hl VERBS, Pr8co, wees dre. act,” PrBcory —— ati. dep. - ROE ens * Prd Spitio, ivi tum, ape: act, t0.8rink 10 one. a x ivi, Tum, ire.peut.. to Uehy to tickle. . * Palle, paallh —illee. ‘neut. Zo sng, to Hoya tune. Pressus, a, pit dressed adj. compact, short, pithy. Presse. ady.’ briefly; closely, in few words, Pressdrius, a, um. pertaining to pressing. Presso, are. freq. To press hard, to squeeze, 0 load. Prélum, i. 2. (qu. premulum.) a.press for ens grapes or fruits, any pressing machine such a clothiers and paper- makers use. . Apprimbd! to press close to, to squeeze hard, : (under. Comptimo. to press together: to keep close, to curb, or keep Compressioy.nis. £ a ueezing, aclose embrace, an’ abridging. : Compressiunciila,sz. f. dim. a gentle squeezing or crashing. Compregsu. abl. m. a pressing close, aravishihg. = Compredsar, 3ris. m1. 4 deflourerorgavisher. = €ompresse. adv. briefly, compactly; closely, in few words. Dprimo. to bear OF press down, to sink. - Depressio, Onis. f. a pressing down. - fexpress Baptimo. to pressor squeeze out, to pourtray or draw out, to Expresse. adv. aptly, to the purpose, to the li » expressly. * Imprimo. to: thrust amprint, to engrave. TImpressio, Onis. f. Timpression, ‘on assault or onset in battle. Interprémo, et Interprimo. to stdp or close in. - Perprimo. to press down veryshard, to urge, to impor” Opprio. torprifss down, tb erish; to oppress. - AE ‘Oppressio, dnis. f. oppression, extortion, ‘Violence. ‘Oppressimiciila, sx. dim. a little pressing, Qppressor, dris. m.-a crusher; an oppressor, a curber. Reprimo. tprheld injte snub or check, to repress. Repressio, Onis. XS a: ‘répresiing.. \ — “Repressor, bris. m. a réstrainer, a ourber. - | : Supprimo. to- Buin ‘unddr, teiputa;stap td, to suppress. Me 8uppréssio, dnis. £- a duppresting, & Respect: ao Pass. 1. & Wooer.or suitor: - aR En + Procax, acis. adj. saucy, pert, wanton. ~~ - -% Acltas, atis. fi sauéiness, Wantoneds, dnollery. kBedeiter., adv. malapert] od nd Réciprcus, a, um. oing - Puckward and: Forward, hing and Mowing, reciprocal; mutnal. Béciprico, are. act.” To- fetch back from the same place from’ - whenee itwame, to draw forward wd - baskward, to return, back, to ebb and flow 8 the Seg: (oe : gc récatio; Ouigyed ac el i m . apsal ‘hymna - Peatmista, %. m. a ps fist, or composer of pbs or hymns. & - bo ask ely, #9 wee, to oat: : ge ~ “to cle wh Cord 5, x. o Fringes oasis poo ’ um, i. m. a harp or psaltery ; + ahioy the ie or Ps: %; M. a singing-man; an‘of ey [ofp Day a y &. 1. x sngiogowoman, Bingeal tis: adj. bashful, modest. >) Cad nter. adv basbfully. -* © Loam" | #tbundus, ay um. bashful, modest; shamefal. Lo dor, 8ris. m. modesty, chastity, virgiaity, cE dicus, a, um. chaste, modest. Bdicd adv. chastely, honestly, : citia, =.{ © 7s 18 mipiidicus; a, um. unthaste, le dre adv. unchastely, lewdly, modestly. - #mpiidicitia, z.f. unchasteness.. - 6 i Jmplidens, tis. ‘adj. shameless; rude; impudent: er 2 Impiidenter. adv. impudently.: » = ox we 0 fidentia, =. f shamelessniess, impudenee, : Hideo, ui, — Ere. neut. To be ashamed: a1 ‘Depiidet. imp. it is-pnst shame. : Disptidet. imp: it is ashamed of. Mc Subpiidet. it is some shame. + ¢ 3! noe Prépiididsus, a, um. shameful or chamlen: Lo “Prd ropldium, i n, disgrace; shame, dishonor: didsus, a, am. SE anclatoun; t bo divorced, - wig s plidium, i. n: g divorce; or putting aviy. of one’s wife! HEpiidio, are. pct To: divoree, or put away, to reject; Hous Rapido, nis: £- & ejecting; a y netio, nis. £ Puncie, o. . 2 o Ronctu, Apiting a . Fo 3 IATL dgianciilug, 1. m. a little or short diggs Compungo, compunxi; compurictum; Eve. jct. pity... Compunchip, nis: f. ‘prioking pai what is isrittenb ¥-puttings fof r set 0 exits or batinee Bpungo. to erosy: 1 0 With tweezers, : Ih