662 taught by the spirits in modern Spirit- ualism. Thus, even though the churches may be ostensibly hostile to Spiritualism, they are permeated with its ideas. Mrs. Besant, the official head of the Theos- ophists, and Theosophy is Spiritualism in an Oriental garb, said a few weeks ago that she was well pleased with the suc- cess of that movement, that although comparatively few identified themselves outwardly with Theosophy, its ideas are molding thought everywhere, and she in- stanced the New Theology of the western world as an illustration. One remarkable feature of the com- munications is their adaptability to the recipient. They range from vulgar blas- phemy to the most exalted strains of morality. This is explained by the spir- its as being due to the fact that like at- tracts like in intercourse with the spirit world. It" might more truly be ex- plained by the fact that the fallen angels arc adepts in the art of deception, and know how to set their snares for all The cultured and refined will be led on by appeals suited to them, and the al- ready debased are drawn deeper into sin. No communication of a helpful character has ever come from them. The [Vester Christian Advocate lately wrote: © When we ask whether in all the years during which disembodied spirits have purported to speak to us through mediums, any im- portant truth in science, philosophy, or religion has been given us through them, the answer must be: Not one.” Distrust of the Bible is the one point continually urged, together with the innate divine- ness of man as an immortal being. It is to the Bible we must go to learn the outcome of modern Spiritualism. It does not do to get the idea that a certain form of evil is the only one we have to fear. A man may hate the papacy be- cause of the evil it did in past centuries, and yet be identified with it in spirit to- day. So we may be opposed to Spirit- ualism in one form, while we are em- bracing it in another. The devil is cun- ning enough to change his tactics as soon as his plans are uncovered. The Spirit- ualism which the Scriptures recognize as the enemy, they depict as intensely de- ceptive, so we may expect to be tricked by it unless we become so fully identified with truth that we shall perforce recog- nize the evil in its every manifestation. Spiritualism in one guise or another is going to deceive the whole world, and THE WATCHMAN HIS is a term used by medi- cal men to designate a con- dition of self-poisoning due to the failure of the system to eliminate the poisons that are continually being formed in the alimentary tract, or canal. Ordmnarily, the ex- excretory organs of a healthy body take care of these poisons, and they are thrown out, so that the physical health 1s not im- paired. Dut the human system 1s not prepared to resist indefinitely the ctfects of an improper diet. By taking into the stomach food, and by insufficient mastication, the unwholesome articles of formation of poisons in the alimentary tract 1s so much accelerated that instead of being thrown off by the eliminative organs, they are carried into the circula- tion and irritate the nerves and the va- rious organs with which thev come in contact, causing in time serious disease. An eminent physician discourses as fol- lows on the relation of these poisons to disease and premature old age: — “A locomotive, when actively at work, produces poisonous residues in the form of ashes and smoke. The same is true of the human body. So long as these poisons are eliminated as rapidly as pro- duced, the body may continue its work, provided, of course, its activity is not interrupted by external violence. * These poisons are chiefly carried out through the lungs and the kidneys. Some portions escape also through the skin and the intestines. So long as these even the very elect, if that were possible. It is going to triumph by means of its lving wonders, and its victims will be those who receive not the love of the truth that they might be saved. We must know the truth and love it: then we shall always know falsehood and hate it. — Present Truth. —————= AUTOINTOXICATION — Health Purity rie lik f © Happiness \ = "ls Easl important emunctories continue to per- form their duty perfectly, the machinery of life runs on smoothly, without friction, and apparently without wear; but as these doors for the exit of body poisons begin to close, so that the accumulation of the body wastes begins, a deteriora- tion of the living cells of the body is set up which develops gradually, and slowly or rapidly according to the rate at which poisonous wastes accumulate. Most im- portant of all the means of exit for the body poisons are the liver and the kid- nevs. IFailure on the part of these or- gans 1s quickly followed by general de- generacy and death. Macrophages “But accumulation of poisonous wastes, according to Metchnikoff, the bacteriologist of the Pasteur Institute, is not the immediate cause of old age, but only a predisposing condition. The ac- tual degeneracy of the tissues is due to a destruction of the tissue cells by wan- dering cells found in the body and which he describes as macrophages. “These cells move about from place to place, and while the body remains in its normal condition, devote their ener- gies to the destruction of waste particles, organic débris. They, in fact, play the role of scavengers, like the turkey-buz- zards which regularly visit the backvards and allies of tropical cities to consume the daily accumulating refuse. “So long as the macrophages confine themselves to this work, all is well; but when the vigor of the body cells has been reduced by the accumulation of tissue poisons, these scavenger cells attack the living tissues and actually destroy them. ‘L his is one of the remarkable discoveries which Metchnikoff has made in relation to the causes of premature old age. “The practical question which the philosopher asks himeslf is, How may this attack of the macrophages upon the