The Paredise Valley Saniteriun «5- #hen shall we open the place for patiente? was 8 question often dis- cussed, Several were impatiently weitinz to enter, dut how could we admit them while the house was being repeinted inside, asnd while the large kitehen range was being set up? One morning & lady come unannounced, and insisted upon eteying. Others came before we were ready, and patisnts continued to come till there were twenty, and our workers wore kept s0 busy that there has been no time as yet for a formal opening, One evening, just before we left, a four-horse team drawing a large, heavy wagon, drove in, bdringing gifts to the sanitarium from San Pasgual. In the load there were potatoes, squash, ecanned fruit, and two beasutiful Jeraay cows, During the last three nights of my stay at this institution, mech in- struction was given me regarding the sanitariums which for years have been greatly noeded, end which should long ago bave been equipped and set in work- inz order, ledical missionary work is to be to the third angel's message ss the right hand to the body. Our saniteriums are one great means of doing med~- ical missionary work. They are to reach the people in thelr need, The workers connected with cur ssnitariums ere to be sympathetie, kind, and straightforward in their dealings with one another and with the patients. Their words and dceds ere to be noble end upright. They sre ever to receive from Christ light and grace snd love to impart to those in darimess. By their efforts the sick, the sinful, the prodigsls, who have left the Fether's house, are to be encoursged to return. OGod's word to these workers is, "lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world.” "Fear not, neither be dis- souraged; for I am thy God. B, G, W#hite Reviow and Herald, March AR08,