w LIBRARY MMMFRWMR PUBLISHED QUARTERL Y ^ SERIES / No. 31 —Extra. Battle Creek. Hich., May, 1901, Single copy, two cents. Priceper year,10cents. CHURCH ORGANIZATION Sermon by ELDER A. T. JONES. PUBLISHED BY THE REVIEW AND HERALD PUB. CO., BATTLE CREEK, MICH. Entered atthe post office in Battle Creek, Mich, as second-class matter. S.D.A.-Early Publi - cations Collection WORDS OF TRUTH SERIES. Issued quarterly, with occasional extras. Sub- scription price, 10 cents a year. No. 26 contains what was No. 35. No. ' Cents. 1. Coining of the Lord ^ 2. How the Sabbath Came to Me..., 3 3. Review of W. S. Gamble on the Sabbath Ques- tion 1 4. A Challenge to Protestants y2 5. Fundamental Principles of Seventh-day Ad- ventists '. ,... 1 6. Candid Admissions y2 7. Personal Questions and Answers Concerning the Sabbath 31^ 8. The Way, The Truth, The Life „......'..". 4 9. The Reign of Righteousness 3 10. First a Willing Mind. Then all 11. The Law in Christ 3 12. The War between Capital and Labor 3 13. Last-day Tokens 10 14. Come, Lord Jesus.. % 15. The Spirit of Burning 3 16. What to Do with Doubt \ 17. If's and Why's of Baptism 18. Sanctification 1 19. A Woman-Ministry 5 20. Should Not Christians Keep the Sabbath? 2 22. Is the End Near? ^ 23. The Rest Day 3% 24. Ownership and Tithing % 26. The Open Letter and Ahswers to the Open Letter 1 27. Important Questions on Great Events % 28. Hypnotism—What Is It? 3 29. The Seven Last Plagues 3 30. Bible Readings on Education 3 31. Church Organization 2 REVIEW AND HERALD PUBLISHING CO., Battle Creek, Mich. CHURCH ORGANIZATION. Sermon in General Conference by Elder A. T. Jones, 7 P. ft., April 2, 1900. THE fourth chapter of Ephesians,beginning with the seventh verse: "Unto every one of us is given grace according to the meas- ure of the grace of Christ." The word was given to us to day that God calls for a reorganization of the General Con- ference, its work, its processes. That, con- sequently, must be our chief study. The General Conference is now formally, by representation, in session; but this repre- sentation that is here is not all that there is of the General Conference. AVe do not find all of the General Conference, till we have included every Seventh-day Adventist in the world. Consequently a reorganization of the General Conference calls for a reorganization of each individual Seventh-day Adventist throughout the world. This is called for not only on the part, and in behalf, of the General Conference itself within itself, but it is called for by the inter- ests of God in the earth. The world has reached that time in which a work is to be done by the Lord, which work he can not do 4 Church Organization. unless each one of us shall be reorganized, renewed. Therefore I have begun with this verse; and we shall follow on through a num- ber of verses of this same chapter; for this is the story of reorganization. Life, the Source of Organization. All organization that is not of God is a mere makeshift for the time being. There is no true organization but that which is of God. And it is only life that is the source of organ- ization. Organization is not the source of life. Organization does not give life. Life produces organization. Therefore, for God to have a reorganization of only the General Conference that is in session here, demands that God's life shall reach us anew and in fuller measure than ever yet it has. And whomsoever it is that God shall reach by that life of His, that is organization; and whomso- ever He shall reach by that life of His in greater measure, that is reorganization. Therefore I have read this verse; for this is the beginning of life. All true organization comes from God to men by the grace of God, which is the gift of God himself to men. So then '' unto every one of us is given grace according to the measure of the gift of Christ." Then, since the grace of God is the Church Organization. 13 fountain of all good to men, and that grace is given unto every one of us according to the measure of Christ, it follows that there is the supply, there is the source, the fountain of abundance of grace to accomplish that for which God calls to-day. What is the measure of the gift of Christ? —" In him dwelleth all the fullness of the Godhead bodily." Unto every one of us, then, is given grace according to that meas- ure of all the fullness of the Godhead bodily. And he gave himself—not loaned himself, but gave, gave, in an eternal gift, himself—to us. That is the measure of the gift of Christ. There is no limit to it. It is boundless as the fullness of God; and is given to every one of us—US! to you, to me. 0, then, when God opens (I will not say the fountain) the boundless sea of his grace to you and to me individually, and then says to us that God calls for a reorganization, what shall hinder? Is not the prospect bright enough for us to .throw ourselves away upon his offer,—to plunge off into that boundless sea of his grace, which works only salvation to every one whom it reaches? 0,— "There's a wideness in God's mercy Like the wideness of the sea; There's a kindness in his justice That is more than liberty." 7 Church Organization. So much for the gift; so much for the in- ducement, the qualification, which he gives to every one of us to accomplish upon us, to accomplish in us, and to accomplish for us; and then, having accomplished upon us and in us and for us, to accomplish through us; his wondrous purpose in this day, to glorify God upon the earth, ancl to finish the work which is given us to do. Object of the Gift of Grace. Now let us see what he proposes to do by that grace which he has given boundlessly to every one of us. First of all this grace is given " for the perfecting of the saints;" and anything else for which this grace is given can never be ac- complished, unless this first purpose for which it is given shall be recognized, looked unto, and aimed at,— the perfection of the saints. The next clause is, '' For the work of the ministry;" and the next, "For the edifying [the building up] of the body of Christ." But what can God do with a ministry that does not recognize the perfecting of the saints? What can God do in building up His church, when God's grace in the perfect- ing of the saints who compose the church, is not recognized? Church Organization. 13 So then He has rightly laid the foundation; rightly, He has put the first truth first. The perfecting of the saints, then, is the first work of the grace of God. And since He has given all the grace that He haa, and has given all the fullness of God in the gift of grace — all that God is, all his power, all his sanctifying holiness and Spirit —all this is given, pledged, to him who receives the grace, that that grace shall accomplish God's purpose in bringing him unto perfection. Then no one who has named the name of Christ, no one who professes to have received the grace of God, is ever to be content for one moment with anything short of perfection as God sees it — as He has set it before our eyes in Jesus Christ. And it is He who is to do it; not we to perfect ourselves, not we to do the work, but He who gave himself that He might do it. There is the foundation of our confidence! there is fixed the foundation of our trust,—that it is He who is to accom- plish it; and then we know that it shall cer- tainly be done. The Gospel Ministry. The next thing for which this boundless gift of the grace of God is given, is "the work of the ministry." The ministry of the 18 Church Organization. gospel is the highest calling, and to be a minister of the gospel is to hold the highest position in the wide universe. That is the truth. I mean the highest among creatures, of course. I say it again: the ministry of the gospel is the highest calling; to be a minister of the gospel is to occupy the highest place, and to hold the highest position, that there is to be held or occupied in. the universe of God. Therefore, I exhort every soul who has ever thought of the ministry, not to allow him- self to entertain any thought of the ministry of the gospel that is any lower than that which I have named. For anyone to allow himself to think of the ministry of the gospel of Christ in any lower degree, to any possibly conceivable extent, is to miss the true minis- try of the gospel. Any man who holds the ministry of the gospel at any lower standard, in any degree, than that which I have named, has missed the true idea of the gospel minis- try. Then may the Lord by His Spirit and by the abundance of His grace work upon our minds and our hearts, to broaden our comprehension, and lift us to that height at which He himself has placed the standard of the ministry of the gospel of Christ. Think, for a moment, of what it is to be a (Jhurch Organization. 9 minister of the gospel! What is the gospel? — It is the power of God. Rom. 1:16. Then the ministry of the gospel is the ministry of the power of God. You and I, brethren, are commissioned of God to go and minister to men the power of God. The power of God is to be ministered unto men by us in such a way that it shall work their salvation. But wherein lies the power of God which the gospel is? Why is it that the gospel is the power of God? The next verse tells (Rom. 1:17). " For therein " — therein — "is the righteousness of God revealed." The righteousness of God is the very es- sence of his character; and that is the source of the power of the gospel. The gospel is the power of God, because therein — in the gospel — is the righteousness of God. The ministry of the gospel is the ministry of the character of God. To you and me, as min- isters of the gospel, God has given by his grace that commission to preach the gospel, to preach the power of God, to preach the very essence of the character of God, unto men; so that they shall find the power of God; so that they shall find the essence of the character of God; and in that find the salvation which God works in the lives of men, in human flesh. Church Organization. And how shall you, how shall I, how shall we, minister the power of God unless we our- selves have the power of God? How shall we minister the power of God unless God shall so clothe us with the power of God that the words of the gospel which we speak shall reach the hearts of men in such a way that they shall know that God is speaking to their hearts; that they shall recognize that God is present, and that they shall answer to God for what they shall do in response to the word that He has given them? But God does just so clothe those whom He sends: "He hath clothed me with the garments of salvation, He hath covered me with the robe of right- eousness." Isa. 61 :10. And in the way of righteousness is life — the life of God. Is it not true that he has said that in former times we, as Gentiles, were alienated, separated from the life of God? But in Christ we are joined to the life of God: and that is eternal life. And so it is written, in John 5:24: " Verily, verily, I say unto you, he that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me, hath ever- lasting life." Hath it — not shall have it, but hath it. As to the future it is : " Shall not come into condemnation." But as to the present—"but is passed from death unto (Jhurch Organization. 10 18 life." Thus the believer in Jesus is joined to the life of God, even as it is written, "With thee is the fountain of life." Then this life of God becomes our life. And there is the revealing of his power : for Jesus Christ is made an High Priest, "after the power of an endless life." And he has made us "a royal priesthood," with that same power of an endless life; for nothing short of the power of an endless life can ever make any- body a priest and minister of God, in the gospel of God. "Ye shall be named the priests of the Lord: men shall call you the ministers of our God." Isa. 61:6. The gospel is the power of God, because that in it the righteousness of God is revealed, and "in the way of righteousness is life." And there is the hiding of his power, the end- less power of an endless life. And this end- less life of God that comes in the boundless righteousness of God, is revealed in the gos- pel which he has given to us to preach. The True Christian Life. Another word about that life. That life of God is in Jesus Christ. He is the source of life. Brethren, there is a higher conception for us than to think that we as Christians get our life through the breath which we breathe 12 Church Organization. here, as all men breathe; and the food which we eat, as all men eat. We had all that be- fore we were Christians at all. We would have had all that if we had never been Chris- tians. But when God calls us to him, to be- come connected with the life of God, we are lifted above the place we were before, and are joined to that boundless sea of the life of God. And there is the source of our life as Christians. God proposes so to connect us with himself that we shall be conscious day by day, and all the time, that there is an inflowing of life from the throne of the living God to the heart and life of the believer in Jesus. And when we have allowed ourselves to be lifted up to that place, and to receive that flow of the life of God into our lives day by day,—0, then the power of God will be upon us! Then the power of God will be manifested in our ministry, even the endless power that belongs to the endless life of God. That is the truth. There is just as much reality—in degree there is more, of course, because it is more substantial; but in the matter of fact—in the matter of tangibility, there is just as much reality in finding the life of God flow- ing to our lives day by day, when we believe in Jesus, as there ever was in finding life flow Church Organization. 13 to us day by day by our breathing when we first lived in the world. That is the divine fact. That is the true higher life. That is , the true Christian life. The life that flows to us from Jesus Christ, we get from heaven day by day, by faith, as constantly as we breathe; so that faith is the breath of the spiritual life as really as the air is the breath of the natural life. We breathe it in from Jesus Christ direct, the Life-giver. That is the Christian life. Ministers of an Endless Life. But why is that given to us? — 0, for the work of the ministry. But to whom do we minister? — To mankind. What do we min- ister?— 0, Jesus Christ has thus brought us to the Fountain of life, and connected us therewith, that we may be indeed those who shall stand between the living and the dead, to convey to the dead the life that shall cause them to live. That is what we are in the world for. It is that Jesus Christ, the living, may, by us, reach the dead with the life that measures with the life of God. Thus we are ministers of life. We are called, correctly, truly, ministers of Christ. But What is Christ?—He "our life, " and " the Author of life." Church Organization. Let us read that beautiful passage in first John: "That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked upon, and our hands have handled, of the Word of life." And that shall be all true of you and me to-day. True, John spoke of the time when they looked upon Him in the flesh; but John did not stop with that. John looked upon Jesus Christ in the Spirit after He had left the flesh and gone to heaven. And it belongs to you and me to-day to look upon Jesus Christ, to behold Him with our eyes as He is to-day at the right hand of God, to give repentance, remission of sins, to shed forth life to the dead. "Which we have looked upon, and our hands have handled, of the Word of life; (for the Life was manifested, and we have seen it, and bear witness, and show unto .you that eternal life, which was with the Father, and was manifested unto us;) that which we- have seen and heard declare we unto you,, that ye also may have fellowship with us: and truly our fellowship is with the Father., and with his Son Jesus Christ." Who is He? — The life. When we are min- isters of Christ, we are only the ministers of that endless life, "that eternal life." Oh, (Jhurch Organization. 18 then, how can I be a minister of the life of Christ, a minister of the life of God, when my ministry is as continuous as my life, unless I am connected with that fountain of life, so that that eternal life is my life? Only thus can I become a minister of life; and this is life eternal, you all know, "that they might know Thee, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom Thou hast sent." Do "you see your calling, brethren"? We are ministers of Christ, and in that are minis- ters of eternal life to the dead. What a calling! and what a height there is to the calling! Brethren, let us ask God to lift us up to the height of it; and there let us dwell. There let us remain, never asking to come down. There at that height let us abide, looking into His face, drawing from Him the life, the light, the glory, that perfects saints, and makes efficient the ministry of the gospel. That is the great thing. Each of those steps we must take, or the next one can not follow. Then I beg again, I pray again, that the Lord, in the abundance of His grace, may so impress it upon each soul, that we have not found our true attitude in the Christian life until we know that there is flowing con- stantly to us from the throne, the stream of 17 Church Organization. life that shall cause us truly to live; and shall make us the channel of life to the dead. "For the building up of the body of Christ," the church of God. First, the per- fecting of the saints; then the work of the ministry; then the building up of the church. The church needs building up! That is why God calls for reorganization. Then let us recognize that he has set before us that true standard,—nothing short of the perfecting and the perfection of - the saints, then the true height of the ministry of the gospel, the ministry of Christ. Ministry Embraces All. Now just a word or two before I leave that finally,—that this ministry takes in all: " As every man hath received the gift, even so minister the same one to another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God." Whosoever has received the grace of God has received in that the gift of the ministry of that grace, the ministry of Christ, the min- istry of the gospel. The fifth chapter of 2 Corinthians states that God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto himself, and that he hath committed unto us the ministry of reconciliation. Who- soever find" reconciliation, the reconciliation Church Organization. 13 of God in Christ, in that finds the ministry of that same reconciliation to those who have not found it. So the ministry, this ministry, i is universal. But, brethren, unless we who are called to the preaching ministry; appre- ciate what that ministry is, how can those to whom we preach ever appreciate it? And this is all given, "till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowl- edge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man." A perfect man. How many of us?—Till we all. Put the two together. Unto every one of us is given grace according to the measure of the gift of Christ, till we all come to per- fect men. Thank the Lord! "Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ." Next, the blessed reward that comes upon that: " That we be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cun- ning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive." Brethren, God has that for us that shall, make us stable. God has that for us that shall make us, in the truth,—in right- eousness, and in the principles of righteous- ness,—as firm as the Rock of Ages himself. 18 Church Organization. Organization From the Head. More. Read in that verse again and the next one with it (Eph. 4:14, 15): "That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to de- ceive; but speaking the truth in love, may grow up into him in all things, which is the Head, even Christ." Here is true reorganization, and there is no other: "Speaking the truth in love, may grow up into him in all things, which is the Head, even Christ, from whom the tohole body fitly joined together and compacted by that which every joint supplieth, according to the effectual working in the measure of every part, maketh increase of the body unto the edifying of itself in love." There, is reorganization; and there is no other way. Any organization that does not come from Jesus Christ is not organization at all: it is only machinery. Note that this organization — this reorgani- zation comes from the HEAD. Organization does not come from the members; it comes from the Head. Let me read that again now, and I will read another verse with it. "Speaking the truth in love,"—this body of (Jhurch Organization. 19 Christ,—"speaking the truth in love,— these members,—"may grow up into Him in all things, which is the Head, even Christ:" from whom?—from Christ—"the whole body" — that is, all the members. "The whole body fitly joined together and compacted by that which every joint supplieth, according to the effectual working in the measure of every part,"—this from the Head,— "maketh in- crease of the body unto the edifying of itself in love." Then do you not see that onlj this is organization in the church of Christ? All reorganization must come from Christ himself, through the Spirit of God. He