directly from many countries at great savings. New locally assembled engines soon avail- able. Paulsen Diesel, Rt. 5, Box 17R, Red Bluff, CA 96080. Pop-n-Eat'™, America’s newest pop- ping corn! 15 2-lb. bags for $21.90, 6 2-1b. bags for $9, postpaid. Send check with order to: Pop-n-Eat Indus- try, Castle Valley Institute, Box 1120, Moab, UT 84532. Pop-n-Eat'™, originated by Russell James Family, is an Alaska Academy of Horticultural Sciences introduction. 14x70-ft. 3-bedroom mobile home. Living room has 8x12-ft. expando. Very clean. Front kitchen. 3 porches. In country mobile park. Transporta- tion to Rogue Valley Academy avail- able. Walking distance to Rogue River. Nice lake nearby. Furnished, $15,500; unfurnished, $14,500. Owner will accept clean travel trailer in trade. Financing available. Box 740, Shady Cove, OR 97539; (503) 878-3264. SULLETIN BQ4D Mr. and Mrs. Lester Wells will celebrate their 60th wedding anniver- sary March 28. Mr. Wells worked at La Sierra College dairy from 1945 to 1965. Cards and/or letters would be welcome. Their address: 1862 Williams Highway, Grants Pass, OR 97526. Highland Academy Alumni Weekend —April 3-5; Rt. 4, Portland, TN 37148. University of Montemorelos’ first Homecoming, April 16-18. For de- tails, write: Mario A. Collins, Apar- tado 16, Montemorelos, N.L., Mex- ico. Please send word of your plans to attend immediately. Andrews University Alumni Events: May 1-3, Homecoming Weekend; May 1-3, National Conference of Adventist Attorneys; June 24-July 22, Northern European Tour with Dr. Merlene Ogden; August 12-28, The Soviet Union Tour with Dr. Paul Hamel; August 23-30, Family and Marriage Enrichment Vacation/ Seminar at Ferndale, Ontario. For in- formation, contact the Alumni Office, (616) 471-3124, Andrews University, Berrien Springs, M1 49104. Annual German meeting will be May 9, with Elder Bruno Ulrich of Wies- baden, Germany, as the main speaker. Location is Grandview church, 110 N. Elm St., Grandview, Wash.—1 block north of old Highway 12, east end of city. There will be services all day, and a potluck dinner. Bring food to the Community Services Center and your own table service. Bugema Junior College would wel: come books of all types and subject matter—fine arts, stories, theology, English, poetry, science, history, ar- chaeology and other. Please send to: Bugema Adventist College, ¢/o Pastor J. B. Villagomez, P.O. Box 6529, Kampala, Uganda, Africa.