i Herbert Photos, Inc. George Bernard Shaw, the noted English writer, lost in thought. But he doesn’t *‘think God's thoughts after Him" other expression of life. Business is done on a large scale. It is big volume in a short time that the com- mercialist itches for. Each year new inventions, more up-to-date equipment, are added to turn things out faster. No T1ME To THINK HIS speed mania has affected our thinking. We do not take time to think. As Charles E. Jefferson says: “Our superficiality is the result of the haste in which we live. We have so many inter- esting things to look at that we cannot look at one thing long, not long enough to get under the skin of it. We have so many things to think about, we can- not think about anything more than a minute. We have no time to think a problem through. We have so many places to go that we are always on the rush. We flit from place to place and dabble in this and that and get a smattering of a hundred different kinds of knowledge, but come to know nothing well.”— “Cardinal Ideas of Jeremiah,” page 138. With this speed of life has come the pressure of the cares of life. Our social and economic conditions have become very complex. Men seem to have more to do now than ever before. People used to have time for family worship, for a chat with the home folks, and to visit the neighbors. Today we are always busy — tremendously busy. We have no time to think, no time to stop for anything. When a funeral procession passed by in the days of horse-drawn hearses, lumber wagons, surreys, and buggies, a carriage driving in the opposite direction came to a halt and the occupants waited in respect for the mourning procession to pass by. Today they rush by, in front and across the line. Everybody 1s too busy to stop. There is today a great exodus of the world’s population from the farm to the city. Many farms JULY, 1929 "® are lying vacant, and one farmer is working two or three, while the cities are growing rapidly. This has resulted in bringing the people close together in association. Coupled with this are the many modern ways of travel that make it possible for men to “run to and fro,” as Daniel in vision saw would be charac- teristic of the ‘time of the end.” The people in the rural districts are next- door neighbors to the city by the use of the automobile. The result is mass movement. The small country churches are being abandoned for the large city church. It is mass religious meetings, mass political meetings, and mass social gatherings. It is affecting our thinking. The individuality is being exchanged for the mass movement. A few men are doing the thinking and the great bulk of people are following a few leaders. There are volumes of religious books by great men, and many of them are good; but while they are being perused the Bible is allowed to become dusty and shelf worn. Even many preachers give discourses from printed sermons that have been bought, rather than study the Bible and think through for them- selves the mysteries of redemption as revealed through the Holy Scriptures. Good books are to be read, and we can profit by the fruit of other minds, but the tendency is to substitute this for real thinking on the part of the individual. Mass RELIGION / | ‘HE religious world is moving in a mass. There is talk of combining great organizations. Denom- inations are losing their distinctive teachings and amalgamating. Unity is to be desired, but not at the price of truth. It is better to be in a small crowd and be right than in a large crowd and be wrong. The Bible tells us that the mass are going to destruc- tion; it is the few who think and study for them- selves who shall reap eternal life. ‘“‘Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.” Matthew 7:13, 14. The Lord said to Israel: “The Lord did not set His love upon you, nor choose you, because ye were more in number than any people; for ye were the fewest of all people.” Deuteronomy 7:7. It is better for an individual to feel as did Elijah when he said, “I only am left, and they seek my life,” and have the satisfaction of knowing that he is on the Lord's side, than for him to move in the way of the millions and to travel the way of sin, which leads to eternal damnation. (Continued on page 34) PAGE ELEVEN