PACIFIC UNI RDER a. IA] . i BE) & gl aE * Then They that Feared the Lord Spake Often One to Another” Vol. 6 The Church Fresent irath on the XLIX. Pacific Crast During the sammer of 176 and the following winter, in the North Pacific field, Brethren Io Do Van Horn and ALT. Jones were laboring 1m Oregon, west of tie Cascade Mountains, principally in the Willamette Valley, Beaverton, and other points near hy were Salem, Oregon City, worked, mall of which places accessions were omned tor the faith, (' In California, during the winter above mentioned, Bascom Stevens held meetings in Vacaville, and coveral families accepted the faith, Flder held also at Binghamton, a few miles from Vae- Healy meetings aville, and gained some persons to the cause in that vieinity, He also hored at Viae- aville, following up the work storie boat hat place. Brother Stevens also held meetings at Lafavetteo and a few were broucht to the faith as the result of that effort, About this time Brother Diggs, a blind brother from Gilroy, becan to speak on the message, first hy takin the lead tie his home Sabbath-seheel and chureh service. The house was work on the Cakland meetines ptished as rapidly as possible durin the summer and fall of INT6.0 By Cetober 25 the building was so nearly completed that we moved our meetings hall to the of our own mecting-house. Elder Wag- amd the hat evening ao oseries of lectures on the present Thi from the nived lower rooms voner writer comeneod Series peor Brother ond rom the those rooms, truth 1n tinued unl December 3. Vster Witte returned [onst on November 21, and from that {ime assisted more or less in the meetings, the meets ino-house was fully completed and ded: treated on April 1, 18770 Flder White conducted the dedication James SOTVICeS, reported at the time of the that the was Sw13.000, [t was cost of the house Ot this sam Elder 1.000, the dedication and lot White nade a dontion of sfountaln View, Cal., January &, same as he gave to the San IMrancisco church. As means were paid on his Joan to the San IFyanerseo ehureh, he rendered The erected in after for the Oakland was sold to the Germans, like help to the Oakland c¢hureh. church building then bocame too small Cen and col ne iy, ’ v who moved it to the southwest corner of 12th and Myrtle Streets where it now There is one aceney in the work on the Pacific Coast to which we mast net fail to endl attention: it 1s that of the first hoolth institution on the const, whieh was built mn ISTE and 1877. Tt was then ap- pronviately called the © Rural ITealth Re- treat,’ at Crystal Sorines, Cal, Brother MLGl Kelloeo, ML DLand Brethren Wills Pratt Asa Bo Atwood mmto no contract partnership to Tm and entered | construe the building and start the institution near a beautiful spring of perfectly pure water Mountain, three miles northeast of St Helena, on the side of Howel SOME .. Nap feet pur abont four hundred Valley. this Brother Pratt donated several acres County, and above the Napa Mor pose mountainside, and in- Brethren At- wood and Kelloog donated their labor an of land on the vested some money besides, constructing « building of suiticient size to accommodate a dozen or more patients, treatment-rooms The Wilson most of the winter of and suitable hath and for non small institution, Drothers 1s spent G oand INSTT in constructing the road v from the valley up to the site of the retreat building, In the Sivas of 1877. NM. Gl that he had secured grounds on the side AUIS AI CONT 0 Jie Pitiies of NOV, Co Kellogg, M. D., announced ot ITowel Mountain, and was about to creer buildings to be called oC Ror! Health Retreat,” located by the side of Crystal Springs. During the winter of ISTT and 1878 the two-story building was constructed, and was opened for the treat- ment of patients in the early part of the 1878. This health vear retreat has not only orown in proporiions, but has also 1507 No. 23 been a place where very many have been Brought to the knowledge and acceptance «i the At the present time (1907) the insti- tution has accommodations for over one Nessa oe, hundred patients in the Jarge building, that The patronage and numereous cottages have been erected on the grounds. of the institution during the past vear has been in excess of like period of all, it cijovs the presence of the Holy Spirit, any Shee tie first opening, Jest workers seek to know and ot the and its move im the counsel Lord, the great Healer. On Anril 1, filder from Battle Creek, Mich. opened a IS7T7. Smith Bib- auditorium otf the This pistruction continued datly for about sev- Uriah eal anstitute in the viakband meeting-house. course of cnteen days, and was attended hy a class of fifty. Jt was a means of great good, especially to the young laborers on the Pacific Const, and to those connected vith After tute a number of heginners went our into the publishing work. this insti- Among the field, tioned. AL with success various places, but espe- these might be men- Wo. Bartlett, who has labored cially in Indiana of late years. Noon this, D. Rice went with a tent Herve SUCCESS, atter Prethren Andrew Drorsen and J. to Pacheco, Contra Costa County. their Tabors were blessed with ast number of persons accepted the mes: sage, reload fiomidy, one of whom, WJ. Among these were the most of the J dre secretary of the Pacite and, 15 now [nen Conference, Bestdes these Inhaorera mentioned, others tried the work of the mintstry, and vere more or less suecesstul instruction received institute. JN. —_— > result of the Bible as the in that Founghboron:h, In this issue we print one of the papers recently read at the canvassers’ conven- tron at Healdsburg, other of later, We shall try to give these papers to cur readers