4 PACIFIC UNION RECORDER A new book, entitled, Home and Health," made up ready for electrotyping. nearly all set, and 320 prges Christian Kdueation Reader No, 3. S00 nearly all set, and 1500 pages pages, made up, Christian Bdueation Reader Noo a, 900 pages, nearly all vor. A new book entitled, + Making Home Peaceful,’ 232 pages. Spanish Coming King,” 332 pages, all set and mecde up. Spanish Gospel Primer,” 128 pages, nearly finished. Our Saviour, IN finished. Spanish to Christ pages, nearly We have in plates, ready to be printed, the following: Bible Nature Study, 212 pages; timony Vol. 1, 724 Testimony Vol. 2, 736 Vol, 3. HU4 pages; Testimony Volo 4, 678 pages. Within a few printing a 16,000 edition of “Great Cone Tes Pages; pages; Testimony dvs we shall begin plates are al 20,000 [lectrotype ready in Also, a of *¢ Heralds of the Morning" in troversy.’’ hand. edition ling lish. In addition to the work in hand and hooks printed here at the home office, as mentioned above, we have issued the tol lowing hooks from eastern publishing houses, 13.000 “Heralds of the and 7,000 copies of Ct Grent copres of Morning, Controversy, printed and bound Kansas City, 3.000 C¢Steps to Christ” in Spanish, printed at Nashville, Tenn. by the South: crn Publishing Company. The International Publishing Associa tion at College View, Nebo has in hand the following. Typesetting and making of electrotype plates of +“ ileralds of the Morning’ in the Swedish language, and “Christ Our Saviour in German, Danish, and Swed: ish. We wanted them to set the type and make electrotype plates of Heralds of Danish, the Morning’ in German and but they were so crowded with other work that they could not get them out in time to meet the demand, so we are going to undertake this work here at the home office. Spanish Publications We have asked of issuing publications in been to take charge the Spanish Linguage in this country, and now have in hand the tollowing books: Our Nao Ning, "Christ Coming viour, T ttGospel Primer,” and negotia- tions ave pending for issuing New Tes: Primer’ School Text Books tament in Spanish. We have also taken the responsthility of issue text books tor our chureh schools and colleges, and 0 graded series of readers 1s now in hand, Three of the readers are ready for delivery, and others will follow soon. These hooks have received the highest commendation from our leading educators, and we think they ol will prove a great blessing to our schools, Cost of Material You are well aware that the price of almost every commodity has advanced very materially during the past vear, and we want to call vour attention to the faet that it ix just the same with all material which enters into the making of a book. Yaper, binders’ material, ete. have ad vaneed from fifty to one hundred per going up. We ar-loadd cent, and prices ave still cian hot secure a quotation on a of paper which will hold good tor more than forty-eight hours, Seeing this condition of things, other publishers have been foreed to raise the prices of their publications, and we are warranted ino doing the same. It is our purpose to place the retail price of all new books that we issue at a figure where there will be some profit to all parties