GENERAL CONFERENCE 27 Voice of Prophecy, The A Corporation Washington, D.C. Incorporated 1942 Office Address: 6840 Eastern Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20012. Telephone: (202} 723- 0800. Board of Directors: F. W. Wernick, Chairman; Neal C. Wilson, Ist Vice-Chairman; Cree Sandefur, 2nd Vice-Chair- man; R. R. Frame, 3rd Vice-Chairman; Daniel R. Guild, Secretary; Glen L. Bobst Jr., Treasurer; L. B. Baker, R. R. Bietz, C. E. Bradford, Harold L. Calkins, K. H. Emmerson, Vernon W. Foster, John Hancock, D. N. Hartman, M. Carol Het- zell, Naomi Jabola, Eldyn Karr, N. J. Matiko, Milton Peverini, H. M.S. Richards Jr., E. K. Walter. Administration: President, F. W. Wernick. 1st Vice-President, Glen L. Bobst Jr. 2nd Vice-President, H. M. S. Richards Jr. Secretary, Daniel R. Guild. Assistant Secretary, Loree Dunn. Treasurer, Glen L. Bobst Jr. Assistant Treasurer, M. E. Kemmerer, Assistant Treasurer, Byron L. Schueneman. Note: This is a legal corporation. Any matter per- taining to the operation of the Voice of Prophecy should be referred to the above organization. TRANSPORTATION SERVICE Established 1923 Office Address: 6840 Eastern Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20012. Telephone: (202) 723- 0800. Administration: Superintendent, W. L. Pascoe. Residence Tele- phone: (301) 431-1098. Associate Superintendents, K. H. Emmerson, M. E. Kemmerer. Assistant Superintendent and Office Manager, Karsten Aasheim. Residence Telephone: (301) 469-6849. Eastern Transportation Office: 39-05 Crescent - Street, Long Island City, New York 11101. Tele- phone: (212) 361-3175. Marvin |]. Robinson, Manager. P. T. Reyes, Assistant Manager. Residence Tele- phone: (212) 937-6015. Cable Address: “Adventists,” New York. Consign all freight shipments clearly marked as follows: (Name of owner or consignee), c/o 5.D.A. Mission Board Transportation Service, 39-05 Crescent Street, Long Island City, New Yark 11101. For: (Name of owner ar consignee, and final destination overseas). All mail, bills of lading, and shipping notices should be sent to 39-05 Crescent Street, Long Island City, New York 11101. Washington, D.C. Transportation Office (for ship- ment of goods): 6840 Eastern Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20012. Telephone: (202) 723- 0800. Neil W. Litchfield, Manager. Residence Tele- phone: (301) 434-7574, Cable Address: “Adventist,” Washington, D.C. Consign all outgoing freight shipments clearly marked as follows: (Name of owner or consig- nee, Name of country), c/o 5.D.A. Mission Board Transportation Service, 6840 Eastern Ave- nue, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20012. All mail, bills of lading, and shipping notices should be sent to 6840 Eastern Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20012. Shipments from overseas should be sent via port of Baltimore, Maryland. Western Transportation Office: 2801 Jennings Street, San Francisco, California 94124. Tele- phone: (415) 822-5600. O. Kenneth Schelier, Manager. Residence Tele- phone: (415) 871-4040. ‘ James |. Costa, Assistant Manager. Residence Telephone: (415) 489-5715. Cable Address: “Adventist,” San Francisco. Consign all freight shipments clearly marked as follows: (Name of owner or consignee), c/o S5.D.A. Mission Board Transportation Service, 2801 Jennings Street, San Francisco, California 94124. For: fame of owner or consignee, and final destination overseas). All mail, bills of lading, and shipping notices should be sent to 2801 Jennings Street, San Francisco, California 94124, Other Agents: Unless otherwise designated, the treasurers of divisions outside of North Amer- ica, and of union conferences within Narth America, are transportation agents for their re- spective territories. Within each division the union treasurers usually serve as assistant trans- ortation agents. For details see the division istings in this Yearbook. TRUST SERVICES Organized 1968 Office Address: 6840 Eastern Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20012. Administration: Director, A. C. McKee. Associate Director, G, Tom Carter. World Advisory Committee: General Conference Director of Trust Services and Associate Director; Division Directors of Trust Services. Other Members: D. D. Dennis, K. H. Emmer- son, A. Edwin Gibb, Warren L. Johns, R. E. Oshorn, W. M. Starks. North American Advisory Committee: General Conference Director of Trust Services and Associate Director; North American Union Directors of Trust Services; North American Union Association Treasurers. Other Members: D. D. Dennis, K. H. Emmer- son, A. Edwin Gibb, Daniel R. Guild, K. E. Hill, Richard James, Warren L. Johns, ). C. Kozel, W. R. Lawson, Frank McMillan, R. E. Osborn, R. ). Radcliffe, W. M. Starks, E. M. Stiles, W. |. Unterseher, J. A. Washington. WHITE ESTATE, ELLEN G. INCORPORATED Established 1915 (An organization formed in harmony with the trust created in the will of the late Ellen G. White, to act as her agent in the custody of her writings, and in the promotion of their continued publica- tion in all lands.) Office Address: 6840 Eastern Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20012. Board of Trustees: W. P. Bradley, Chairman; D. A. Delafield, W. Duncan Eva, C. D. Henri, W. G. C. Murdoch, M. 5. Nigri, A. L. White, Bruce M. Wickwire, Neal C. Wilson, Kenneth H. Wood, Jean Zurcher. Administration: President, W. P. Bradley.