man church, oc bamtly, wre planning to attend. = will help you, EASTERN CANADIAN MESSENGER Eastern Canadian Messenger Ep os Sab A ] CERTAIN TM TET VATE ATTRA i ay PE RE NCEE AERA Alvi ES TET A Unie, Yond FOAL Taypmiiuiorr - Foe Fraverd oe goon chin pont iaon V'pdames, fll emits: ow veer 1 fed y antes Jere, po owenbd verarn, He prayed ator dy but has Saris woh corre befvre Bion aad Fie weiss Feed Ta Toot that he bad sooned against the Finty Spivid, ard Uhais hepsi drsennragidl, The woiter, not snowing this, Felt the nesesgaers that, an oa certain might, hie would presch popraszod one day, to advertise throneh ni the “in HEGRE {iae oly Spied, The Wathen Fat yy the advertisement pnd cane, with his companion, 1o the Fos Gecbined at the time, but a lew weeks Tatar, after service. He du nat suv oanythene to me abhanl he veturoned Team a trip to the Stales, 1 Dournd him tn his home, and be opened his heave to me, tolling me thal the Lord hud apswerad his prayer, by : rerling me here, snd be immediately bewan ta keep the Sabbath and pay his tithe, whoelt is very sub Yestraday he placed 5105.00 tithe from his wile having statin, himself and wile in wy hands, sine talien hold of nthe Sabbath, Brother Paquette bas labored tor his brother in Montreal, who has ine return decided to obey God atl keep his commandments and thos leave the Ilo- Sarely the Lovl works 1m mysterious wnvs, his wonders to perform, We, as a Conference, are soon to meet ut carp. meeting, Several from Quebieo City besides our own v Will you be there to moet them? Mh Sprit of Prophecy bas the following to say ahulih campnieetings: “Iris important that the members of oar churches should attend our campucetings ©. Strengthen the meetings all you possibly ean by be. tng prosent with vour taonlies. ut forth extra ex. ertion to attend the gathering ol God's people... Brethren and sisters, it wonld be fay better for vou to let your business suffer than to neglect the oppor tunity of hearing the message God has for you Lo . You cannot afford to lose one sach privilege. Vol. VI, pps. is, dt, © In view af the condition of the world now, there is ull the more reason why you should attend the campmeeting this year, Startling developments are taking place in this old world, and God's people should embrace every opportunily to get together for praver and study, It you have not already made plans to attend, begin at once to do so. Work and pray anid the Lord L. F. PASSEROLS, Ontario Conference and Compmesting Notice (ane dr gy Sa IRON] SIME Phraya Sian gl any ami Sr FERUST PES FA Clan Téa SIRT IR: He TEE Su FO Rt Adviniints = nm E Den prnennt Toconor tan wel Le Clr be ve Lis Ley ny. cai] Conierenee psoealiod In A dedi itl Flys Fare: ral Vac beet ae Dialer aol on { {haraeio, dole Ta 1.0 a ERAN rein idee bas vin orotic, raga nee Fhe Beet tevin goo! converte ar ni oo, Fords Jay 18 ul. les i Foe iol fav dae hemes loti hove loee plan Lo conte and settle Tn ob 21 14, ir the connp Elie carpmee lg wo lb Bern the tert ow Thie-day poglt, on Thursday, The opening serve of Fro Soventls Ly Adventist eburel mm this cone Feronee tz ontithed to one delegate Tor sts ovganiration, and slso to one additonal deligate for every dfitiern of its members, Fae vegolnr conference lahorer pnd eel churele elijer precept 1: also enticd ta be contd ns on Joetegate, Tease cliet vonr delegates md sem thierry names to the conferance secretary so wentplete list con be made in this office hefore the opening of the Conference. Street, Toronto, Ontario H. M. J. RIcHARDS, President. OLIVE L. LEACH, Seeritary, — - a . SE Addreves 11 14a Dulicrin Union Conference Corporation Session Notice istherveby piven that the first meeting of the Bastorn Conawdinn Union Corleone Corporat on of Seventh-day Adventists will convene at Toronto, Ontario, in connection with the annual meeting of the Onto Conference. held July 17, at 9a. A ww board of broastoos, The first meeting will he DHlicers will he elected, nso By-laws will be ndopted, and such other business as may require attention will he The consists 0) wll ministers and workers tn this Union, transaetid. constitueney of this corporation and all delegates (6 the Joes] conferences, AV OLsON, Pres. -~— J— — SN Colporteurs’ Report, Week Ending June 16, 1917 Ontario - Name fhvake Hrs Vabis Helps = Total hel “1 Mastin 7 BL a2 $171 of S15 G0 wisd ol R Libby EE RB 14 a0 200 21 50 A Camphed! BR 43 S200 B32 0 Myron 7 BIL da RR) 71 00 H Martin ile 14 ig? Su 122 40 A Vansickle BY a7 47 80 IRON 5% Th 30 25 P Van Ness BRO11 16 ix) LE Di C Jayee BR 3 52 Hi) fiz a0 LL Hurtin BL 83 30 4 al 54 AO J Coupled] BLIt +4 40 00 a 50 #3 a0 It Walsh BR 83 30 225 33 Th W Duclos BH 10 24 0) 24 hi f14 25 E Lamont BE 2% #1 00 SLY hh Bl & 0p W Vance BR #1 00 fi 40 36 ai Annie Swenson BR O35 000 3 7a HTS Freda ' BR 55 a3 00 a Di} 5 (0 J Benrdy Rit 11 aa 3 ai Total SAG Sud 500 S46 25 $1,011 TH 2140 50 weeks