Harmony Qt (i)t Auft>fca/ Sources I mo is /.S/kjs ZSG | LS 1 IT leer tot» Hi AjL $-] | w /o At hi**- 3 L OsutuajzxZ. I /3X [-i !2 to N Sit' ?{ C'-AA/liyf tyxJ? I V v (f /3Z I y cvtc jl (i> triv\\ 7 Os\ C/ol -/Acuqfjt Hied* I /3X 5" 7 — // 1 1 Sh/Ac (Zm& tSHug hvJ/v^JuA r.— I 5~ to // 1 Gh/H^i tcfitt SJumtuhA?^ I o ./,'V| /3X t> 7 1* // ! ft Stixl$ /i&tft&ttdtf/v foit PIC%C*J~ I (J I /3 3 6 7 ' // I ^^Ox^icd zUx, . p -—*—.”3 —1 CkfpyVU- OjJUXAjn /o — — /3 ‘ VVfi todutoex /v Attend tL V 'CcA^&C&sir /3 S' // — — A3 — ' vj /IS // — — — — •7b>- Mjj-jw, £{,J-'o{jHt-CJL ' t C / /3T — — — — — &f ~ftinju) m&j /3 m zo /V / 6 ftVi- fhjjJiSA- djjjo ivtAJt. CfipomU- m h 2/ 4 ti or subject" tm LZ LZfos 256■ LS /r cer TtlJwil Atim'JsW U*C*Jl MwxtcJi -/cruzi-i m /¥ —— 2J IV n 0KjL fju^- IB? /r — :— /S- — ObzMir usctlJU /l&fit Am^4*0 138 at Cff~r — — /T — Yhy ^AAtLey^ WjidjL >Vo 132 It — — /ST — Ammsu^ at /UnuL, JJdtfxeuf m t/il • — fc l%u yiCMtd. AttKfotovuL " ftv*.*sy\ CtViv

2-1 M (/?] 3L&UL. wi>~0 IAJ-V\ff . UXliUx-^C! 0 m 11 — 22. /7vx. m ZfWi? ■ 23 (1 ti ojcu&^Lcd^ ^C4\ /liA„aAnXi m 19 — — — — $Lx~ IjQ^ ^ tdc cj\,dUt m 20 — — — — &XS\j*+-£j t&tL. >\X£jbJ-Ua^ m Zo — — — — >3£to*4 XjtttAUSfrut* l?2- Zo H'dr YYiQy\(j q£ Published Au*h>btccjr*fihical JborcAS P&rbanflh. or iutt/ecJ-7 ht&H*e J mo CS LStnS ISC Z.S tr cer WM SiU/’- i- Cyy/LCZ.i>;;y,~S -fc'-^brj•£.(>* 0 d j * fso 3o ‘— X? 23 — Z&UsCj \P Qv'^.am-L /3j>2 Sf&JU ISO 30 — 2? £2 . >y /cCS S Cacid. 3 2fi.sC Sit***'£/i'k# m 35 C/sJ 52 2& 22 ?> 7 ^ c{ AO'/t-xjjL ^LSi-^ szAtdtjL i( f>'- /- r* /$■/ 35 / 32 2(o x¥ hiOJU xa^ liLi* , H> 33 27 2¥ L3 Ajs ci \ :taL ftsxt -tLlaa "3 H&rtnony of S,Qt/U, Avkbtoqrsphtczl Soorce.S Pdf&jr$pk> ht&dihg /sse> ts LS ms XS6 LS /r cer +o At £tUc*'\hZ1 #J~ ,C^u.A ^/\*jU_itsM.dL J * '-' o 155 3L /7 53 Z7 25~ QiaaJ' £u £$xjl~ i/jl v''^'inT- IS? 37 17 53 2£~ /?/2xy /jitsie'jt gti/ut^C & /SS' 37 17 37 27 15~ £? tZ/J/t/L,2^^(, (ZfftrTUj //titfxC ?s& 37 X 3Y l? 24 Ldo^n, f£u >8 /aJ, 7 /Si 31 // 39 28 24 ^3/u/xuC /$X4 kitk£ ti^xxpx^A-* XL 38 Hz) sy 25 54 r~ft ^ x \T^i\XJL,(u \$ /la*-cAcd.. /iii. /tut - XL 3 !fbu4p4-kiL oi vvuj £mj\Zij i £kdu S^-c/uiVK^v CpiJiL 3 /5? HO — 3/ 36 22 ‘ff^, " /S8 HI — 37 30 29 Z/jl /d«J f)kt ited&Z. M HI — 37 3d 271 (^2 /IchvnxjttL ) !S9 HI .2-0 <77 30 29 Jhrnumt^ of zf.C. Cd *k/o bio grapnict! Sources Por&c^rGpk. ketdnuf itto i.S L5tos ISO- LS tr cer ^ 'It-do-e/L Jl£d. if.ji cfias.,4 $uzr 1 m 9/ 30 3% 3/ z-9 fof&fa, \9 &.&$&** cum/^ Hi f-l'.i. ^3 &S^ c /u,:-<•_« c(. 'jf /s~9 ¥x — 58 30 J(p }\_y*J'da/.{ J A&^C /LLCM/ud 3jiJ etui /'ufus'H'i /iO 9X (*) 38 3/ 30 U CIO ifrvfi, j£$ -3^lJL<±44*^ so 93 39 5J (Hiy ttW i/ ‘‘U /id V3 — 3? 3/ 3/ >/ no —— — — dtP-CA- &yjl /id — 39 5/ 3/ 3hy\s a£jXc. tu 9-3 2J 39 32. 3/ HU'J- ?Ur'j Lf' {L^]t L^ /u n ( 3/1 90 3X 3X (Mm cA&h'ktnM /djL £ ]uj-> ,Urifj tf./r-A 3 SX. 95 21 9o S3 3Z t&MC- Mt^3CuL/o dj-M~\_{ LKrOud ’fflfrt't-liXX. J ibX ¥$ — 9/ 33 3Z Jb>3 95 V/ 33 33 ndrmancj cf E'.G. U/ _/hh 6,'oqrdplttc*l Soorczs Pars cjrspk ht&dikg f$iO LS LSms 226- tr CSV SrwJL of ¥jl — ¥/ 33 33 Ylttjh /?u^ /63 % ¥X 3¥ .33 h*A*i ucimsi 4 d / W — w- Si 3S Htf tsj* HrCiJ* \&L U$J <7#A£_ JL Kef {ju-'t /&& so —■ W — 3(e (Os -/tii/ud f it ftuJ'tzAj 0(e so n —• 3C s<£uJL £? ddjSJL. u>rl ten — (vs) — (30 f{)s /6trf(^ sZdien.dj/btuti U.7 SI VS 37 ffdtMOhij (yf, €. C. far, fkrfab/ogtepfifes/ cSWeeS P&r&grapk mo LS L$m$ ISC LS IT cer (Jlof- fair« /(jfa ) 107 s5/ (2£) vs 26> 37 IbUx, //Vj /uml, (iitAji Zo n? ex faz ^ ¥Q . 31 37 /Zj'fa fa Z/'J-pL/ stfspLt Zjl a? sx H-L 37 32 (zJi ti/cu Ota fanes fa fZt&f a? ex — 37 3? $JU fad'V^ilffatk /IcXc'L }}l£tA-tn%4 0 169 62 — 32 38 faZj^ir t fulCJL' ,.A hUjl. /UAJ Z70 ss ¥2 31 40 'Qua 7} faLi/^j ' d IV (ss) •— V? 31 % fal^ (Z*vAC Ac /SfaS), rn se — 77 39 ¥0 $7 k*&4 xtArruZ- ftUfUfTLA. 17/ . 56 — 7? 96 7/ ylositnjyuf cfi GIG* (Ql h'oqrbpdtdczj Stf/rass fidtrdyta/tA* ^ mo LS LS?>ts 2S& LS IT C€T &/J t'/sj /tU'j' Condi 97/ 6% — so ¥0 ¥i dtio/m u'jo ti/cu. dli U V 17Z S 7 so . ¥0 ¥/ ^dertrry ^4 fruync^J-tA^ 1 072) :'S7) 23 (&) (vO (¥,) //*1 /i' • ftUj jf&Mjw MplouL 71Z 57 (23) so ¥/ H2~ ~ / < . 93 WJZ4u/0l (0&4 MAjU^ itp !7Z $1 — so ¥/ 93 (tod, 4Acd 173 5? S! ¥/ n Aa /\djcjrL * a 173 ss SI ¥X ¥¥ 7U jncriotoA, did n$t adSny-f** /73 sz — Si ¥¥ JhL tTnl/^j 6 S3 ¥3 — '•j/jL' ?LC//‘d ytsJ(cp^dj&i^. 175 (0 (Z5~) S3 93 — 3U/JL fWVL, ftWAXi CJ\, S&L Q 177 {&! (zs) S3 ¥3 — Cid /{Led dCf'VtJt fdcr Astride 177 — zs S3 HI — Jk ylo-*; frim H~<— /7S lx zc ■— ¥¥ — tcdo-fiJ-uC filet fdLa,^ c^ !K U (M) 9¥ ftsrmony of 7) (91) 98 98 98 95~ M — ffdrmohy of 6C, UJ. Avbbtcgrz/3/t'C?f 5- MU/d/j^xlc. /?/ if — 3 ¥ 9? • *r Oh tf?u XjfUle IS/ 69 — S5 99 f5- 'Jit- fljU^ 9SJHJJL IS/ 7o — SS ¥9 % /hu t /u, m JcmT- i?x 70 — — 6~0 — Jit- /^tlctt-cd /it) 57 5/ 97 ¥- 10-t X/S, H ^/jS '^L-CtOCrC cf /zz n — 57 5X 99 ClL£\. &j Jjt /swc£. JX5 73 — 57 5X ¥9 Sf lOTUO ;ui-f ctf / 6/o(u'cz/ Sources t 2 —1 fiisdflrdpt- /ffO (.3 fS/H3 ISC' L S tT cer /u 77 Scr S-L so (Ot /mA&j ^cCtzr^tC /£*S y^crd. /u // — — ^ 3 — /\-CcA /U n $7 s 3 so (jiCAy 't*0p*-4 '7x,t%rl±£A£j* m '77' — 60 ss sx 1/ Oj'SCl- AA-c q ^^A *L^csi£/t4x*£f !?8 f m ■— (o G 5S S3 JuaML k/tt+J lAAcj f4#i<4r m (97) 6o] — sr — th. CtjOxkAut J&u- frtiL cf 0 r / / /?? 78 6> ss s¥ -^(JXjtAyUAALJL x Si sv "JiMnuMUj of- GG.hU. /hhfaogfepMca) Sav/ees. P&rz qr&pA. kezdtuf /sso AS /S^f$ 2SC £S IT cer 000 cooite >: ' &jl , 'h'/tfUA if/ 79 — •— $7 — 1/J* /o'/sstd £#?>Y:Uv&ma He* j /V BO ■— — 5“ 7 — {k 3X if Go SB OJJL jjtL*A4 0^^JlAjt. cl ^ — 23 66» 60 S9 £ S&Ux. Qz4a^' /3aJU'u_ Ak^eZrfa, ] C 9 <£9 /IC^JU-^ fibtA S&L- &- <*2j£ /jUl££i?i /foij ^C^t- lj~£^ sfe if _ V <** sicc-n^-d Harmony o-f ETGJjJ Aufobio graphic*/ Sources < Paragraph heaJmg mo | AS | ZS/nss I zs& LS IT cer fhkt ■//€£oC0i (J^/':ir\f jrfezr/L V /7S 77 lsa 70 63 0>0> CL oi/.jf /cj.^ /jfj.jejrJ /?s~ D>H LH7 CroJ 6(t> XjfjjU'jOi l'J-£cf O.u. '; fr/i cj * V JjLsfSctffl rS' / l/(X sj -£-? t clc< (XlCK^ (3$ 7o 60 bn \3Pby-mO £suau-g4L~1 >9 /c Of ho UH-Cf-ft* m 92, Lsv] 7/ 09 07 ZAo^, fc^M. /vcirn/>l 1 — 93 — 7/ 6 7 Chi J U ?J JtctA f/iCcf /Htcrt/tdC ' [^.easkJcf Hs'xds~3 m 93 7/-Z 0 07 ?ICKj c r (? r ;r /r -.( /i tCLs ■ /% 9 3 [Si] 72 6<7 0? u?>l U/Vti ALC^t*CU-*csSf &'?'/6^€Zcc*<^kj £:jltL*J>zl /£? f/0 fD m-7 99 Css] 72 &s~ fau /bun mi/vi'A. ?m JLuafm C' 79 r7 n L3S7 7b itr \ Ok - >J{jl >jjqj,i q •', < ]( -■ :C-:i/ b tf} • fj.(. H7 Ewj Lsa 73 OS’ 69 lE/tf cbt{<-'***- tOJj / OIjz- v’c •- v /' f? C? HI rati 33-1 [?ZJ is 09 ' jjif ■.■*'} 71 fj . 0 " £9>j\dh ?i i f A • - '’ . / ■ V r /4&n #/(&,# facrr iv c? aJc^Ai. f/i&iJ<.£cj^ $W4Jkdu>tL x'o to &>JUi* ^iifi 'S^cous t/f&M*, k‘ t 0 $f fjlit/Jf urn &y.*u*!&{u? «*n S&C4C U Ct'i id -i f cJ /£>; i^C-uX J tJ^ML(octc/jfrztuiij£%) Gtjai/uwi/ttv) [rreefi^l ' - h, P d(i ¥ 77 hftlU yiStk'i &f:/t ({ofsc \. diP-t 1 20 d — 1 1 - v^?w£.tfdL cf dtsccvAtt jer^ 1 xok — I — d-f- fau dsA!-^ I C'-/C d_!Mj ) /-£,., d ej «,>Cr(d ? J I Zed l6h I pp/C$-HS . I thw- bictjnpf^ I I df fcf-J dZ/cc-icCf/p A£4/^:,'/i£c/6qmpJi/c&f Sources for&tmph he^dhXc or Subject /e?o LS iSms %SCr LS /r cer fib'sc, 'yJhs /!/6ui tC!0/'_:Zi(_ fjOs-L+jL} a2- CCajLMrJft't- ~J < '■■ ~ >’ <^U\o L/ /tcj£ O ;/;Aa •ttuuf cf — m D/i-V?] ?0 — — tcirfjdff. x) jTAiZ. it SjoZ D/a — — —- — £Dg [//€ -— —— bfeti C’t //,/•. ll'-C f/ji /lOZC- C/ /Sic. &Clit\ 2o? &a M7 i*n — dd/S of f'U-ic. >^,K cCtUudpX Udcurf cwixzt^rs 2d 9 [//?! Dr] .dX — — fyxitA^ (oi'jJlc CUlOlC i\i (/ CMC d. 3 09 H9 I*7J ?x — — yCC i WK^ CL-C ttJzJOf y'jl Coti'C c(. (J 2of-/0 in D7l ?2- ruttUu^, St.O^Si'dxtjtAiztd < 2/0 >n w £x ■/«. uziu* /'JetL >LzrJ "-Uiz. <* 2/0 //? 1ml HARMONY OF ELLEN G. WHITE'S AUTOBIOGRAPHICAL WRITINGS Paragraph or subject heading 1880 LS LS mss 2SG LS IT ' CET Misc. [At one place we were crossing heavy drifts] — 125 — — — — That night it was shown 213 125 49 — — — [See above, p. ] — — — 85-87 — 74-75 [When we returned to Portland] [no work people there] — 126 — — — — [Joe Turner, who had] — 126 — — — — [He also taught] — 126 — — — — We soon returned to Portland [vision against J.T.] 213 127 49 — — [This man and some of his] [J.T. and levitation] — 128 — — — — [After I had borne my testimony] [intervw. with J.T.'s wife] — 128 — — — — My parents were disgusted 214 129 50 — — — As I returned to Portland [religion=excitement and nois' 215 130 50-51 85 66 73 J.T. labored with some success [mind wanders] 215 [130] 51 — 67 — With Jesus at our head [Vision of the New Earth] 216 131 52 — 67 62 « HARMONY OF ELLEN G. WHITE’S AUTOBIOGRAPHICAL WRITINGS Paragraph or subject heading 1880LS LSmss 2SG LS IT CET Misc. I saw a field of tall grass 216 132 53 — 68 62 Mount Zion was just before 217 133 54 — 69 63" The temple was supported 217 133 54 — 69 63 Bro. Hyde, who was present 218 [134] 55 70 — [Hyde's poem] 218 134 56 — 70 — About this time I was [charge of mesmerism] 219 136 57 [88] 71 76 According to this teaching 220 136 57 — 71 — At this time visions were given [against no-work fanatics] 220 [137] 57 [88] [72] 176] [Different times were set] 220 137 58 89 72 77 The above, relative to time-set 221 — — — 72 — [All these things] — 137 59 89 — 77: [While at family prayers] [struck dumb] — 137 59 89 — 77 Up to the time of my first visio i 222 138 [60] 90 73 78 It was a great cross for me [withholding reproof] 222 139 [60] 90 73 78 I did not realize that I 223 139 61 90 74 79 Hdfffldtti/ £ k/< &fotc b/ Sources Pdr*gn*pk Of St/bJ&jt.f- h£^t'nc /m LS LSmz .Jr \ ZSS- L5 /r cer $rsc. 76pc%/ A) flnf/s.t'A. r,J cu'C^J #c> [i‘:l — — — >z/PjO^f l. ^yyi/uc^J- Ir^^t £ Key hvr-j — J>Crt(\j? cm (o7 -— — — ^KV'A t If -t4sfaL oL , \m< / tjivj 3/. f 'Z ycL ZM bs — — — Cdc u^vucs/J Yd dyLii~4c^ 'UC\ ' — £ 7 — — — [_ik If Cicnrju 0Xsl. tvfu> J — — 70 — — — l~//k/ 4ca4c\ -fad. -.C-Ucificj-fcj ~J 0 * 0 — — 7f -— . <$£00^ 714 Act tvLet ■— — — — — -— - v$l foccA* A? fa&A&j fot<£ J-M<^ 0, S, AAntr 3LX2 aa.? /5X> /SX. 7o 7X — — — fa fij-C fast a dJ<.4i* 4. A&cxit rzj fcu+h+y "J ,v 2 2f Z?«a 72- — — A ft A '-tA.'A f{\JA.Al (f}iCcj c(J/uxd eJ/iH. &12X, jfitltVt, /(^ d30 !S~t> 7¥ — — — £fri ?jf^/S-UrfLc*~. 0 (^ d fi/C§^£-j 23/ JS7 7? — — — k)t a.Lari/if.'t'/jj (itiUgrajL to kdiifr ° c J grjfou 2 3/ hsf] 1% 7 — — — Jk'/Ll ^/o^mvk. Ionite. tot. to&uu 232. /erf 7b — — &nCOU?CC4fc4. 232. /erf 77 — — — /k*Uc\ u&a fr&f/tJUn #/f e:J 232^ /S’? 77 — — fth. /iCc frUOUZA^, 233 /Lb 7? ■— — — 23¥ /Lb 7f — — — 0^pfre_ Z-z&tC] — ff — 90 [y^oncL MM- ■Ztjj-r 7?^u-/uutx2 — — ?? — 10 C Zf flu&hti# JuZd. d/ogrspMco/ Soe/rces P&r&jraph or Subject— fte&dtrjQ mo LS ls tr car jlj-n t£/',u?u^ncjtct fjj /ZjJMjlji J — — /O 3 — 96 &fr',::s,-XAju&- <^uaJ U J/Xx_ — — /43 — 94, S/U YCICCL 4* Ocn */ Z — 94 JZ/Jert'M l/Jit'i r' :\ j s ,;• ■■■■'!■-•/- / 3rz ; s' * w 97-H3 UC] [/Of] -L 0 £¥Z 39 [Ml [M~] Cm SliAj^itAZ^Tft^, tv-ou- av¥ ?o /Of M //(, Id/jCt jJ 7~+-^j4/jut* l. kC Af&uitJJ tL 9/ I6rl M U 4, jjSZCC^ Cdh. (U'nujL 6tZ(o % C//01 [Ml cm Harmony oT tr.&k/, Avhhioqr&plu'cc! Sources P&r^tzj sUrJ /b /Ajl Cv-oa-uo of J^-a£jy^~S y 35! A a. //r M-ti? — hluJU /t*£ /£<£-•>£ ./fuU - — —. tf/jOek. sj li^4 djulcd'h 255~ fci no — /X/ (j)U- )fU>-'ltUi*-4 &(wUa«2 fi&twit&t 0 (/1) f K /6? m ——• /X/ H'&trrHor\ij Cs &G. kJ Auto 6/tQt*&p/tfCQ/ Jdc/rces P&rhqr&pk or subject" h&adi*Q /m> LS 25 Cr I LS ir C6T $/>sc, idt Hxn AiC&Of'cL [kA tk YwU&jftt* /a<:n/» * / Cr 2b\1 I/O /XX — [»5] dv\ ttjf-tldl 6?lC Ltew fj of St. ff.; clcxitYJ 257 /// — , Q.* j [{J / f St J ^j[ HZ die ClAAs iic{(/Ji*U ^ricr-L Hurj £/jJ, 7S2 H3 — — &jcuii ivt rckYUtL Cmriccha/jh «2SZ 1/3 12 3 — Au4Mx£ oJtuidjut fttxdtiij-j J Ldif attx */ CtAip-j fcaP’Jj * 25? // 3 12k — /-2V -y>*x J2S lU~7nX J> ;/ fj ry !*. ;> * (jK hxt flL:h*J»i\~, //ICf /\AA^dd-&4td, * to jsy /*¥ 1X5 ms v * 0 J ' * y !XS ?ltGj.Y-tvA AjS: Ck,-^- /Sen -— — izsr — /XX G^&a tY/io<4,’A of 1 — — /■as“ — /2> . Pity fusOlM#/Uj( /fj't fees/04^ 0 Q zto on M m [/29J C Acuu^^i\ yuuMt /i at pi It 0- - H

    — — k/t Ih/Jzc7 /an-nd^H. 26d M Qzr] — &32 J &U*lrfjU4 /tl{n}\ vs,/' JlC ?)t~A dod//i 0 V 266 Ar [wl — U 3i1 Hid £ti or n({oo Jjj, djAs 26? /2-C, . 136 — /?3 kjtUU rn idUcC'jOj >■./, •/, /'* tf-t SpringdffFA * id 4 26? /27 C/2/J — Os sj 3Ljl ty\.nU a-rAcv /tc a c/u -. a 2 J i r dr. Tn d Uu'- J !3l 72“ ’ / j* * * ; A s r /? / /■ 7 V j ■ ^ J ^ ^ 2£j M n-^ — /3Y-r T'/ t ? / // ; , .r, , Kk. d