| 5 of the church, But untill that time the support of Dr. Kellogg and his medical program will be openly urged while at the same time, the doctor will continue to be rebuked and warned in private. Surely, God 18 wise and merciful in his dealings with frall flesh, Secondly, the dangers of this 1892 letter are clearly listed and can be summarised as follows: l, Feeling safe in the sparks of one's own kindling - That 1s, feeling comfortable in one's personal philosophy concerning nature rather than relying solely upon what 18 revealed in the Bible, Sclence 1s everything, There 18 an inherent power in man and nature, Human 1deas of science are adequate, Man can develop a pure character by the power in his own nature, Nature is a perfect revelation of God and His power, The exaltatlon of sclence to accomplish the work of character bullding, Thirdly, the results of such concepts are sprinkled throughout the letter «= The consequences are fatal for man, Through such concepts, Satan weaves a net and ensnares man, The power and glory of God are diminished. Mazes of skepticism are open to man. The medlatorial work of Christ becomes unecessary. Less wlll be said about the love and power of God, Lees honor wlll be given to God, The Redeemer will not be exalted, this study progresses, the reader will become increasingly avare that point number five in the above list 1s the most notable result of the pantheistlc orislis. The Sanctuary doctrine 1s to become the favorite target of the evil one as he works through the false | theory of God in everything, Before passing on to the next section it 1s of interest to note Mrs. White's personal regard for Dr. Kellogg. She writes — "Now I do not present this matter to discourage you but to warn you, that you may not make crooked paths for your feet and lead others astray.."l