Wabash Halley Sanitariim "ON THE BANKS OF THE WABASH" The Home of Health. The place where health is contagious. Where you not only get well but where you are taught how to keep well. Every modern facility favorably known to medical science in the treatment of curable conditions is found here. The very latest improved apparatus for use in Hydrotherapy, Electrotherapy, Massage, Etc., is provided. In addition to this the institution is fully equipped for doing all kinds of modern surgery. A Medical Missionary Nurses’ Training School A limited number of thoroughly consecrated Christian young peo- ple who give evidence of having had a Christian experience and a call to Medical Missionary Work as conducted by Seventh-day Adventists, are accepted each year into our Medical Missionary Nurses Training School. Write for particulars. Wabash Halley Sanitarium "ON THE BANKS OF THE WABASH" LAFAYETTE INDIANA