August officials in the interests of holding in check the so-called reform, or revision of the present world calendar. We appreciated Elder Perez sermon, and his presence with us at this particular meeting. In a spirit of unity and progress the proceedings of the conference session were carried on. The days were filled with Bible studies, preaching, reports of the workers from the field, and the departmental secretaries; and also with the reports from the various sub-committees that had been appointed for the sessions. There were also reports from the president and the secretary-treasurer of the con- ference. During the two-year period just closed, 298 persons were baptized in West Cuba, thus bringing the member- ship at the close of 1948 up to 1,770. The book sales for the last biennial period were very good, totaling $77,000.00. The colporteurs numbered 31, and surely this is an excellent record for these faithful workers. The president reported that there had been held an aver- age of practically eight major evangelistic efforts per year during the last biennial period; that the tithe for the same period reached $93,000.00, and that these figures indicate a healthy increase over the reports of former years. ‘The Sabbath school work in West Cuba is also going forward with real progress. In fact, this is true also of the work of the other departments as well. By comparison with the church membership it is interesting to observe that we have 2,091 Sabbath school members in West Cuba, who are organized into 56 regular Sabbath schools and 34 branch Sabbath schools. Brother Celestino Roque reported that there are 600 members in the Missionary Volunteer Societies of West Cuba, 16 church schools, and 19 teachers. The great evan- gelistic possibilities of these schools are shown by the fact that there are more students attending the church schools from non- Adventist homes than otherwise, 346 being from non-Adventist homes, and 139 from the homes of our church members. The spiritual messages which came to us from day to day were of great encouragement to all in attendance. Plans were laid for greatly enlarging our activities in West Cuba during the next two years. Large plans were laid for entering new territory, and all in all, it was a very good meeting. The officers and other personnel elected for the coming two-year period ate as follows: R. J. Roy, president; Sil- vio Sales, secretary-treasurer; Celestino Roque, secretary of the Missionary Volunteer, Educational, and Sabbath School Departments; R. J Roy, secretary of the Home Missionary Department; Juan Palau, secretary of the Publishing Department; and Miss Riener Macias, secretary- treasurer of the Tract Society. —\W. E. MURRAY Progress in East Cuba The East Cuba Conference has as its territory the two provinces of the Republic of Cuba called Camagiiey and Oriente. This territory embraces about one-half of the is- land. Our conference in this section has its headquarters at Camagliey, which has become a large aviation center during recent years. The East Cuba session of 1949 was called to order at Holguin, Cuba, by the president, Elder Miguel Vazquez, on Tuesday evening, May 3. The meetings extended to the end of the week, covering a period of about five days, and closing on Saturday evening, May 7. The meetings were held in the church building that was recently erected in INTER-AMERICAN DIVISION MESSENGER 3 this prosperous city, and the entire series was characterized by a spirit of Christian unity and understanding. Daring the days of the East Cuba meeting a large number of reports were presented to the assembly, most of them of a most encouraging nature. These reports were prepared and presented by the workers in the field, the departmental secretaries, and the president and secretary-treasurer of the conference. Space does not permit of our telling all of the good things we heard while in attendance at the meet- ings in Holguin, but we shall mention a few of the high points of special interest. A very active church-building campaign has been carried on in this field during the past two years; and it was re- ported that six or seven larger church buildings have been financed during this time. Six of these have been completed and dedicated, and one is still in the process of construction. During the two-year period this conference has been able to get together, chiefly through the two-percent fund, the sum of $25,000.00 for the construction of these edi- fices. The Holguin church is one of the fine examples of this particular campaign. In East Cuba also, 222 persons have been baptized during the past 24 months, thus bring ing the membership up to 1,814 at the close of 1948, In this field we have 14 church schools, and four affili- ated private schools, with a total enrollment of 511 students, 122 from Seventh-day Adventist homes, and 389 from the homes of non-Adventists in the confetence. We believe that this situation brings to us a great opportunity, and constitutes a real challenge in the field of personal evangelism in the church schools. We were happy to learn that in this part of Cuba 30 colporteurs are carrying forward a most marvelous ministry with our books, and other literature, they having sold publications during the past two yeats to the amount of $59,000.00. It is interesting to notice in passing that the total sales for the preceding two-year period amounted to $46,000.00, which certainly indicates a very good in- crease in sales during the past biennial period. In the East Cuba Conference this year the Harvest In- gathering campaign is being pushed with greater zeal than ever before that the goal of $10,000.00 may be reached in due time. We learned that in former years the Ingathet- ing receipts have reached in the neighborhood of four or five thousand dollars only, so this feature of the work is also very evidently on the up grade, along with the others. Some excellent reports were given by the departmental secretaries of the conference; and special interest was man- ifested by the delegates in the reports concerning our Sabbath school and lay-preaching work. At one of the meetings there were 14 lay preachers in attendance, one of these being a woman. These laymen will hold during 1949 at last one lay preaching effort each. Three others decided while at the meeting that they would join the lay- preaching forces of East Cuba, each holding an effort during the present year. Eight of the laymen’s efforts will be held in entirely new places. It was good to see the zeal and enthusiasm of these consecrated workers; and we wish them much of the blessing of the Lord in their chosen fields of activity. The officers and personnel elected at this meeting for the forthcoming two-year period are as follows: Miguel Vazquez, president; A. P. Christiansen, secretary-treasurer; David Caveda, Home Missionary, Missionary Volunteer, and Educational secretary, Brother Caveda will also serve as secreraty of the Radio Deparunent. Bernardo Hernandez was elected to serve as Publishing Department secretaty;